The Great Earth Academy for the Soul.

The Great Earth Academy for the Soul.

One of the greatest obstacles I’ve found in helping others understand what the purpose of life is comes in the form of first not identifying the structure by which we all have come to be. 

Earth isn’t just some anomaly within the cosmos, it’s a very elite private collegiate program for the Soul in which we are all lucky to have gotten in.

The “why we’re here” in the first place is lost on us until we can grasp the varying school types to our world and how they relate to the grade levels our Souls fall into throughout our time here.

To begin our journeys, we must first travel back in time to how we all came to be and explore the different forms of life that we must all experience on our way through the Elementary school, Middle school, High school and College experiences. 

That is after all the purpose to this boarding school setting we live in, our aim is to earn our Soul’s masters degree.

Allow me to now walk you through the journey of our Souls so as to leave you fully “awakened” to just how lucky we all are to be here, regardless of what we may be thinking about the experience at this time. 

As many have said before me, and will say long after me, no one here, is here accidentally. 

In fact, I can assure you that by the time you are done reading this posting, your mind will be blown as to just how long it's taken your Soul to get to wherever you are right at this moment.

To begin, Meteors aren’t just some random act of violence to our planet, it is the Universal Sperm by which our Earth is fertilized with new life from which we all have grown.

Like when a Sperm enters the egg, the arrival of a Meteorite carries with it new Microbes that help fertilize our planet with new Bacteria that begin to form life, just as it would do in the Embryo.

As we know, not all Sperm will create life as millions can try to hit its target and fail, but it just takes one to break through the surface to get the chain of events moving.

From one lone Meteorite, the sperm like action helps the lava and molten aspects to the planet begin to form something new and exciting, say like compounds that act like an umbilical cord for gestation from which the more coagulated aspects begins to harden in mineral form bringing the much needed nutrients to the planet.

Seeing as there are seven types of minerals, let's use each type as a grade level to a Preschool through Elementary school setting that extends up to the 2nd grade, where the Soul would then begin it’s scholastic experience in full.

With each “year” that it attends, it’s singular task is to learn what it is to exist in the physical state, albeit in an exceedingly minimalist manner. 

Notice that as we all begin our explorations into the 3rd Dimensional experience the thing we lack most is a lot of movement.

The reasoning can be found in our own actors' workshops where one is trained to become a leaf in the wind, or a rock in salty water, before one can fully embrace a living, breathing active agent. 

They must first understand how the parts relate to each other.

Without a full grasp as to how your part plays into the setting in which you are immersed, one cannot fully take any form of ownership for its end result.

Each Soul must learn what each moving part of the grand design does, if it wishes to someday earn the right to hold a leading part in the overall play.

The same is true for our Souls. If we are to understand that each Soul is here to reunite with our Divine one day, then we can denote that its return home would serve as its graduation to “creator” status, whereby it can add its own flare to every scene and every part of the story line because it has learned what everything else does first.

Such is the nature of all Mentor to Protege relationships, correct?

If one takes a closer look at the order of events, one begins to see a pattern to what is happening with each stage of our evolution at this phase. 

We are gaining movement. 

We move from one type of mineral compound to another before ending in one of three rock categories, just like what might happen if in the 3rd grade until its last year in the 5th grade.

Each rock classification serving as a first conscious effort to understand teamwork and what it means to belong to a physical structure.

Once we have learned what it is to be still, know our place, understand how we relate to the environment around us and how we serve the overall structure of the planet, we then get to move on into a plant life setting which can be visualized as a Middle school environment.

As we now move into this major shift in our Soul’s evolution I want to begin, by asking you all to recall how jarring it was to you as a youngster to go from the enthusiastic expression of early childhood into a hormone induced phase of life here.

The major shake up to our world caused us to feel uneasy and become all that more self aware than we ever had been before.

Same is true for a Soul at this junction. The matter of self awareness comes into play here, and can be best expressed by the fact that all plant life begins its quest to follow the light.

The entirety of this educational setting is to learn to live off your environment and pull nutrients from around you to sustain your physical expression.

Regardless of if you are a non flowering plant or one that blooms, we can all relate to this phase as the time when we each matured later or earlier than those around us, and it made for a trying experience. 

Same is said for those who blossom in this world, as those who don’t. We begin to see the Soul make choices to how they will manifest in our world, and they begin to learn what it is to be preyed upon just like if bullied. 

Their entire existence is based on feeling trapped and self aware enough to follow the light above, which I feel serves as the first step in Spirituality. 

We have begun seeking higher guidance and it shows in how we ebb and flow from season to season.

Each variation then serves as an annual or seasonal death and rebirth session by which each of us grow.

By the time that one completes this process, one could have been on Earth for hundreds of years. Yet to a Soul, time is just an illusion. To them, at this stage in life, all they are aware of is that they are seeking to gain the freedom to move when needed and follow higher guidance. 

