Cracking The Mystery Of Headaches
Cracking The Mystery Of Headaches
Headaches come in all shapes and sizes, some are more serious and others may disappear as quickly as they came. Knowing the types of primary and secondary headaches as well as their possible causes can help you better identify what kind of treatment you might need for yours. Whether it’s preventive measures like relaxation techniques or running some blood tests or filling up on some supplements, understanding what type of headache you have is the first step towards finding relief!
Primary headaches are those that are not caused by another medical condition or illness.. They include:
Migraine Headaches
Migraine is a genetic and chronic disease like asthma or diabetes and are the most common types of primary headaches, they are quite severe and can last from 2 hours to several days. They usually affect one side of your head and are characterized by throbbing pain that gets worse with physical activity and light exposure. Migraine attacks are also known to cause nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light or sound. The exact causes of migraines vary, but many of them stem from hormone changes in women during their menstrual cycle. Other causes include certain foods, alcohol consumption, bright lights, or loud noises.
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Tension Headache (TTH)
Commonly referred to as stress headaches or muscle-contraction headaches, tension-type headaches can last anywhere from 30 minutes to several days and are usually felt on both sides of the head. They often feel like a tight band around the head and can be accompanied by mild to moderate pain. TTH is caused by stress, anxiety, depression, poor posture, eyestrain, hunger, fatigue or even changes in weather conditions.
Cluster Headaches
These are considered among the most painful types of headaches due to their intensity, they last between 15 minutes to 3 hours at a time, and are always associated with one sided symptoms such as a stuffy nose, tearing, an enlarged pupil, or a droopy lid. Cluster headaches primarily affect men between 20–40 years old; however, their triggers vary greatly from person to person. Common triggers for cluster headaches include alcohol consumption (especially red wine), certain foods (such as aged cheeses) and cigarette smoke exposure.
Secondary Headaches
These occur due to underlying medical conditions such as sinusitis, high blood pressure, stroke, meningitis, tumors, or traumatic brain injury (TBI). They often have certain unique characteristics that make it easier to identify the cause of the headache and they require prompt medical attention since they may be signs of more serious health problems that need treatment right away. If you experience any new types of headaches along with other symptoms like fever or confusion it is important to seek medical help immediately.