Anger : Handling a Powerful emotion in a Healthy way
Anger is actually controllable and mostly avoidable. The first step in "Anger Control" is to press the pause button in YOU; ie, back down momentarily. Let that moment pass - start "Deep" breathing.
You will feel mush better and also in control. Actually all this only requires a few seconds in time clock. It is much less in your "mind & body" clock.
Conquering "Anger" will make you a Master and Giver in the Temple of Life. Always remember that "Anger" is the biggest enemy in your life.
"He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that rules his spirit than he that takes a city" - King Solomon. Anger is destructive and is a destroyer of destinies. Many people have lost jobs, relationships and opportunities, all because of anger. Also, some people are in prison, wasting their fruitful years simply because they could not control their anger. Anger is an emotion that must be controlled before it causes unimaginable harm.
Anger stems from selfishness, lack of wisdom and understanding. A man of wisdom and understanding will control his anger and overlook certain wrongs done to him.
Does it mean we are never to be angry? I will say NO, because there are times for us to be angry, for instance, you need to be angry enough when things are not working well to force yourself to take steps to change the situation. The question is what do you do when you are angry? Also how long does it linger? Remember "Be ye angry and sin not; let not the sun go down upon your wrath".
Tips I practise to control Anger before it controls me:-
- Take a vow not to be easily angered- forgive easily.
- Don't let your perception guide you, take a deep breath & think of the scenario which led to current situation. Balanced thinking takes prejudice away and rationality appear ie, things are not always Black & White but there are large shades of Grey too.
- Man is known by the company he keeps - Avoid hot-tempered acquaintances because Evil communications corrupt good manners.
- Words have a way to get etched in our memories - Watch your words because the vocabulary one uses will decide the future course of action, many a battles were lost due to bruised egos than the physical damaged caused by the invading armies.
- Walk away - This is not a sign of weakness but of strength and great wisdom. When you sense anger building up within you, you need to just walk away from the scene or person. That moment is not the right time to say or do anything. Anger stirs up strife and develops problems that could have been easily avoided.
- Sleep over it - My all time favourite; looking for divine intervention my friend the best option is to sleep over it, if you can. I bet when you wake up the next day you view the same situation through a different prism, if one is candid about it you may chuckle on your own misgivings and during the morning shower enjoy a hearty laugh too.
- Never ever give up, how hard it may appear and for your own sake don't be angry with yourself. If in the process of learning to control your anger you miss it, don't tear yourself apart. Every success story had failures to fight with on the way. So, learn from your mistake and be determined to overcome next time.
Remember many success stories were cut short merely because of anger. The future is bright, great and colourful and nothing should be allowed to destroy it, especially "ANGER".
IT Business Delivery Leadership, Application Support Leader, Transforming Large Scale AMS to drive innovations
6yMy two cents, anger is a natural emotion like love, joy etc. with which we are born. E.g.; small kid plays with a toy and if we want s/he to stop, may manifest subtle anger. Through meditation one can control, when the attention is enlightened one can see other subtle (d)angers within!