A perfect example of what I mean can be seen in the equivalent to the 8th grade experience known as the Tree phase. 

Personally speaking I see this area of our growth as the “Senior year” to that school environment. 

We ruled the school then, didn’t we?

We got to throw shade where we wanted, we got to protect our friends and betray our enemies throughout the seasons, all the while observing the animal life now increasingly surrounding our day to day living.

It is at this stage where I believe the Soul receives its first reward cycle.

After all that time in school, everything around you is beneath your eye line and you now look down upon the world in great strength.

You are now so self aware, that even to this day human beings sometimes have been known to revere them and even seek their ancient wisdom.

To the tree, all it knows is that it now towers over its enemies and can live its life free of most challenges. 

It is now just there to learn everything it can before making the next scholastic jump into a whole new world.

Everything is handed to the tree. It seeks nothing but the light and it uses its time to learn everything it can about its neighbors. 

By the time that it leaves the earth, it could have spent hundreds of years watching everyone and everything around it. Studying and surveying what's to come as though in a Hermit type mode. Sort of like a Monk or priest who is just learning to commune with a higher power.

Time to it, is but an illusion. It serves it nothing, until it ends and heads off to “High School.”

Like in the transition between the Soul’s “ Elementary school” experience to that of its “Middle school” one, the shock of the new setting must be even more intense. 

Just like when we get our drivers license around this same timeline, the Soul has now earned its right to move of its own freewill. 

Only now the bullies are bigger and meaner, and the self awareness of survival of the fittest becomes its truest enemy.

One would assume that we would begin our life cycle as an Ant or a Bee before moving on up the ladder, depending on how well we did at not making the wrong choices and not eating something poisonous or being eaten by something else. 

I propose either Ant or Bee as the freshman year experience because it teaches our Soul how to integrate itself into a colony setting.

This is where, like in High school, a Soul is introduced to the Hierarchy setting. 

There is a Queen Bee, all her wannabees, its soldiers which are our version of athletes, band members, the R.O.T.C., and so on. 

It must learn its place and how it serves a grander design. It’s movements must adhere to its role in life.

As it progresses, we also begin to see the evolution of our Soul begin to take responsibility for its surroundings. 

Every Bee pollinates the flowers around it, helping our world grow and prosper. It's the first stage of life, in which we see the Soul’s are taught that its core responsibility is to Gaia. 

This includes that it learns to help the next in line, as it was just a flower itself.

Everything it does, even at an Ant level is geared towards working with others and learning how to navigate a sometimes rigid communal system. 

At every turn within our great academy we see the Soul in active pursuit of taking ownership for its own actions. 

To it, freedom becomes its quest. It is learning what it costs us all to seek our own individuation.

It must thereby be already at a full self awareness phase, as if you’ve ever seen an Ant trail, there’s always that one Ant who decides to go a different route and the rest of the Ants around it scurry and holler at it, for disrupting the everyday work cycle. 

Is it confused or lost, or is it “Freedom fighter” I wonder?

The point is that a moment comes where it learns that if it ventures too far from home, it will perish and so must fall back in line.

Seeing as there are varying types of colony insects, one might very well deduce that the last phase of its maturation at that grade level comes when it manifests into a Caterpillar, because as we all know, it’s where we all learn what it is to transform for the first time into a Butterfly.

It’s the Soul’s first true creation point as the driver of its own vessel.

The power of this type of flight must serve our Soul as it’s last summer before the Sophomore year where they received their own drivers permit and chose the color of the “car” and its schematics. 

Making the official Sophomore year, the dawn of the bird!

There are quite a few perks to this phase, as it takes us quickly from preyed upon to birds of prey. Karma must thereby be introduced around this time, like a tricycle wheel in an “only eat what you need, and leave the rest” manner.

There is also the fact that this is where they most likely get to learn what the pleasures of sex entail. 

Just look at their mating dances and plumage to see what I mean. Not to mention that they also must now learn how to build a nest and care personally for their own young.

It’s the ultimate expression of creativity that a Soul has ever had up until this point. As insects they were all uniformed, and until they opened their wings as butterflies they really never got to flash out.

Imagine the freedom that we must feel the moment we peek out of our egg and see the world from high above. 

What it must feel like to be thrown from our nest and told that we must spread our wings and be free.

Imagine the self awareness that must come from taking flight and how we must become conscious of our being a Soul. 

I say that as birds are territorial and selective as to who they surround themselves with like in a Soul tribe, and also because they are able to fly. Something that most animals cannot do. 

Not to be too off center for a moment, but I can’t help but also notice that when birds are around humans, they look up at something we can’t see.

Almost as though something above is reassuring them that it's okay to mingle with the “beasts.”

