It is a political, economic, technological, social and cultural process on a global scale, which is based on communication and interdependence among the countries of the world.
It is identified with the Spanish Empire and extends from the end of the 15th century, thanks to the discovery of America and the circumnavigation of the world. As a dynamic process, it has opened the doors to the information revolution, reaching the level of liberalization and democratization of political culture, in its legal and economic order, as well as international relations.
Among the criticisms, they highlight that the opening of the markets for goods and capital suggests the end of trade blocs, as well as the growing privatization of public economic sectors such as health, education, public administrations along with the rise of multinational companies and the thinning of national companies and states.
As a competition of universal economic value, it threatens working conditions in terms of wages and labor rights, which, on the other hand, increase the quantity and quality of products.
As for the oligarchic elites, they lead to the abandonment of promoting progress and social justice, since they use their production for a more lucrative export.
In the cultural sphere, the loss of the integrity of the original cultures, with the establishment of a predominant popular culture.
On the other hand, the division of the world, between winners and losers, within a paradox, in which the world is not fair and on the other, that the gains are not distributed equitably, therefore, the international order must be restructured in terms of this global dimension.
In the latter, the question is, can this gap between rich and poor be smaller?
I read your answers....