It's the 65-million-quid question indeed. Will recolonizing of developing world through UNIDO succeed?
Perhaps, the question should be formulated in a different way; from the Organization's Member States perspective. Will the Member States allow the UNIDO Leadership to allow a non-Member State i.e., the United Kingdom Government's institutions and employees to abuse the Organization status? Will UNIDO join ranks of other UN system entities, such as UNOPS or UNRWA, forced to address integrity and impartiality deviations from their by-laws, Constitutions, mandates, in short #UNValues?
On December 12th, 2023 the UK flag was proudly hoisted at UNIDO Innovation Lab's premises furnished at the expense of UNIDO budget / projects financed by Member States and donors other than the UK. The celebration has ostentatiously marked another colonization milestone of the Accelerate-to-Demonstrate (A2D) Facility, with UNIDO DG and personnel wholeheartedly applauding H.E., the UK Ambassador (and themselves ) for "a crucial stride in their shared commitment" to drive "forward clean energy innovations, opening new frontiers for development opportunities for all". Has anybody happily mentioned the financial efficiency of a timely recolonization start-up?
Photo ©️
Hard work must bring good returns, like in times of the British Raj on the Indian subcontinent. All colonial rules and obligations have to be strategically developed and strictly enforced. For quite a long time UNIDO project managers and personnel have assisted H.E. and the UK officers, assuring that every quid is properly accounted for and funds eventually will benefit those who undertake the hardships of recolonization. The first results are already here, for all to see.
UNIDO has generously offered GBP 3.6 million gift to the Accelerate-to-Demonstrate (A2D) Facility project by reducing its standard project support fee from 13% to 7% at expense of UNIDO Operational Budget, to comply with an innovative "A2D parasitism" paradigm, that in turn ignores accounting rules / sunk costs for UNIDO. More than 18% of (up to) GBP 65 million promised will be swallowed by the Secretariat, a gluttonous monster cell established within UNIDO HQs: potentially the best Center of Excellence for #EconomicEspionage ever.
Accelerate to Demonstrate (A2D) Facility Business Case - the GB-GOV-13-0037-CEIF report exposes all conditions the UNIDO management subjected the Organization to.
The #Brexit from UNIDO happened in 2012. Recently, the UK Government has apparently (re)discovered that UNIDO, previously abandoned and even defined as "useless", can be suitably (ab)used for blocking doors open to the South resources in energy transition times. And this seems possible without contributing even a single quid to the UNIDO Regular Budget. Colonization rules have always been clear about cashflows: it's for UNIDO 172 Member States, including the Least Developed Countries, to pay.
The UNIDO Member States - seriously alarmed by the Accelerate-to-Demonstrate project's parasitism on UNIDO - have put on the Policymaking Organs and informal groups’ agendas many issues related to the controversial project, including: a spiderweb of British nationals appointed for strategic and high level positions at UNIDO HQs in Vienna, severe financial consequences of the A2D Facility for #UNIDO budgets, monstrous spendings of the so-called A2D Project Secretariat generously co-financed by UNIDO, lucrative contracts for the UK Government's officers, as well as potential facilitation of #EconomicEspionage through involvement of the A2D project managers, heads, staff and other UNIDO personnel.
Colonization rules have always been clear who governs and divides: more control for the UK officers and appointees less for the UNIDO Member States' representatives, professionals and experts, both at HQs in Vienna and in the field, especially those from developing countries for which the Organization was established to assist.
However, it would be naive to presume all 172 Member States are defenceless. As a very rare case in the UNIDO history, yet in diplomatic gloves, G-77 Vienna Chapter has called upon the UNIDO Leadership accountability. "The Group calls upon the Director General to address this concern and requests the Secretariat to report to the 52nd session of the Industrial Development Board on the implementation of this principle, the achievements made so far and the proposals to improve the current representation of Member States in UNIDO." - the Statement reads.
Statement of the Group of 77 and China during the 20th Session of the UNIDO General Conference, 27 November – 1 December 2023 also raises a critical issue of "different project support costs between Member States and non-Member States and further urges UNIDO to undertake necessary measures to attain full cost recovery, taking into account the budgetary situation of the Organization, to strengthen UNIDO's financial situation."
This LinkedIn blog article is about the programme to be funded by the UK Government, implemented and co-funded in partnership with UNIDO in coming at least 6 years (the original implementation schedule is already delayed). Check for updates, when more public information is available.
The Accelerate-to-Demonstrate (A2D) Facility data of the UNIDO project SAP ID 220 201 is presented by the UNIDO Open Data Platform, including the Clean Energy Innovation Facility (CEIF) - RMB Service Summary Sheet, the project's financial status and other documents.
March 12, 2024
#A2DFacility: Has UNIDO suffered from a curse of Accelerate-to-Demonstrate (A2D) Facility funds abundance?
1. Leaving aside huge controversies related to benefits of a non-Member State of UNIDO, the GBP 65 M (million) project funds are real. Apparently, #UNIDO hasn't been capable yet to implement the project timely, as per agreements signed. In 2023, two Promissory Notes (PNs) were laid by Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (#DESNZ): first GBP 4 M, then 5 M. The next PN is planned for September 2024 with a blockbuster amount of GBP 25 M. Hallelujah!