Have you ever noticed that, or the fact that they also will perform before you, if you feed them? 


I apologize for the digression, but I thought it would be worth pointing out to you all.

Now, one might assume that becoming a Lion, a Tiger or a Bear would make for the perfect equivalent to the Senior year of High school experience but it’s not, it’s bound to be more the Junior year.

You’ll understand why, when we get to the Senior year in a moment.

Up until this point, our Souls have been used to being subject to larger prey, like snakes, other larger birds and so on.

Lucky for us, this phase of life now makes us grow into a world predator itself, say like a Bear, a Lion or a Wolf. 

Notice the three major types here. The Bear is more Maternal than the Lion, and the Wolf is more a loner than a pack hound. 

The reason is that the Soul gets to choose which of the predators serves its emerging personality best.

To it, the choice has been a long time coming. It see’s this opportunity as its first true expression of individuation. 

It gets to choose how it most wants to live its life. The freedom to roam, to be on its own and explore, or be a Lion in a “pride”, all part of the emergence of the Ego.

Hence why it's not yet a Senior. 

Here, it gets to have many partners at its discretion and to me then serves as a window to the Souls yearnings. 

Also notice that we call men Dogs, and what do all men chase …….?

Vulgar, but you do see the validity in my bringing it up.

The variation forms a sort of masculine to feminine quality to our overall experience, wouldn’t you say?

Within this new world, the Soul learns leadership and the dire costs to its pack if it fails to lead properly.

Not everyone can lead effectively as seen in our own world, so one would assume that this cycle may need some repeating before it can head off to its final year.

And what do I propose would be the Soul’s last year of all this? 

A domesticated animal of course. It would be the reward cycle granted to a Soul who has done well, wouldn’t it?

First and foremost, at this point, the Soul begins assimilating to the human experience where it can gain large amounts of data about what's to come. 

Reflective of the Tree cycle, its task here would be to observe the human condition so as to try and assess what's best, what the customs are, our practices and even sadly, how evil and dangerous the next phase is to our evolution. 

It’s why its said that those who partake in animal cruelty and especially dog fighting have a special place in hell, just for them. 

And then they wonder why they get eaten down the road, or butchered in an accident. 

Karma is real!

The greatest part of this aspect of the Soul’s journey is that it gets fed and walked, it rules the nest and gets its vocal ability to say its piece.

It gets to sniff new smells its never known before, gets to read peoples energy and has sex as much as it wants, spreading its seed all over creation.

It is truly heaven to a Soul that has spent so long at the mercy of its pride, or colony or what have you.

As that higher expression of you, leaves this “High school” setting for the Collegiate world of human expression, notice that a cat or dog shows full consciousness when many of them will run away from home when it’s time to pass on, so as to save the family it called home from seeing it happen.

And just like that, the Soul now enters adulthood and heads off on its own. 

Ready to take the world on by storm, right?

That’s what we all say when we first strike out on our own and enter our new lives away from our parents. 


The human experience affords the Soul its first true expression of self actualization.

It is now at the true top of the food chain, but the stakes couldn’t be higher could they?

If I recall my experience properly, I ran away from home as fast as I could, which in this case could also translate to away from what I’d been taught by my “parents.”

Some might even notice that in the process, I ran away from my Moral fiber as well.

Sort of like all of us, who leave Faith behind in thinking we know better than all the rest.

All human beings learn slowly. 

Such would be the case for the first time in this physical shell.

Though we may have spent all those years observing the behavior of these creatures, seeing it and belonging to it are entirely different things.

The lessons learned at this level are best introduced by referencing the Freshman 15 lbs, the first Keg party, failing school and sometimes needing to head back home to regroup.

Those are just some of the lessons we each learned the hard way around that same time.

Soul’s are no different. They are after all, our higher selves. 

What they have learned we may have forgotten, but to them they realize that they're almost out of here. 

They're almost home!

The pressure on our Souls to get a degree is never greater than this phase because it’s where most of us get lost in the illusion.

As animals and plants we only know nature. Our intermingling with the human being is kept low and only really known about when domesticated. 

Can you imagine what it’s like to come out of the birth canal and immediately get slapped and made to cry?

Then begins the dangers at every turn. Any false step can land you back at square one, having to do it all over again.

The best way to express what this might be like to a Soul is in referencing back to all the time we’ve all spent in front of a game console, trying not to get killed. 

In this college program, you suddenly can eat the wrong thing, plus get hit by a car, by a parent, by a stranger, and can have your life taken for thinking outside the box.

There is child molestation, child trafficking, enslavement, police brutality, betrayal, sexism, homophobia, homicide, religion, war, strife, hunger, and a desperate need to be heard.

Suddenly the simpler life forms of the past are a dream of heaven to a newborn Soul, and their quest now becomes to stay true to themselves, what they believe in and have learned while staying true to their purpose. 

