Get ready for the New Year - let's move from dreaming to doing...

Get ready for the New Year - let's move from dreaming to doing...

"Believe you can and you're halfway there" - Theodore Roosevelt

It’s around this time of year that most people start to reflect on the year just past and prepare for the new year to come. It’s a great time to consider the following questions and prepare yourself to perform better and increase your fulfillment going forward –

1. What went well last year?

2. What areas of your life can you improve?

3. What is your real purpose?

4. How can you achieve your purpose?

5. How can you live your best life?

Step 1: Reflect on the year that is ending

I suggest grabbing some blank A3-sized paper, dividing it into 6 sections, and then answering each of these questions. Write the answers quickly so that you can tap into your subconscious and not overthink it. The techniques of brain dumping and freewriting are excellent to ensure that you can let your thoughts flow in an unscripted way onto the page.

Step 2: Create the framework for next year

Then, very quickly, once again without overthinking, grab another blank piece of A3 paper and draw a mind map of the New Year. Draw a small circle in the middle of the paper and write the word NEW YEAR in the centre, then create tentacles radiating out from the centre for each of the major domains of your life. I like to use –

  • Health & Fitness
  • Home & Family
  • Relationships
  • Fun Stuff
  • Work & Business

Step 3: Design each area of your life to maximise your fulfillment

The next step is to consider each domain of your life and fan out from the tentacles with specifics about what you would like to achieve and how you would like to live in each area.

It’s good to get the details down really quickly and then to take some time to reflect and refine them before taking the next step to determine your goals and specific actions.

Step 4: Prepare goals and plan specific actions

Up until this point, we are ‘dreaming’ and embedding our intentions into our subconscious, so it’s critical to move into ‘planning’ mode to give yourself the best chance of making genuine improvements and achieving your goals for the next year.

It’s easier to make progress when you prepare specific goals in each domain of your life and then expand on these into small actionable tasks. I suggest setting up a Trello board with a set of actions for each domain. Be really specific about the first immediate actions and give yourself specific dates to complete them. In this way, you will start the year on a high and it will be easier to move forward and maintain momentum along the way.

Here’s the link to our December article if you want to read more.

Get ready for some breakthroughs!

Just in time for the New Year! The POSITIVE Lawyer program is launching later in January, and we already have our first client! This is a HUGE milestone for me and my team.

The POSITIVE Lawyer is a unique program that has been specially designed to support lawyers to become more positive, adopt new ways of thinking, apply new ways of working, achieve work-life balance and transform their lives.

Do you want to know more? Book a discovery call with Therese.

It will be the best investment you
ever made in yourself!

There are 6 online modules containing over 9 hours of content that no lawyer should be without. You get lifetime access and it's all broken down into bite-sized chunks that you can do in 15 minutes a few days a week. You also get handouts, activity worksheets, PDFs of all the slides, and links to great research and articles.

All the tools and techniques are based on research, and we know they work. Let's look at the content -

1. Purpose & Meaning

2. Resilience & Optimism

3. Managing Emotions

4. Energy & Focus

5. Personal Productivity

6. Transforming Work Practices

You also get some amazing bonuses -

BONUS 1 Online Personal Productivity Course

BONUS 2 Legal Project Management Mini Book

BONUS 3 Productivity Magic Tricks

BONUS 4 LPM Templates and Activities

BONUS 5 Discounts on future programs

Register your interest to get early bird discounts as soon as we officially launch. There will be 30% OFF for the first 30 days so get on the list NOW!

My aim is to inspire you to
achieve great things!

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