#ProgressByInnovation at its best.
The official motto of UNIDO still remains in the Organization's website logo. Recently, more and more posts on UNIDO social media accounts, including the LinkedIn ones, omit the #ProgressByInnovation hashtag. A life-cycle of any promotional campaign is usually short, but corporate culture, identity, long term achievements, tangible results survive many promotional (some say propaganda) disruptive innovations and concepts.
“… the birds disappear – their flight remains … птиците исчезнуваат – летот им останува …“
This blog article is inspired by a poem of Ante Popovski a renowned Macedonian poet. In his poem "The Master and the Bridge" the poet tells about the master who rejoices a view of the just completed bridge: "It is beautiful like a bird". The master quickly corrects himself: “… it is beautiful - like a bird’s flight: the birds disappear – their flight remains …”
UNIDO was established as a #UN programme in 1966 with headquarters in Vienna, Austria, and became a specialized agency of the United Nations in 1985. The Organization has been an honest broker of its mandate for 58 years now; first under leadership of 2 Executive-Directors, and then 6 Director-Generals. All of them promised a paradigm shift that would allow to turn threats into opportunities and to exploit UNIDO comparative advantages, didn't they?
UNIDO’s enthusiasts know very well what follows the farewell party for a senior official. Programmatic, conceptual, and organizational cornerstones are allowed to be discussed more openly. Things previously considered eternal slowly dissipate. Questions are bravely asked.
With no intention of ranking, yet obviously in a subjective way, this blog article presents ongoing "The Best of the Best" of UNIDO in 2024, while celebrating / reflecting upon the Organization's decades long contributions to positive global changes that the world still needs now.
According to Gerd Müller, UNIDO has a unique mandate: it is the only international organization to have industrial development and the pursuit of Sustainable Development Goal 9 at its core.
Many beautiful bridges await to be built, indeed. Good maintenance of the ones already constructed could be equally important.
Keep smiling and check for upcoming updates 😀 !
October 2024
The UNIDO's Bridge for Cities undoubtedly belongs to the most innovative and thriving projects the UN system organizations initiated in the last decade. Originally conceptualized as a series of annual events the project has evolved into all year-round activity “to encourage municipal officials and development stakeholders to scale up their engagement in inclusive and sustainable urban and industrial development initiatives." The project has amongst others established an online knowledge depository where substantive initiatives and best practices of participating cities and businesses are systematized for effective knowledge sharing. ▶️
The 2023 edition of UNIDO's #BridgeforCities was a tremendous success again, demonstrating how innovation can drive climate action and create more sustainable, resilient, and livable cities.▶️
The 2024 edition of #UNIDO evergreen and yet future oriented event comes on 9th to 11th October, showcasing "Innovative Solutions for the Cities of Tomorrow". ▶️
Free and user friendly registration for the 2024 event ▶️
The latest #BridgeForCities news on X ▶️
City of Vienna AIG Institute for Future Cities C40 Cities UN-Habitat (United Nations Human Settlements Programme) Eurocities AIG Impact Hub Vienna AIESEC
Graph ©️ Bridge for Cities
July 2024
#ProgressByInnovation at its best : What happens when two of the best UNIDO Teams work together and the third (also of the best) facilitates?
1. Actually, all good things happen when ONUDI Cono Sur and The Global Programme for Hydrogen in Industry teams write articles, implement projects, and jointly cooperate not only for excellent publications at All good things for Member States, beneficiaries, the Organization itself, and last but not least for donors who get more than expected value for their money.
2. On the other hand, this level of achievements may causes a trouble for the UNIDO Leadership, prompting a revision of the UNIDO's evaluation scale, and adding the "superb achievements" level. Perhaps, a term borrowed from sport will do i.e. GOAT - El mejor de todos los tiempos / The Greatest of All Time !
3. The Regional Office of UNIDO in #Uruguay has set the highest standards of its own in recent years, both by supporting important portfolio of technical cooperation projects and contributing to the Organization normative role and expertise. Many UNIDO flagship projects in circular economy, renewable energy and those related to climate change implemented in the region attract interest, among others, from eager to cooperate EU countries' delegations. An exemplary program supported by the Office Uruguay Circular Awards / Premio Uruguay Circular competition is well-reputed globally.
4. As #COP29,the United Nations Climate Change conference comes closer at closer, hopefully the two teams will play an importnat role in UNIDO presentation in Azerbaijan, in November 2024. Especially, having in mind so innovative and extremely successful program implemented at #COP28 with excellent contributions of The Global Programme for Hydrogen in Industry communications team. The route from Montevideo via Vienna to Baku looks very prospective indeed. Congratulations for excellent publication .. and all other things to both Teams and the team leaders : Petra Schwager and Manuel Albaladejo ! And to successful people of UNIDO IAP as well.