Being human to a Soul proves to be the hardest of tests known to the universe. 

Called the swamps to advanced races, our inability to take responsibility for our own actions allow others to control our lives, our choices at every turn and even beats the Soul into not trying anymore.

We get lost in the illusion created by the few, and in doing so relinquish our rights to be ourselves, and live as freely as we know we should be. 

After all that time of pushing, studying, and giving it your all, we can find ourselves overloaded with our new course work, loss of integrity, wasting time and all while the Soul desperately tries to regain control of a situation they can’t see their way out of. 

Luckily for us all, we have by this point, learned what the meaning of Faith is. We know innately that it can get better, if we can just hold on.

All the while not knowing that we can walk away and truly be free by detaching from what we are exposed to, and begin thinking for ourselves again.

The next four “years” at this level seems to be spent on just learning how to fit in and coast through it all.

We spend our time not wanting to stand out, learning that to be yourself can cost you your life and that it's better to follow than to lead. Something that puts us at odds with our truest nature and our lessons learned.

By the time that we have reached our Soul’s “B.A.”, we are now tied to someone else's reality and have become sheep in a pasture that we fought life and limb to get out of. 

Though education is always the answer, the illusion of what that entails to a Soul by this point is nowhere near worth it to a lost child of the Divine kingdom.

And then something magical happens, the Soul hears something that perks “its” ears. There’s a rumor of a Masters program!

That’s right, either a Professor who feels bad for the lost sheep says something that grabs them out of the darkness, or they stumble across a brave Souls web page or channel, and they hear the words of a Higher power say, “remember who you are!”

And like a bolt of lightning, that once exhausted Soul who had given up on it all suddenly sees Hope return to their physical shadow.

The human body responds to the higher guidance and for the first time ever, both the Soul and the body acknowledge the other.

“There must be more out there than this!”

Bam, a Master in the making is born.

But unlike its entire human experience has taught it before, this time they must leave indoctrination and take the biggest gamble in the world to access it.

They must return to Faith and follow the breadcrumbs left by the most brilliant minds that have come before it.

Suddenly in a flurry of motion, the Soul now begins to ask its lower expression to venture out of the city limits of the mind, and go back to basics. 

What is your faith based on?

What rings true for you, and what doesn’t?

Doesn’t this all sound familiar, it asks?

YES, yes it does!

“Well if this means this, then I should look here. 

If that means that, then this other thing can’t be right.

Oops, that means I was wrong.”

And just like that we each begin to take responsibility for everything we’ve ever done. 

We begin by looking at our fears, insecurities and choices and start to focus on where we could have done better.

Before you know it, you’re Soul is now driving the vehicle, and there’s a new promise for the new day before you.

You are free of the shackles of illusion and no one, not no one, can ever take you back to where you just came from.

F*** em’ all, you say! 

Elated with your own power back, you finally see yourself for who you are and what your worth and your Soul finally gets to take a breath to exhale. 

You made it!

You took responsibility for your own life and in doing so even have begun taking responsibility for that of the Collectives.

You’ve mastered the physical world! Woo, Woo!

Now What?

“Now you share what you’ve learned over thousands and thousands of years with the others, and help then find their own way home.”

Welcome to the new P.H.D. program, the Divine has been expecting you. It's time to shine!

That is the point of this all you know, to help humanity rise out of the darkness, and just think it only took us all thousands of years to get here. 

Fight for your freedoms now!

Your Soul has been here so long that it is asking you all to open your eyes. 

There are no limits to what you can do. 

There are no limits to who you can become.

There are no limits to what you can achieve, just free yourselves of this illusion that what you see is real. 

It’s not.

It’s a school. It’s end game is to teach you that you are the creator of your own destiny. 

Once you know that you can help create whatever the hell you want.

If you just remember who you are and what it's taken you to get to this very moment.

What it took for you to evolve to a point where you could actually be free to love who you want, to live how you want, to actualize your creativity into the world and leave the best ever lasting legacy our race has ever seen.

Don’t believe me, go back over all your notes throughout each lifetime. It’s all yours to request, you know?

If you believe it is.

You are not here by mistake, and once you remember it all, your purpose will become clear.

It’s to make all your dreams come true, if you would just listen to that higher guidance telling you what to do.

That voice is God, reminding you that you are a part of "He", you don’t have to settle for sh**.

You’ve earned it!

Stop giving your freedom away, fight for your right to be heard, seen and acknowledged by this world as it's been a long time coming!

You are the Divine’s imagination at play, think about what that means for your future. If “S/HE” dreamed you up, then there are no limits to what you can achieve if you should just choose to try!

Fly sweet Angels, FLY!


Al Arevalo

The But Queen

Cancer Moon/ Leo Rising

(818) 984-5339

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