Africa, Future, Liberty, Water, Energy! spread this good new until total continent awareness...

Africa, Future, Liberty, Water, Energy! spread this good new until total continent awareness...

Egura África Inc., before 2030! 

Hello, we have a huge dream for the Planet and our beloved Africa is key! Radio stations are key to spread this message of Hope and Future, Peace & Liberty! Please share this message among all your associates to set online Interviews, be in english, french o spanish (my portuguese is poor).


God bless US all


 1 giant desalination plant, 30 Has. = 100,000 m3 of water/day - 100 Mwh/day.

1 Egura Park, 70 Has. = 43.208 m3/day + 140 Mwh/day

Invitation for the first Hubs, Clusters, Investors Clubs, Companies, Universities,

Leaders, to get/gain/obtain up to 7% for free* of future shares of all Egura  

New private companies: Americas (Florida based) Europa (NEA EuroRegion),

Asia (Israel), Oceania (Australia), and Africa (Ghana or Egypt).

Why? These entities should achieve more effectively than we alone, the call for 

Further investors, companies, hubs, clusters, and universities, to fund the first Egura 

Parks (assets, land, equipment, etc).

Then, together, the new team should carry out the # MatLab-like trials, followed by

Pilot Trials, and finally the creation of each of the 5 Egura Continental New Private

Companies with shares are offered as well at stock markets using IPOs of similar.

Egura Project, 'is not only water & energy, it is salts, plankton, aquaculture, 

Agriculture, Carbon Bonds, hydrogen, and even oxygen for medicinal purposes.

It is using the already existing networks of SMEs using the #CircularEconomy 

Approaches, thus are recycling glass, polymers, and metals, to fabricate Egura Parts, 

Units, Plants on demand, for clients such as hotels, industries, hospitals, residences,

all parallel business/markets to the main ones: #Water & #Energy, eco-friendly!

We are marine biologists! Ask for our Pitch, WhatsApp +34601312297

Prof. Mikel de Elguezabal, PhD. , 73492846A, @eguraproject, * 'my intellectual property'


Hello, good morning África I am Mikel. Every day I will be sending emails like this to 1 newspaper or news corporation in Africa, to get the interest of readers, and maybe could interest then all African mass media someday.

It is about a project, a new business, a new private company that the people of África could own soon before 2030 I think. I know it is hard to understand me, I am not an English-speaking person, only this level you see, I also speak french, Spanish or basque.

I just want to communicate with your readers, maybe some are entrepreneurs, academic leaders, free citizens of the open society, and liberty lovers like me, and maybe they understand the message: ' a call to investors, clusters (water & energy), scientists, companies, citizens, to 1º try our approaches using software tools; 2º carrying out pilot trials if the theoretical essay is positive; 3º if pilots are great news, to launch IPO's to create the new private continental company Egura África Inc.? Egura is #EasyWater & #EasyEnergy from the oceans and the sun, using very well-known technologies together (thermosolar, solar panels & wind turbines), Egura also would generate optionally: green hydrogen, salts, oxygen, food, and carbon bonds... all in a smart and robust eco-friendly manner.

If the 1º essay does not work, ok, at least we tried. But how to do that, if nobody knows about this real opportunity?

I only ask you, to be part of this story. You could investigate all about Egura, and me, to corroborate all the info, anytime. Your city could be the future headquarter of this new dream. Thanks

Mikel de Elguezabal

EU ID: 73492846a

+34 601 31 22 97

Below is the message, you can edit it if you want to...


Liberty, Water, Energy, Africa!

Hello, Dear African readers! Merry Christmas from the Basque Country! Today I ask you to help us help the planet from the Homeland of Africa, also Australia, Israel, or the US!

We have a global and ambitious project called @eguraproject which is a smart way to get huge quantities of water in an eco-friendly way (potable, irrigation) and interesting quantities of energy, from de the oceans and the sun, two almost infinite sources, for the good of humankind.

We explain all our 'history' in several posts you could read anytime if you are interested and patient.

Egura is calling free citizens of the Open Society, 'we the people', and also is inviting enterprises, investors, and water & energy clusters to propitiate new private continental companies in the next years. We want to gather powerful teams to lead, theoretical tests of our approaches using software tools like MathLabs, students as we sent a message a few days ago on Twitter to MIT and all university students.

Once is tested, and probably we get good outputs in terms of efficiency and productivity, we, the new team, can go for Pilot trials at different scales with academics, engineers, and experts.

After Egura Pilots, then we will be ready to launch IPOs at regional stock markets to fund the initial steps and acquire the key assets (lands, equipment, etc.)

All these steps are to get, for example, Egura Americas' new private company, US-based (Florida, Georgia, Texas, California, NY?), at the same time, the same Egura Continental Strategy we are proposing at Israel (Egura Asia), Egypt** (Egura Africa), Baztán, NEA EuroRegion (Egura Europa), and Australia (Egura Oceania).

I am ready to lead this call, this strategy, for decades, until is achieved, and done. It is for freedom, for liberty, for the good of all of us, it is to capitalize on the knowledge, serving our neighbors, and our loved ones.

Sincerely yours, thanks for starting to share this good news these days of hope

Prof. Mikel de Elguezabal Méndez-Rodulfo, PhD., Biologist, Ecologist, Oceanographer.

EU ID: 73492846a

Ven ID: 13773219v

WhatsApp: +34 601312297

December, 21/12/22

LEA Civil Assoc. Foundation,

 Uharte, Nafarroa, 31620

'only 3 Projects'




** the future headquarters of Egura Africa Inc. could be in Egypt, or, Ghana, South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Cameroon, Marroc, Tunis, etc. let's see where there is a good interest?! academies, water & energy clusters, investors clubs, companies, citizens, and mass media leaders, all together!

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