To Develop Great teams.....
To Develop Great Teams
- Be Honable:
Be able to change to be a better team player. If overall the team wins, remember, you win. Think from a "being teachable" standpoint. In order to do that, you must ask yourself, "what is holding me back from going to the next level in _______________?
In business, if you do not have a mentor, chances are you have a TOR-mentor....this could be a boss telling you what to do, to be the company guy, etc. Mentors will NEVER tell you what to do next. A mentor's job is to help you fix your thinking so that you can move on.
- Be collaborative
Be aggressive in working together as a group...Be intentional.
See teammates as completing one another vs. competing with one another.
Don't be legend in your own mind, Focus on the team, not yourself
If the left tackle on a football team just wants to do out and do his own agenda, how is that going to work out for the overall offense?
Have character and do what you said you were going to do. People will rely on your character to fully trust you.
To get results, you must create, grow, thrive. Change what needs to change to invoke change. The first rule of change is that you need to turn your activity knob up.
Read, Read, Read, and Read to change your thinking. Work hard and smart
- Be Committed
"There is no such thing as a half hearted champion." Vince Lombardi
Solid commitment resounds to others on your team.
If you are working on a project or goal and everyone on your team does what you do in the business objective, would you be excited? Is your commitment worth duplicating?
"The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender." Vince Lombardi
Commitment is a set of choices, excuses are a set of conditions.
Regrets are never rewarding, conditions lead to regrets.
Only 45% of Americans make a new years resolution but only 8% see it though. The majority that don't keep them admitted that they didn't believe they could do it anyhow. Also what does that say about the other 55% who never even bothered to make a commitment.
Interestingly, the divorce rates hover right about with these numbers.
"Burn a ship or two" in reference to Cortes burning his ships in conquering foreign lands.
- Communication
You HAVE to communicate to have a strategy. In a huddle, what do you do? You have organized communication to execute your strategy!
Be easy to approach. If you look like you are mad all the time (or act like it) who is going to want to approach you?
Where there is conflict that is not normal, address it before it is out of control. That means now! If you had an outlet in your bedroom sparking and zapping right before you go to bed, the perfect time to address that is now, not in the morning when you wake up!
- Be competent
Great team players never settle for average. Keep learning and keep growing - CD's/teachings, books, seminars, courses. Keep YOUR mind in the game.
Someone who has done the same job for 20 years may boast that they have 20 years of experience, when in reality, they have one year duplicated 19 more times. They have not sought out new skills and moved on.
Accept Personal Responsibility....competent people do that.
Focus on yourself personally and SWEAT THE SMALL, being organized, focused, being a good listener, and managing the "big rocks"
- Be Dependable
Team mates need to be dependable on one another.
Consistency in any worthwhile project takes character.
- Have Discipline
Filter your mouth! Curse words make you look ignorant. Your posts on social media are an extension of your mouth and thinking.
Having discipline means that you do what you don't want to do temporarily so that you can do what you really want to do long term.
To have discipline, you need to be honable (see rule one)
Stay consistent in doing the right activities.....How do you think LeBron James was in his first 6 months of playing basketball?
Discipline is what leaves a legacy to your family
Whenever you do something you want to be successful at, I mean dogged successful, do you try it? No, you DO IT! Have you set out to try to brush your teeth? Have you set out to try to drive your car? No, you brush your teeth and you drive your car to hit your goals of fresh breath and getting somewhere.
- Enlarging others
If you help others to do better, you will be able to influence them better
If they like you, they will want to perform for and with you. If they are adaptable, then they will want to change and grow.
Tell others what they do RIGHT vs what they do wrong in a 2:1 ratio. Sandwich good-bad-good.
True mentors will tell people what they do right and point to a tool - a book, a CD, a seminar, etc., with a sense of urgency "You should really listen to this, it helped me" "I think (enter book name) would be a great book to read right now." You can ONLY do this if you yourself have listened, read, attended. Anything otherwise would be hypocritical!
- Be Enthusiastic
Nothing in this world has ever been accomplished without being enthusiastic
How I raised myself from failure to success in selling - Frank Bettger, Chapter 1
Positive people are positive because they decide to be.
Show a sense of urgency with enthusiasm, passion and excitement. Be worthy of following!
"Well, I'm not that type of person...." then CHANGE!!!
People today would rather work 12 hours per day vs. thinking 1 hour per day. THINK on the right positive, stuff. Left on your own, you will think negatively. Find a way to think positively.
With urgency, a goal or a vision will be realized when your thinking is enthusiastic and positive. Every goal is attainable if you are willing to work for it enthusiastically.
