8/19 Excerpt from "Word Soup: Easy Recipe to Pen! Publish! Profit!"
Once you have your idea for a novel there are other considerations.
Crafting compelling and alluring opening lines is imperative to captivate readers and hold their attention, enticing them to explore further beyond the first page and dive deeper into the narrative. As an exercise I would suggest you go to the local library or bookstore and randomly select a number of novels. Read the first line of each. Which opening do you find the most interesting?
In our classic example is the opening of Pride and Prejudice, “It’s a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.” This sets up what the novel is about in one line. Also we wonder who is making this observation is it the single man looking for a wife or a potential wife on the lookout for a husband.
· You might begin with a character doing something unusual.
o “Susan woke up with a terrible headache the result of a wild night she couldn’t remember.” (Do you want to find out about that wild night?)
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· You might begin with a meaningful personal or historical event.
o “The three alarm fire destroyed the old opera house, abandoned for years but still beloved by the townsfolk.”
· Your novel doesn’t have to be a mystery to open with one.
o “The neighbors stood around watching the old opera house go up in flames, each shaking their head wondering who set it ablaze.”
· Introduce the reader to your story’s world.
o “In a small town a horrific event happened in the past that still hangs over the town.” (What is the event and how does it still affect the town?)
· Introduce a strong narratorial voice.
o In To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout as a child and in flashback as an adult, tells the story of her father, an attorney, who defends a black man accused of rape. Telling the story from Scout’s point of view gives the novel a tenderness it might not have had told in third person. The personality of your hero can drive the story as well as the action.
· Start in the thick of the action perhaps with description and dialogue.
o Perhaps your novel literally starts in the midst of a battle where your hero’s life is in jeopardy. Your reader will surely read on to find out what happens to your hero
What’s in a name? In my opinion a lot. The name you give your characters are important, a name has tone, an essence, a name can conjure all sorts of associations. Does Peter Potter have the same magic as Harry Potter? Marion Morrison changed his name to John Wayne for a reason. Which name sounds more adventurous Alexandria or Mary? You get the point. Spend some time thinking about the names of your characters, especially the main character, try different ones and see how it rolls off the tongue and the imagination.