Elevate Your Personal Brand
There are literally millions of executive coaches on LinkedIn and they are all hitting up CEO's and C Suite execs...
Which means it's critically important to stand out.
The CEO you are wanting to connect and talk with has a bunch of your competitors also in his grill. You have the opportunity to grab the attention of that CEO by having an elevated personal brand, putting that brand out there which will lead to trust. Be different!
Check out this Forbes piece on why leaders are all over their personal brands - and my input on how this applies to executive coaches and really all of us.
Want to get one-on-one with me via Zoom? Happy to give you my input on your own biz. Text GIANTHELP to 650-459-2712.
Award-Winning Career Counselor ✔ Resume Expert ✔ Proven Career Coach ✔ Interview Prep Pro ✔ Client Advocate ✔ Author ✔ Keynote ✔ Negotiator ✔ Ex-Fortune (Global) 500 ✔ Ex-LinkedIn ✔ Dragon Wrangler
3moSound points. Exude excellence...to attract excellence.