Embrace the News - September 2024
I wanted to start this newsletter with something a little different. As some of you may know, I recently spent two weeks on holiday in Florida with my family. My youngest daughter, who is obsessed with princesses, was especially excited to meet some of her favourite characters.
Our trip happened to coincide with Hurricane Helene. Thankfully, we stayed safe, but tragically, 26 people lost their lives, and many others lost everything. My heart goes out to all those affected.
This tragedy serves as a stark reminder of the impacts of global warming, especially the warming of our oceans. While one force is harming our planet, we have the power to counteract it. There are small but meaningful actions we can take that not only help the environment but also improve our health:
As we enter October—a month filled with health awareness campaigns, including Breast Cancer Awareness—I'd like to encourage everyone reading this to consider one small change in their daily lives that can positively impact both their health and the health of our planet. If you need any ideas, I have a library of ebooks dedicated to this on my website.
Now, on to the rest of the news.
In this edition of Embrace the News I cover:
How a Mum’s Quest for Answers Led to Embracing Nutrition
This month, I shared my story on the Embracing Nutrition blog. I was always interested in the importance of food as medicine and I knew I needed to make changes to regain control of my daughter’s health. But I couldn’t find the guidance to help me make these life-affecting decisions. So, I set about educating myself to discover the answers to her questions.
Searching for the Root Cause With Olenka Quintrell
This article is a discussion with Olenka, functional medicine-trained nutritional therapist, about some of the issues that concern her clients.
‘I see a lot of people with cardiovascular health issues,’ she begins, ‘as it’s such a growing problem in the Western world. Often what concerns people most is why they are experiencing their health problems. It can be incredibly empowering when they discover the answers’.
‘One particular gentleman springs to mind,’ she continues. ‘He was in his early fifties and had recently suffered what had been diagnosed as a mini stroke. Because there was no obvious reason why this had happened to him, he was very scared.
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Have You Considered Functional Dentistry to Support Your Health?
It’s tempting to think of dentistry as separate from general healthcare. However, because all parts of your body are closely connected, this couldn’t be further from the truth.
This blog will take a deep dive into the links between oral health and whole-body health and discover some of the benefits of functional dentistry.
Pumpkin and Lentil Dahl
It's pumpkin season, and pumpkins are good for more than just carving! Here's a recipe to inspire you to make use of this seasonal ingredient. Lentils are high in fibre, which supports healthy digestion, while pumpkin is packed with antioxidants and soluble fibre, which helps nourish beneficial gut bacteria.
Ginger Chicken and Cabbage Stir-Fry
I love a meal that is quick to make in the evenings, like this stir fry. The combination of ginger, cabbage, and lean protein creates a dish that is gentle on the digestive system, supports a healthy gut lining, and promotes a balanced gut flora.
Functional Dentistry Conference
Digestion starts in the mouth, you’ve heard me say it many times. I’m so passionate about the oral microbiome and how it impacts our overall health. In fact, I work closely with Dr. Victoria Sampson, an expert in this area, to help spread awareness about the vital connection between oral health and overall well-being. On the 19th of October, I’ll be speaking at The Oral Microbiome - A Functional Approach to Dentistry. If you'd like to attend, tickets are available here.
That's all for this month. If any of these topics have resonated with you, know that the team and I are available to support you if you'd like to get in touch.
Have a great weekend