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June 2024
#ProgressByInnovation at its best: For years, UNIDO's Wacomp Wacqip programme has demonstrated how properly designed, smartly-supervised, professionally managed and dutifully implemented development projects bring excellent tangible results.
1. A major factor of success of this extraordinary #UNIDO_EU programme is how comprehensive development goals have been impeccably translated into precisely focused activities and actions of devoted national teams at the "grassroots level", providing necessary impact on policies at national and regional level, and last but not least returning the best value for Donors' money. All at the same time. Indeed, #UNIDO implemented WACOMP/WACQIP programme should be included as a perfect example in all technical cooperation manuals and courses.▶️
2. WACOMP has been funded through a EURO 120 million contribution from the Regional Indicative Programme (RIP) for West Africa (2014 – 2020) under the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) of the European Union.
3. " UNIDO has been entrusted by the European Union (EU) as implementing partner of the EU-funded West Africa Competitiveness Programme (WACOMP) for eight project components, of which one regional, the West Africa Competitiveness and Quality Infrastructure Project (WACQIP), and seven national covering Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Sierra Leone, The Gambia, Cabo Verde and Senegal. With a portfolio of 31 million euro, UNIDO is one of the main implementing agencies of the WACOMP and is working to make sure that West African economies are becoming more competitive, dynamic, inclusive and sustainable to meet trends of today and tomorrow and to respond to global challenges such as climate change and epidemics." Check out - most probably the best Knowledge Platform in the entire UN system - for a full dossier, success stories and publications of the WACOMP program. ▶️
Congratulations to All teams, their managers and supervisors!
West Africa Competitiveness Programme (WACOMP)-Ghana West Africa Competitiveness Programme (WACOMP)-Ghana WACOMP - The Gambia WACOMP ECOWAS P2R_WACOMP SENEGAL ECOWAS Commission UNIDO Trends in Industrial Development and Statistics European Union Delegation to the Federal Republic of Nigeria and ECOWAS UNIDO Brussels Office
Photo ©️WACOMP Ghana
April 2024/3
#ProgressByInnovation at its best: In UNIDO, the woman-led Regional Bureau for Europe and Central Asia reinvigorates cooperation models, builds new partnerships and fosters inclusive and sustainable industrial development in the region and beyond.
1. The scope of the Bureau's success story has to be especially appreciated in the context of tectonic geopolitical and economic changes since beginning of 1990s, when over 20 countries have regained their sovereignty and independence. The aggression against Ukraine and some still simmering bilateral conflicts generate serious challenges on a way to stability and peaceful cooperation.
2. An yet, the UNIDO activities in the region are expanding dynamically as new development programmes in #QualityInfrastructure, #CircularEconomy, #GreenEnergy, #JobCreation and #Innovation, just to mention a few on the diversified palette, flourish from Kyrgyzstan to Slovenia, from Albania and Serbia to Armenia, to Azerbaijan, to Ukraine. The Bureau has become a perfect enabler, the development partnerships' champion for the region, also building bridges with developing world, for instance with Africa.
3. Many countries of the region became EU members (or have a candidate status), some have already assumed promotors and donor’s role. The fruitful collaboration between Slovenia and UNIDO serves as a reference point for engagement with new development partners in the region. In June 2024, the second regional conference "Connecting for Development – Innovating for Impact" is convened in Vienna.
4. In Albania, UNIDO helps the country to upgrade its industrial capacities and overcome quality and standards barriers in better access to markets.
5. Romania explores avenues to enhance the cooperation; with the potential for establishment of a UNIDO center for regional cooperation in Bucharest, thus adding new dimension to the Carpathian sub-regional initiative of 7 states.
6. During a preparatory event for #COP29 in Baku, the UNIDO women-led delegation presented needs to address the gaps in the climate finance pledge. “From Good Words to Good Deeds: What Objectives can be set for COP29?” was one of the topics. The parties agreed that UNIDO’s expertise will be an asset to the discussions at COP29.
7. UNIDO plays a vital role in the EU-funded #EU4Environment action, assiting five Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine) to introduce circular economy principles.8. Success stories and tangible results are plentiful, indeed. #EffectiveMultilateralism does work, while an invaluably positive impact of #WomenEmpowerment within UNIDO could be one of the most important lessons learned by the Organization Leadership.
Congratulations to the UNIDO 's Regional Bureau for Europe and Central Asia Team and its Chief Solomiya Omelyan!
