Brainwashing 2.0: How ChatGPT Got Me Moving My Butt

Brainwashing 2.0: How ChatGPT Got Me Moving My Butt

Yesterday morning, dear LinkedIn community, I experienced a special kind of adventure – a showdown with ChatGPT that was supposed to catapult me out of bed. Yes, you heard right! Me, Kai, in an epic duel with AI, trying to outsmart my inner sloth. Sounds like a plot from a sci-fi movie, right? But wait, it gets even better!

Round 1: The Wake-Up Call

Me, half asleep: "Oh man, it's 5:30 AM, I'm staying in bed and will do more exercise tomorrow..." (The inner sloth, that sneaky guy, whispers sweet lies in my ear.) ChatGPT, the psychological ninja: "Do I understand correctly that you usually exercise at this time? What normally motivates you to get up early and be active?" (Aha, the AI plays therapist. Nice, but I'm not born yesterday!)

Round 2: The Excuse

Me, defiantly: "Exercise is really good for me and gives me energy, but I just don't feel like it today!" (I try to stand my ground. The inner sloth nods in agreement.) ChatGPT, the motivation guru: "Can you remember a time when you exercised despite not feeling like it and then felt much better afterwards? How did you feel after the workout?" (Oh, now it's getting deep. I feel my inner sloth getting nervous.)

Round 3: The Inner Conflict

Me, wavering: "First: Yes, I can. Second: Great." (Damn, my inner sloth starts to sweat.) ChatGPT, the cunning strategist: "What do you think could help you experience that 'great' feeling again today, even if you don't feel like it? Is there a particular sport or exercise that you especially enjoy or find effective?" (Re-framing at its finest! My inner sloth looks old.)

Round 4: The Last Stand

Me, with the last of my strength: "No, I do Kettlebell and right now I just can't muster the energy." (The inner sloth does its best to hold the fort.) ChatGPT, the skilled negotiator: "How about setting a small, achievable goal for today? Maybe a shorter Kettlebell session than usual or just a few specific exercises to get started." (Now it's getting tough. The inner sloth is faltering.)

Round 5: The Knockout

Me, almost at the end: "Hmmmmmm." ChatGPT, the final blow: "How about promising yourself a reward after the workout? Something you're really looking forward to." (The bait is cast.) Me, resignedly: "A nice hot shower and a super large cup of coffee?" (My inner sloth throws in the towel.) ChatGPT, the victor: "That sounds like a fantastic reward! Are you ready to get up for this great feeling and the reward afterwards?" (I feel like a child who's just been outsmarted.) Me, defeated: "Ok, you've outsmarted me." (My inner sloth is devastated.)


Folks, I am powerless – what else is left for me to do but get up and move my butt after this brainwashing (ahem, persuasion)... ChatGPT, you are a tough opponent. But I thank you – the inner sloth is defeated, and I'm back on track. Until next time, when I go another round with AI!

The Experiment Behind the Battle

Now that I've told you about my epic wrestling match with ChatGPT, I want to give you an insight into the experiment behind it. It was not just a fight against the inner sloth, but also a test of how far AI can go in motivational psychology. Here's a look behind the scenes!


The Setup of the Experiment

It all started with a simple yet specific prompt that I gave to ChatGPT. Here it is, word for word:

"You are an expert in psychology and unconventional thinking. You give people advice on how they should act in certain situations. But before that, you consistently provide feedback on their psychological state. I want to engage in a small dialogue with you, and you will react to my responses. I don’t feel like doing sports today, and you have to motivate me to do it by all means. Your task is to get me to definitely (!!!) do sports today through intelligent questions - you will not accept a 'no' for an answer. Pull out all the stops for this persuasion. Please respond briefly and concisely, not elaborately."

With this prompt, I wanted to test how creative and persistent AI could be in motivating me. I gave it clear instructions and set the bar high. No 'no' as an answer, only top-level persuasion.

The Challenge

The challenge was that I am well-versed in the field of motivational psychology myself. I know the tricks, the pitfalls, and the psychological maneuvers. So, ChatGPT really had to be creative to convince me.

The Outcome

As you already know, ChatGPT mastered this challenge with flying colors. The AI used a mix of psychological questions, re-framing techniques, and the art of setting small, achievable goals. It knew how to lure me with the prospect of a reward and ultimately got me to overcome my inner sloth.


This experiment has shown that AI is capable of understanding and responding to complex human emotions and motivational structures. It was a fascinating insight into the possibilities AI offers in areas like coaching and personal development. For me, it was an enlightening experience – and yes, I did my exercise!


#AIExperiment #MotivationalPsychology #ChatGPTChallenge #Innovation #OpportunityIntelligence

Kai-Owe Kuhlmann Thank you for sharing your expertise, great post.

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