The Future of Humanity: AI & ROBOTICS

The Future of Humanity: AI & ROBOTICS


Over the next 5 years, advancing and converging technologies will be capable of transforming us Homo Sapiens into Techno-Homo Sapiens. We will be able to imbed technology inside of us that materially extends our brain power and biologically extends our life. Over time, we could split into two races — those who choose to become Techno-Homo Sapiens and those who remain Homo Sapiens.

And over the next decade, it’s highly likely that artificial intelligence and smart agile robots will automate billions of jobs around the world and will perform many of today’s work tasks. Work as we know it today will not exist for most people, and those who do work will do so only as long as they can stay relevant by performing tasks that advancing technology can’t do.

From a cognitive perspective, Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman recently opined that with enough data, he believes that there will be no human cognitive task that a computer will not be able to do.

Technology will become integrated into all areas of our lives. Virtual and augmented reality will allow humans to go to new worlds and experience life while sitting at home. Genetic engineering will allow humans to design their children. Global connectivity coupled with Big Data will facilitate cloud-based industrial ecosystems that will consolidate power economically and politically in a small group of global companies and countries. And we will be able to create and transplant our biological organs; grow our food easily and cheaply; and print our clothes and artifacts at home or in small local additive manufacturing hubs.

This is not science fiction. Technology will determine how we live and how and if we will have continuous meaningful work. The impact of technology on our society will be in many ways be far broader and more challenging than the Industrial Revolution was for our ancestors. Technology can be used for the common good or for evil. The United States Government must immediately create Ai Human Safeguards!

 Let’s start with Yuval Noah Harai’s new book NEXUS. He states: “…AI is the first technology that is capable of making decisions and generating ideas by itself. … AIs are full-fledged members in our information networks, processing their own agency. In coming years, all networks – from armies to religions – will gain millions of new AI members, which will process data differently than humans do. These new members will make alien decisions and generate alien ideas -that is, decisions and ideas that are unlikely to occur to humans. The addition of many alien agents is bound to change the shape of armies, religions, markets, and nations. Entire political, economic, and social systems might collapse, and new ones will take their place. That’s why AI should be an urgent matter even to people who don’t care about technology and who think most important political questions concern the survival of democracy or the fair distribution of wealth.” p.399

“(I)n the absence of strong self-correcting mechanisms Ais are more than capable of promoting distorted worldviews, enabling egregious abuses of power, and instigating terrifying new witch hunts.” p.400

“But if a Silicon Age superpower has weak or non-existent self-correcting mechanisms, it could very well endanger the survival of our species, and countless other life-forms, too……pp 402-3

“Rather to create wiser networks, we must abandon both the naïve and the populist views of information, put aside our fantasies of infallibility, and commit ourselves to the hard and rather mundane work of building institutions with strong self-correcting mechanisms. …..  Now we have summoned an alien inorganic intelligence that could escape our control and put in danger not just our own species but countless other life-forms.” P.404.

(EDH): So why have tech companies and scientists agreed to develop AI when it has such monumental human risks? What is the business purpose? The Common Good? Greed? What happens to the millions and millions of human beings who will not have jobs because of Ai? What kind of “social safety net” will be created by the big tech companies along with the United States Government? Who will oversee AI?

Here is another view. The Pew Research Center published on June 21, 2023, this Report: “As AI Spreads, Experts Predict the Best and Worst Changes in Digital Life by 2035”.  Here are some Report takeaways:

“They (the experts) anticipate striking improvements in health care and education. They foresee a world in which wonder drugs are conceived and enabled in digital spaces, where personalized medical care gives patients precisely what they need when they need it; where people wear smart eyewear and earbuds that keep them connected to the people, things, and information around them; where AI systems can nudge discourse into productive and fact-based conversations; and where progress will be made in environmental sustainability, climate action and pollution prevention.”

“At the same time, the experts in the new canvassing worry about the darker sides of the developments they celebrate. Key examples:

·      Some expressed fears that align with the statement recently released by technology leaders and AI specialists arguing that AI poses the “risk of extinction” for humans that should be treated with the same urgency as pandemics and nuclear war.

·      Some point to clear problems that have been identified with generative AI systems, which produce erroneous and unexplainable things and are already being used to foment misinformation and trick people.

·      Some are anxious about the seemingly unstoppable speed and scope of digital tech that they fear could enable blanket surveillance of vast populations and could destroy the information environment, undermining democratic systems with deepfakes, misinformation and harassment.

·      They fear massive unemployment, the spread of global crime, and further concentration of global wealth and power in the hands of the founders and leaders of a few large companies.

·      They also speak about how the weaponization of social media platforms might create population-level stress, anxiety, depression, and feelings of isolation.

