"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.".
AI Overview
"There shall be no state religion" essentially means that the government cannot officially endorse or favor one specific religion over another, representing the core concept of "separation of church and state" where the government remains neutral in matters of religious belief and practice; this principle is enshrined in the First Amendment of the US Constitution, stating "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.".
"Government is supposed to be about promoting long-term thinking on how we make life better"
" There shall be no state religion and yet All these stupid Christians, I’m sorry I did say that." , In Washington DC they actually believe that Christianity is the state religion. "
You’ve got idiots right now printing bibles to put them in schools – public schools. “I’m not anti-bible. I’ve read the bible cover to cover."
"My enemy is organized religion. They are responsible for more death and destruction in the world today. If you say you practice peace you can’t be pro-organized religion because organized religion is about man killing man; it ain’t about saving souls and doing right for the world. It’s about, "We protect what is ours; and we will kill others out there who don’t agree to submit to us. Your soul must be ours."
The Spanish Inquisitions’ revolutionary and murderous approach to converting the indigenous people of the New World to become Christians
That historic period, delivered the wrath of hell on the population of this new world; a situation made more compelling because it had the blessing of God’s Vicar on Earth, Rodrigo Borgia.
The Inquisition, called the "Holy Office," was instituted by Pope Innocent III, and perfected under the second following Pope, Gregory IX. It was the Church Court for Detection and Punishment of Heretics. Under it, everyone was required to inform against Heretics. Anyone suspected was liable to Torture, without knowing the name of his accuser. The proceedings were secret. The Inquisitor pronounced the sentence, and the victim was turned over to civil authorities to be imprisoned for life, or to be burned. The victims’ property was confiscated, and divided between the Church and the State.
In the period immediately following Pope Innocent III the Inquisition did its most deadly work against the Albigenses, but also claimed vast multitudes of victims in Spain, Italy, Germany and the Netherlands.
Later on the Inquisition was the main agency in the Papacy's effort to crush the Reformation. It is stated that in the 30 years between 1540 and 1570 no fewer than 900,000 Protestants were put to death in the Popes war for the extermination of the Waldenses. The Waldenses are a Christian movement and religious cultural group which appeared first in Lyons and spread to the Cottian Alps in the late 1170s.
In The Pillory, a book written by John Bond, the writer noted that the Papacy of Alexander VI, “was one of the darkest moments in Christendom”. It is a tale of scandal, crime, concubines and children. He wrote that Romanism and its destructive tenets have not changed since the time of the Borgia. His observation of this institution is correct and supported by the (recent) filings of lengthy streams of litigation against the Roman Catholic Church.
Bond noted, “through the ages, the church has had some good men who protested against popery as a malignant excrescence on the body of the Christian religion. The Protestant Reformation dealt the first great blow to the blasphemous claims of the popes.” German Monk Martin Luther (1463 - 1546) aided by the invention of the printing press, was able to disseminate information and revealed their corrupt policies.
My wise friends often remind me that history is usually written by a conqueror whose main purpose is to impart into the reader, justification for his actions - often hewed to positively impart his version of an event - however distant it may be from reality on the ground. The history of the New World illuminates a profoundly important but sometimes misrepresented or neglected period when Christianity was used to justify the slaughter of indigenous people, whose only sin was that they inhabited the lands on which the Europeans were seeking precious metals and ownership. This reality is quite different from stories about European desire to bring knowledge of the message of Jesus Christ to the Heathens. The irony here is breath-taking.