2. A promissory note gives the beneficiary an absolute assurance that the amount promised will be paid. In accounting terms this is the point at which #DESNZ cedes control of the resources to UNIDO. How good is the UNIDO Leadership in coping with that mountain of cash-inflow? The A2D project profile on reveals that implementation net of 7% support costs has been the following as of March 12th, 2024 (sic!): USD 0.18 M and USD 0.32 M, in 2023 and 2024 respectively. What about stopping group globetrotter travels, and instead starting to walk the talk, namely to work in Vienna on delivering to developing world what the #UK taxpayers have already paid for?
3. Money does tell stories. The A2D cash mountains already shout them out. Echo carries the stories - about the UNIDO #A2D Secretariat, UNIDO Project Managers terms of appointment, their performance and accountability - to innovators’ Valleys of Death. Globally.
4. When Civil War began in 1861, the United States government only minted coins. Wars cost a lot of money, so the 11 states that tried to create a new country, called the Confederate States of America, started to print paper money. In technical terms they were promissory notes not backed by assets; empty promises printed on paper to be paid when the war was to be won. It had never happened, the war was lost; promised fortunes had gone with the wind.
5. Contrary to the confederates “graybacks”, Pound Sterling is a Pound Sterling, is a Pound Sterling, is a Pound Sterling. Are the UNIDO marshal-general and his colonels capable to win a war? The war against hunger, poverty and cascaded global crises that UNIDO DG rants about in his revolutionary speeches, while bringing the Organization closer and closer to the Confederate States of #Müllerism status.
Serious Fraud Office (UK) British Embassy Vienna Department for Science, Innovation and Technology Department for International Development (DFID) UNIDO Environment UNIDO's Industrial Decarbonization AcceleratorThe Global Programme for Hydrogen in Industry UNIDO Global Cleantech Innovation Programme (GCIP) Publish What You Fund Accelerate-to-Demonstrate (A2D) Facility
#ProgressByInnovation #PortraitsOfProsperity #Multilateralism#PublishWhatYouFund #FinancialTransparency #UNRules #CriticalMinerals#CleanHydrogen #GH2 #Hydrogen #SmartEnergy#IndustrialDecarbonization #GCIP #Cleantech #SDG9#AccelerateToDemonstarte #UNValues
Selected links:
A2D Project profile ▶️
UNIDO Leadership ▶️
#DESNZ website and its FOI Act modality ▶️
March 9, 2024
#A2DFacility: The UNIDO's tangle of ménage à trois – an intricate story of business relationships and #UNValues in times of transparency.
Recommended by LinkedIn
1. What does the UNIDO #ProcurementManual AI/2022/02 recommend for ménage à trois or threesome relationships that include suppliers, buyers and reviewed partners? To capitalize on variety of positions and roles.
2. March 7th 2024: The UN Global Marketplace published the UNIDO contract award for KPMG Austria (KPMG Advisory Services GmbH), Provision of Services Related to #CleanHydrogen Market Assessment; with the contract amount USD 315 680.
3. March 5th, 2024: The same announced the contract award for the same KPMG Austria from the same UNIDO A2D project. This time for Provision of Services Related to Cross-Cutting ( #SmartEnergy and #IndustrialDecarbonization ) Market Assessment; with the contract amount USD 327 500.
4. May 8th, 2023: The Global Environment Facility has released Updated Third-Party Review of Agency Compliance with GEF Minimum Standards, prepared by KPMG Finland (KPMG Oy Ab). One of the Agencies reviewed was #UNIDO. The KPMG’s review included meetings and remote interviews with UNIDO representatives as well as a desk review of the self-assessment and supporting evidence documentation, including organizational and project level.
5. October 13th, 2022: A meeting was held between #UNIDO (GLO/MSR, COR/FIN and TCS/DSE), #BEIS and #KPMG. Participants have reached a ménage à trois agreement that KPMG UK “would capitalize on the ongoing assessment of UNIDO undertaken by KPMG Finland; GLO/MSR would act as UNIDO’s focal point and start by sharing the information already submitted to KPMG Finland.“
6. January 5th, 2022: KPMG UK (KPMG LLP) was awarded a contract by Government’s of the UK BEIS for Delivery Partner Review and Due Diligence Assessments of new ODA projects, under the call-off from a framework agreement ; with a total value of contract up to GBP 1.2 million. The GOV.UK Contracts Finder specifies neither actual costs of the UNIDO review nor who might capitalize on knowledge produced.
7. The Department of BEIS has restructured; the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (#DENZ) is UNIDO's partner now.
8. “Money Tells Money Tales” is the LinkedIn blog article on the Accelerate to Demonstrate (#A2D) programme funded by Government of the UK through Ayrton Fund implemented in partnership with UNIDO.