“The most harmful or menacing changes in digital life that are likely by 2035:

·      Some 79% of the canvassed experts said they are more concerned than excited about coming technological change or equally concerned and excited. These respondents spoke of their fears in the following categories:

 ·The future harms to human-centered development of digital tools and systems

 The experts who addressed this fear wrote about their concern that digital systems will continue to be driven by profit incentives in economics and power incentives in politics. They said this is likely to lead to data collection aimed at controlling people rather than empowering them to act freely, share ideas and protest injuries and injustices.

These experts worry that ethical design will continue to be an after thought and digital systems will continue to be released before being thoroughly tested. They believe the impact of all of this is likely to increase inequality and compromise democratic systems. 

·The future harms to human rights 

These experts fear new threats to rights will arise as privacy becomes harder, if not impossible, to maintain. They cite surveillance advances, sophisticated bots embedded in civic spaces, the spread of deepfakes and disinformation, advanced facial recognition systems, and widening social and digital divides as looming threats.

They foresee crimes and harassment spreading more widely, and the rise of new challenges to humans’ agency and security. A topmost concern is the expectation that increasingly sophisticated AI is likely to lead to the loss of jobs, resulting in a rise in poverty and the diminishment of human dignity.

 ·The future harms to human knowledge

They fear that the best of knowledge will be lost or neglected in a sea of mis- and disinformation, that the institutions previously dedicated to informing the public will be further decimated, that basic facts will be drowned out in a sea of entertaining distractions, bald-faced lies and targeted manipulation.

They worry that people’s cognitive skills will decline. In addition, they argued that “reality itself is under siege” as emerging digital tools convincingly create deceptive or alternate realities. They worry that a class of “doubters” will hold back progress

·The future harms to human health and well-being 

A share of these experts said humanity’s embrace of digital systems has already spurred high levels of anxiety and depression and predicted things could worsen as technology embeds itself further in people’s lives and social arrangements.

Some of the mental and physical problems could stem from tech-abetted loneliness and social isolation; some could come from people substituting tech-based “experiences” for real-life encounters; some could come from job displacements and related social strife; and some could come directly from tech-based attacks.

·The future harms to human connections, governance and institutions

 The experts who addressed these issues fear that norms, standards and regulation around technology will not evolve quickly enough to improve the social and political interactions of individuals and organizations.

Two overarching concerns: a trend toward autonomous weapons and cyberwarfare, and the prospect of runaway digital systems. They also said things could worsen as the pace of tech change accelerates.

They expect that people’s distrust in each other may grow and their faith in institutions may deteriorate. This, in turn, could deepen already undesirable levels of polarization, cognitive dissonance and public withdrawal from vital discourse. They fear, too, that digital systems will be too big and important to avoid, and all users will be captives.”

Now let’s look at the Report’s possible positive and most beneficial changes in digital life by 2035:

·The future benefits to human-centered development of digital tools and systems

 These experts covered a wide range of likely digital enhancements in medicine, health, fitness and nutrition; access to information and expert recommendations; education in both formal and informal settings; entertainment; transportation and energy; and other spaces.

They believe that digital and physical systems will continue to integrate, bringing “smartness” to all manner of objects and organizations, and expect that individuals will have personal digital assistants that ease their daily lives.

·The future benefits to human rights

 These experts believe digital tools can be shaped in ways that allow people to freely speak up for their rights and join others to mobilize for the change they seek. They hope ongoing advances in digital tools and systems will improve people’s access to resources, help them communicate and learn more effectively, and give them access to data in ways that will help them live better, safer lives.

They urged that human rights must be supported and upheld as the internet spreads to the farthest corners of the world. 

·The future benefits to human knowledge

These respondents hope for innovations in business models; in local, national and global standards and regulation; and in societal norms. They wish for improved digital literacy that will revive and elevate trusted news and information sources in ways that attract attention and gain the public’s interest.

And they hope that new digital tools and human and technological systems will be designed to assure that factual information will be appropriately verified, highly findable, well-updated and archived. 

·The future benefits to human health and well-being

These experts expect that the many positives of digital evolution will bring a health care revolution that enhances every aspect of human health and well-being. They emphasize that full health equality in the future should direct equal attention to the needs of all people while also prioritizing their individual agency, safety, mental health and privacy and data rights.

·The future benefits to human connections, governance and institutions

 Hopeful experts said society is capable of adopting new digital standards and regulations that will promote pro-social digital activities and minimize antisocial activities. They predict that people will develop new norms for digital life and foresee them becoming more digitally literate in social and political interactions. They said in the best-case scenario, these changes could influence digital life toward promoting human agency, security, privacy and data protection.

We Need New Stories

With advancing Ai and Ai Robotics, our work life will be transformed. In a world of limited work, how will we define ourselves? What will become of the American Dream? Without work and upward economic mobility, how will people find purpose, meaning, and happiness in their lives? How will people financially survive?

Ai will require new stories about life, work, education, and upward social mobility. We will have to create a meaningful Social Safety Net for those people who have the highest likelihood of being left behind if we as a Country - as a Society - want to be a global leader.  

