Adobe Summit: 5 predictions about digital marketing for 2018
Between March 25th and 29th in Las Vegas happened the Adobe Summit 2018. This event is very important for the digital marketing, and many famous people from different areas speeches, giving us ideas for what comes next, showing us the best market tendencies and giving us some pieces of advice on how to create an exceptional customer experience.
So, let's know the best five predictions about digital marketing for this year:
1) Marketing budgets get a windfall as a result of extra tax plan cash flow. What to watch for: advertising growth and as demand outpaces supply, the ad costs for the premium targeted digital media will go up again.
2) Awareness of cryptocurrency paves the way for blockchain-based trusted commerce. What to watch for: Less than 5% of the US population is unaware of bitcoin and cryptocurrency. The sentiment is split evenly but this awareness will pave the way for faster adoption of a blockchain disruptive business.
3) Disconnection from different opinions will create social echo changes that intensify debates and create discourage diversity of thought. What to watch for: If you find yourself inside the echo chamber it'll be increasingly difficult to steer away from negative news.
4) Automation relevels workforce as costumers demands for personalized service increase. What to watch for: Not necessary to automate tasks that aren't routine but not so complicated that human can't handle them.
5) Despite the persistence of dystopian imagery, positive sentiment will hasten adoption of automation. What to watch for: Corporate and Government policy lags the pace of change in technology and new business models.
You can think "Oh, but we're in April, the fourth month of this year and there are people talking about tendency?". Yes, there are so many tendencies for this year that it can become reality or not, but the best thing about it is that even we're finishing our first quarter, there're many opportunities to you and for your enterprise. The future is now and we have to be prepared for that.
Credits: Tamara Gaffney and Ray Wang's lecture, and Edney Souza who shared these information with all his audience on his own Instagram profile.