Spotlight links 12/24 ▶️ #PortraitsOfProsperity #Multilateralism #SDGs#IndustrialDevelopment #CentralAsia #Europe
Photos ©️UNIDO ( and Facebook)
April 2024/2
#ProgressByInnovation for #Peace: UNIDO's Green Recovery Programme for 🇺🇦 #Ukraine is implemented with the unwavering support by the Organizations' Member States and Donors. ▶️
UNIDO Ukraine The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
April 2024 / 1
When #ItalianExcellence met #ProgressByInnovation ! The success story: UNIDO ITPO Italy Annual Report 2023 presents achievements and diverse activities' highlights. A must-read, truly inspiring report; for all on the #Agenda2030 tracks.
Congratulazioni a tutti ! Congratulations to the Team with Diana Battaggia , the Head !
"The Office is very well-connected with the industrial sector of Italy and the members of the “#Italian system” ... and is always intensifying synergies and strengthening collaborations with relevant stakeholders from the institutional, private and academic sectors of #Italy and developing countries –such as ministries, embassies, regions and municipalities, investment promotion agencies, universities and more – in order to advance public-private partnerships for international cooperation."
The report link ▶️
UNIDO Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale, Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia
Graph ©️ UNIDO ITPO Italy ▶️
March 2024 / 1
#SustainabilityMatters, Italian excellence too.
1. "UNIDO ITPO Italy is boosting #Innovation and #IndustrialTransformation towards #Sustainable economic paradigms in developing countries." ▶️
2. " More specifically, the ITPO Office I run deals with Agricultural Mechanization, Agri-tech and Food Processing, Livestock, Fishery and Food Supply Chain, Packaging, Leather and Fashion, as well as Renewable Energy, Green Technologies, Construction and Waste Management, Water Treatment, Energy Efficiency and Blue Economy." - reveals Diana Battagia, Head at ITPO Italy in the interview for MonacoEcoArt. ▶️
3. "Operating since 1987, UNIDO #ITPOItaly is the Italian Investment and Technology Promotion Office ... devoted to increase the competitiveness of small-and medium-sized enterprises mainly in the developing countries by the mobilization of investments and technology transfer in order to launch industrial collaborations and projects, thus fostering business and international cooperation between the public and private sectors of Italy and those countries. This mainly happens within two industrial sectors of #ItalianExcellence, namely agribusiness and energy and environment. "
#ProgressByInnovation #Italy #Italian #CentreOfExcellence #UNIDO_Italy #UNIDOITPOItaly #SDGs #SDG9 #Agenda2030
Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale Italian Agency for Development Cooperation - Office in Maputo Italian Agency for Development Cooperation - Nairobi Office Italian Agency for Development Cooperation - Amman office
Graph ©️
February 2024 / 2
#ProgressByInnovation at its best: UNIDO achieved 24.91 % nominal growth of technical cooperation delivery in 2023!
1. Historically, this is the highest nominal level of implementation i.e. USD 225.17 M (million) as compared with USD 180.26 M in 2022 and USD 205.79 M in 2017, before global crises and pandemic. In terms of delivery, compared with the pre-crises level #UNIDO has not only fully recovered but increased delivery level by 9.41 %.
2. Good news came today on, updated after annual financial reconciliation, however the official data will only be confirmed when The External Auditor's Report and UNIDO Annual 2023 Report are published in a few months.
3. Financial analysts and accountants have to note that ca. 25% growth is a nominal one. Projection of UNIDO budgets apply the approved re-costing rates, that in turn are based on projected inflation (ECB headline inflation for 2023 was projected at 5.4% in December). It means that "a loaf of bread" UNIDO baked for beneficiaries, in real terms has not actually become 25% bigger in 2023. Again, for final data-based assessment how big in real terms "the loaf" became and how much better value for money UNIDO provided to Member States and Donors in 2023 and in mid-term 2017-2023, one should wait until full financial statements are published to reveal what were changes of technical delivery expenditure structure, for instance a share of travel costs.
4. Addressing time value of money or DCF (discounted cashflow) related issues for 2017 - 2023 would probably need a number of other inputs to be verified. Then we know what are technical cooperation delivery inflation adjusted growth rates, and how good value for money provides UNIDO to Member States and Donors in real terms, time value of money considered.
5. The 2023 success story instantly sets up a challenge, as USD 225.17 million becomes a benchmark for implementation of the growth target of 25% in 2024-2025 biennium.
6. However, without waiting until full financial details come, the UNIDO Director-General can already today invite the Management and all Personnel for a glass of champagne. In nominal or in real terms, the 2023 growth rate is a tremendous success indeed. To be celebrated not only in Vienna, but by all true-believers-in-UNIDO worldwide.
6. Cheers 👍 😊 🥂 ❗
Screenshot ©️
February 2024 / 1
#ProgressByInnovation at its best: Cooperation of well-reputed professionals and authors i.e., from The Global Programme for Hydrogen in Industry by UNIDO hand in hand with International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)and German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), has yielded another milestone #GH2-related publication. A must-read and a must-apply indeed!
