Everything hurts
My goodness.
I’m interrupting my originally planned article to simply connect with you.
I’m not even going to pretend that I know what to say to you or even to myself at this time.
I imagine you, like me, are feeling all the emotions of what our world is going through with the pandemic and with the U.S. country erupting with racial uprisings.
How are you taking care of yourself in these times?
How are you guarding your thoughts?
I had a wonderful conversation with several of you around the importance of guarding your mind by being careful how much stimuli your allow in.
What else can you do to support your mental health, your family, and our communities at this time?
First and foremost: reach out for support. Don’t ride this rollercoaster we find ourselves on by yourself. There’s tons of support: your coach, family, friends, clergy, therapists, and many more happy to support you.
Therapist Rashida Spence Ingram and I put together a list of resources of organizations you can reach out to right now. You owe it to yourself and to those you love to ensure you’re taken care of YOU.
My Good Vibes Tribe of coaches are right here and ready to support you. You only simply need to say the word and I’m happy to connect you with a coach.
I’m praying for you and your family every single day and sending you positive peaceful energy.
Be well.