What kind of education system do we need to have to prepare students and adults for the Ai World?  

The Industrial Revolution model of educating students is history! We must quickly adapt Public Education so that our children can learn how to use Ai - for the good not the bad. We must train our students to learn how to take ownership of their mind, body, emotions, ego, and behaviors so that they can become Highly Adaptive Learners who can learn – unlearn – and relearn at the pace of technological change.

Our Elementary and High School Public Education System is highly dependent on funding from state and local governments. That System has no real history of being speedy and highly adaptable. It must be replaced by a new very fast system that can continuously financially adapt at the pace of technological change.

Every student should have the opportunity to excel in the Ai Age – not just students in private schools – not just students who are in public schools that have lots of money. The biggest challenge our Democracy faces is democratizing education so that every student can excel in the Ai Age.  What does that mean? I believe it means that we must redesign curricula in public schools, colleges, trade schools, and universities focusing on Data Science Tools, Human Development, Emotional Intelligence Tools, Ai Tools and Skills, etc.  Ai will completely transform public education and higher education.

What about our Society? Our current societal story of human advancement is based primarily on individualism, survival of the fittest, conspicuous consumption, unsustainable extraction of Earth’s resources and Caucasian male supremacy. Over the last 60 plus years, we have in many ways lost our way. As a result, we have become, in essence, a society primarily driven by the competitive pursuit of money, power and greed. We are a divided country.

What does the data say? The United States has: the highest levels of income inequality since the Gilded Age; very low levels of upward social mobility; a student drug epidemic; high prison populations per capita; racial divisiveness; expensive higher education; and a dysfunctional political system dominated by campaign contributions and greed. Some of the leaders of Ai firms and some of the leading scientists have warned that Ai could lead to human extinction if it is not properly managed. Putting this all together, it is very clear to me that we are in and will be in very vulnerable times that can be catastrophic if we do not change our Story and implement it!

We need a new “WHY” & “HOW”!  

Business Leaders and Political Leaders must be brought together to create a new story – a new “American Ai Dream” that is designed to enable people from all walks of life to have meaningful work and happiness in the Ai Age.

And The United States Government must implement strong Technology Industry Safeguards designed to prevent Ai harm and create an AI Social Safety Net Tax on all businesses using Ai that will be used to mitigate the financial distresses of our citizens who will be left behind in the AI Age.

I invite you to go back and read again Yuval Harari's four beginning paragraphs. AI can be used for the good and Ai can be used for the bad. What will be our Story? Who will oversee AI?

William McCartan

You've taken the time to look at my profile, take a minute and ask a question, I'll respond, peace


This is a very thought provoking article and prescient of the current time-line, I'm putting a reply together that I hope can add to this article, thank you very much for sharing your time, knowledge, experience and work in an open media environment, I definitely hope that more people take the time to read this and maybe more than once, thank you again Professor, have a great weekend, peace

Gerry Ball

Founder & CEO at Mind Your Language


Hi Ed, thought provoking, thank you. A couple of things: 1. Have you read Suleyman's "The Coming Wave" ?His AI forecasts are illuminating, and his probably better positioned than anyone to know. 2. "Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman recently opined that with enough data"...It might be worth stating "The late Nobel Laureate", as stating that he recently said something when he has been dead for six months sounds a little awkward.

Stephen R. Jacques

Producer: Late Steve Albini- Publicity: Elephants & Flowers Media."Prayers for an Orange Cat" July 2024


Fantastic Ed, thanks for getting me up to speed on our 'new world' unfolding. Stephen Jacques

Harold Pelham

Editor @ Retire.Fund| Focusing on Future Tech stocks


Thanks for this post. As we all know from experience, Governments and authorities very seldom keep up with technological changes and these changes are expanding exponentially, making the "catching up" with oversight, a virtual "closing the barn door after the horses escape" scenario. However, there are many many pluses that are arising, in healthcare, biotech, transportation, food production etc. I fear that those who are not invested in many of these technologies will be left far behind and the gap between the haves and have nots will become a chasm so wide it will be impossible to breach it!

Aidan McCullen

Workshops, Keynotes, Masterclasses and Round Tables on Innovation and Reinvention Mindset. Author. Workshop Facilitator. Host Innovation Show. Lecturer. Board Director. Founder of The Reinvention Summit.


Dear Ed, I hope we are wrong, I share your concerns and feel we are akin to Taleb’s Turkeys waiting for Christmas. Neither policymakers, nor individuals are making any significant moves to prepare for avery different future. “Consider a turkey that is fed every day. Every single feeding will firm up the bird’s belief that it is the general rule of life to be fed every day by friendly members of the human race 'looking out for its best interests,' as a politician would say. On the afternoon of the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, something unexpected will happen to the turkey. It will incur a revision of belief." -Nassim Nicholas Taleb. I spoke with my former colleague and friend Barry Winkless about this only yesterday and he touched on similar concerns with his work with the Future of Work Institute Cpl

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