- Be intentional
Make every second count. All people have 86,400 seconds in a day. The difference between success and failure is how those seconds are invested or wasted. Who is responsible for managing your time? YOU ARE!
Learn Time management. LEARN TO SAY NO!
Cut the stuff out of your life that will not get you to your goals, dreams, visions or desires.
You are way busier in your mind than you actually are. Write it down, show yourself and be wise with allocation of your time.
- Be Mission Minded
He who has a "WHY" to Live can handle almost any "HOW" that comes up.
Situations will come up to derail you from your mission. Be conscious of the unsconscious.
Work on your subconscious mind and program it to your mission.
"What to say when you talk to yourself" - Shad Helmstetter
- Be Prepared
Success happens when Opportunity and Preparedness meet.
Being prepared is the difference between winning and losing. The person who is prepared has won well over half the battle in front of him. Most of the battle rests between your ears.
Your learning and thinking up to this point has gotten you to EXACTLY where you are at. If you do not like that, what do I need to do with my learning and thinking to change the next checkpoint outcome?
I need to be prepared with new information to change. Get a mentor, not a tormentor
Be prepared financially by practicing Delayed Gratification, aggressive savings, and dogged debt reduction.
- Be relational
All above points will help in being relatable to others.
Read books on personality to find out what you are and how to relate to others that are NOT like you. Leaders know this inside and out, can spot personalities pretty quickly and tailor their personality to make relationships work.
Marriage books are great for marriages and for relationships with others that you are not married to. If you are single, consider reading marriage books to hone these skills.
If you "get along" others are more apt to "come along"
- Be Self Improving
To improve your team, improve yourself. People know when you are stagnant, you don't need a billboard to advertise that.
Win the battle of the mind. You must master this to be successful
Americans spend 10 times more time and money on their entertainment than they do on improving is showing.
Improving yourself will allow new information to come in and allow you to make better decisions in your life. Better information in, leads to better decisions, which leads to better behavior, which leads to better results. It all starts with information.
Get on some sort of book of the month club, CD's if you drive alot
Be accountable to someone else, a team, etc.
- Be Selfless
We have all heard it, there is no I in team.
Being selfless is not easy, but it is necessary. If you have a servants heart, you will not worry about yourself.
A servant's heart equips others to have a great time and a great experience due to your being present in their life.
Be a servant to others. The rewards are compounding and you will not be able to stop them.
- Be Solutions oriented
Make a resolution (Be resolved) to find a solution for a problem you are facing (temper, anger, messiness, whatever) Nothing happens without commitment and resolution.
Teams with AQ and EQ (adversity quotient and emotional quotient) do not blame others, they solve problems.
The person who accepts the most responsibility accepts most of the rewards (financially, emotionally, etc.)
- Be Tenacious
You never, ever, ever quit....Ever.
There are times that you have to re-energize and sharpen the blade, so to speak. But, if you STAY there, you will not succeed.
You have to get in the game! Have fun, it helps others succeed and grow. You help people do that, they will be with you and respect you long term.
Take a break when the job is done, not when you are tired
If ____________ gets tough, DON'T QUIT! That is EXACTLY what losers do.
Be the most Likeable __________________ the world has ever seen. Be tenacious!
In Closing
Take responsibility and be the CEO of your life. Why would you relinquish that responsibility of that to anyone else on planet earth?
Work like mad to hit your goals. You are the only animal God created that can do that. That is living in thrival mode. Every other living being lives in survival mode. Use that gift that you have been given. DO NOT SQUANDER IT.
If you do not have a goal, you really do have a goal and that is to do nothing and live in groundhog day survival mode. If that is your prerogative, then that is your prerogative.
What is your legacy? Have you given any thought to that lately? What is your legacy as a:
Spouse, parent, business person, community leader, mentor, coach. What is your DEFINED legacy.
Acting and being are 2 different things and people will sniff that out. People will smell what you sell. Being will trump acting all day long. People will see right through it. Be genuine, then you don't need to remember how to act.
You will NEVER change yourself, or the world for that matter, by being LAZY!
People will want to follow you and will be inspired by you if you apply these principles into your life.
Learn to orchestrate. Have people do what they should do for themselves. EMPOWER people. If you continuously do things for others that they SHOULD do for themselves, you are ENABLING them. Do you want weak or strong relationships. Learn how to Empower others.
Have a goal!
Be a team Player?----
Medical Devices
9ythanks Eric Aroca. They were from a seminar this past weekend. I'm one of those crazy people that take notes.
International Keynote Speaker | Trainer | Author | leadership & Culture Expert |
9yGood read.