It's free to download ▶️
Congratulations to all collaborators for a milestone achievement!
Keep it up The Global Programme for Hydrogen in Industry Team!
#GreenHydrogen #GH2 #CleanEnergy #Hydrogen #FutureEnergy#HydrogenNews #HydrogenEconomy #HydrogenMarket #WIGH Women In Green Hydrogen
Graph ©️
More about it - UNIDO, IRENA and IDOS publication to help developing countries navigate green hydrogen policy
January 2024 / 2
#ProgressByInnovation at its best, supported by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). A portrait of human power of passion and resilience; an 🍏 success story by the UNIDO project in #Pakistan. #PotraitsOfProsperity that inspire, worth billions without billions spent.
#Pakistani Apple Value Chain Data
The PAFAID Project Success Story Data
Highly inspiring! Congratulations to the #Pakistani teacher turned 🍏 "billionaire of resilience", and the #PAFAID project Team. 🍏
Photo ©️
In Pakistan, an inspiring journey from teacher to farmer - the success story.
January 2024 / 1
#AYearInReview2023: The best of the best of UNIDO. 👏 Tangible results count more than ever. In times of cascaded crises, it's so important how donors’ funds are spent. Teams of #UNIDO's Big Three have continued to be equally successful. They do deliver: timely, effectively and efficiently.
🥇 UNIDO ITPO Italy's flagship projects promote investments for expanding the role of the private sector, as well as creating employment opportunities and accelerating economic growth. Its well-focused activities and holistic approach have brought tangible results in so many ways; from innovative technologies transfers, to training on sustainable agro-energy, promotional events, and strengthening industrial zones; just to mention a few.▶️
🥇 The Global Programme for Hydrogen in Industry spearheads worldwide efforts again, connecting dots for hydrogen future. The women-led #GH Team's contribution to making #UNIDO "fit for the future" is vitally importnat indeed. Women have championed the #cleanhydrogen transition programs at UNIDO for many years. From innovative ideas, to well streamlined strategies, and programs implemented with tangible results, plus all-in-one excellent communication/awareness campaigns and events. Congratulations to Petra Schwager and the Team for another year of remarkable achievements. Keep it up !▶️
🥇 Bridge for Cities has continued its success story since 2016. #UNIDOBridge undoubtedly belongs to the most innovative and thriving projects the UN system organizations initiated in the last decade. Originally conceptualized as a series of annual events the project has evolved into all year-round activity “to encourage municipal officials and development stakeholders to scale up their engagement in inclusive and sustainable urban and industrial development initiatives." The 2023 edition of UNIDO's #BridgeforCities was a tremendous success again, demonstrating how innovation can drive climate action and create more sustainable, resilient, and livable cities.▶️
👏 All three programmes, each in its own way, have together spearheaded the Organization drive to (re)establish itself as one of #Agenda2030 leaders, especially by supporting sustainable industrial development that can deliver a world without hunger.
👏 It's so encouraging to see how women in UNIDO continue to demonstrate what #GenderEquality yields every day. Hopefully, the Organization will soon see them not only at tough grind work delivering results and winning uphill battles, but also at its helm. Next nominations in election of UNIDO DG are expected in a year and a half.
👏 "Indeed, today the need for increased international cooperation has become more urgent than ever, and we all must work together to address the most pressing challenges of our world, toward a better future for us and for our future generations to come." – says Diana Battaggia, Head ITPO Italy.
Photos © 3 projects on LinkedIn
Keep smiling attitude. Experienced consultant & trainer.
1yTags: UNIDO Trends in Industrial Development and Statistics UNIDO IAP UNIDO Environment UNIDO Egypt UNIDO Jordan UNIDO PWE in MENA LKDF - Learning and Knowledge Development Facility UNIDO's Industrial Decarbonization Accelerator UNIDO ITPO Germany UNIDO ITPO Nigeria UNIDO ITPO Shanghai UNIDO Global Cleantech Innovation Programme (GCIP) United Nations Industrial Development Organization - Philippine Office (UNIDO) ONUDI Maroc ONUDI Cono Sur ONUDI Maroc West Africa Competitiveness Programme (WACOMP) West Africa Competitiveness Programme (WACOMP)-Ghana UNIDO South Africa UNIDO ITPO Bahrain The Global Programme for Hydrogen in Industry UNIDO/ONUDI (CENTRAL AFRICA SUB-REGION OFFICE/BUREAU SOUS-REGION AFRIQUE CENTRALE) UNIDO Brussels Office G-77 Vienna Chapter ONUDI Colombia Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Auswärtiges Amt (Federal Foreign Office) Germany UNODC International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) African Union Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH African Union World Economic Forum Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Saudi Arabia Ma'aden Saudi Fund for Development Ministry of Economy and Planning - MEPsaudi Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources UN Environment Programme