9 . "A Project With A View" is part I of the blog article on A2D. ▶️
UNIDO Procurement Manual AI/2022/02 ▶️
Serious Fraud Office (UK) Department for Energy Security and Net ZeroBritish Embassy Vienna Department for Science, Innovation and TechnologyDepartment for International Development (DFID) UNIDO EnvironmentUNIDO's Industrial Decarbonization Accelerator The Global Programme for Hydrogen in Industry UNIDO Global Cleantech Innovation Programme (GCIP) Publish What You Fund
#ProgressByInnovation #Müllerism #Multilateralism #PublishWhatYouFund#FinancialTransparency #UNRules #CriticalMinerals #CleanHydrogen #GH2#Hydrogen #SmartEnergy #IndustrialDecarbonization #DESNZ #GCIP#Cleantech #SDG9 #A2D #AccelerateToDemonstarte
January 11, 2024
#ProgressByInnovation: UNIDO DG gives the money away !
1. What meme The Pioneer would illustrate a sequel of "King M. seeks the money" with, if they wrote it? Robin Hood lookalike seems unlikely as the Sherwood outlaw had robbed rich and gave away the money to poor. Perhaps, the British Viceroy of India or the Sovereign of Congo, the Belgian King Leopold II could be more appropriate?
2. In 2023, the UNIDO DG both sought the money and was giving it away. To #BuildBackBetter the UK economy he started – with the British Embassy Vienna vital support - a sort of the Aid for UK project or the Marshall Plan for UK, a unique #Neocolonization programme of (and via) UNIDO by a non-Member State, dynamically titled Accelerate to Demonstrate Facility, #A2D in short. UNIDO initially offered very generous gift: at least GBP 3.6 million in-cash disguised as a 46% discount of support costs plus in-kind tributes, for instance premises of the A2D Secretariat at the UN HQs Vienna; potentially the best Center of Excellence for #EconomicEspionage ever.
3. This is no surprise. It does show UNIDO determination in implementing its mandate to promote #Industrialization in the world without #Poverty and #Hunger. In one of his rousing speeches, the DG appealed: “It is an absolute scandal that the ten richest people on earth have as much wealth as another four billion – the poorest of the poor. We don‘t need to be travelling to Mars. “
4. H.E. Ambassador of India, Excellencies representing BRICS+ States and developing world listened to DG’s revolutionary rants during opening of the 50th session of Industrial Development Board (#IDB), one of UNIDO’s Policymaking Organs (PMO).
5. Outer space exploration by #Indian scientists make invaluable contribution to climate change studies, among others. In 2015, the Indian Mars Orbiter #Mangalyaan, studied the Solar Corona on the opposite side of the Sun. In 2023, the Indian lunar lander #Chandrayaan-3 reached the South pole region of the Moon. How unfair! The money could be better used for subsidizing the UK's import of #CriticalMinerals in #EnergyTransition times!
6. Fortunately, UNIDO DG does practice what he preaches. #India’s contribution to #UNIDO regular budget (RB) is increased by 29% in the present biennium, all #BRICS+ states must pay now more than 30% of RB, all medium income and developing countries contribute some 60% of RB. All donors funded projects in developing world are charged much more through the Full Cost Recovery scheme on the top of standard support costs … No mercy, no discounts.
7. If effective neo-colonization is to become one of the UNIDO Vision 2030 success stories, the Member States do need to forget that naive Robin Hood ideology. UNIDO DG will further instruct them in November 2024, during the 52 Session of IDB.
Seven Deadly Sins ▶️
Screenshot in graph ©️
King M. seeks the money - König Müller sucht das Geld, a piece by The Pioneer dated May 16th, 2023.
UNIDO Policymaking Organs - documents, speeches and statements.
Read more about A2D Facility developments in A PROJECT WITH A VIEW that presents facts and faqs asked until January 2024 in part I of the UNIDO (and through UNIDO) recolonization story.
Selected links:
Keep smiling attitude. Experienced consultant & trainer.
11moTags: Accelerate-to-Demonstrate (A2D) Facility UNIDO Trends in Industrial Development and Statistics UNIDO IAP UNIDO Small Hydropower UNIDO Egypt UNIDO Jordan UNIDO PWE in MENA LKDF - Learning and Knowledge Development Facility UNIDO's Industrial Decarbonization Accelerator UNIDO ITPO Germany UNIDO ITPO Nigeria UNIDO ITPO Shanghai UNIDO Global Cleantech Innovation Programme (GCIP) United Nations Industrial Development Organization - Philippine Office (UNIDO) ONUDI Maroc ONUDI Cono Sur ONUDI Maroc West Africa Competitiveness Programme (WACOMP) West Africa Competitiveness Programme (WACOMP)-Ghana UNIDO South Africa UNIDO ITPO Bahrain The Global Programme for Hydrogen in Industry UNIDO/ONUDI (CENTRAL AFRICA SUB-REGION OFFICE/BUREAU SOUS-REGION AFRIQUE CENTRALE) UNIDO Brussels Office G-77 Vienna Chapter ONUDI Colombia Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Auswärtiges Amt (Federal Foreign Office) Germany UNODC International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) African Union Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH African Union World Economic Forum UN Environment Programme #UNIDO2023