How to live a purpose-driven life and satisfy your soul!!!

How to live a purpose-driven life and satisfy your soul!!!

The greatest challenge in life is to be our own person and accept that being different is a blessing and not a curse. A person who knows who he is, lives a simple life by eliminating from their orbit anything that does not align with his or her overriding purpose and values. A person must be selective with their time and energy because both elements of life are limited.”

 Kilroy J. Oldster

Every person comes into this world with a purpose. We are conditioned since childhood that our parents, teachers, and society teach us. We do study and choose a career that helps us to survive and earn the money but after some time when we get a calling, we suddenly don’t like the life that we are living. We feel some empty ness. What is this emptiness? You have everything around you but you are not happy. You are looking for something that is calling you. That calling is to do something that gives you fulfillment and helps you to live the purpose of your life. 

Mother Nature provides us everything to survive and gives all living and non-living things a unique role to play. When you look at the Sun, it has the biggest contribution to the planet and helps to survive life, the moon, water, and air, all are here to give a contribution to the survival of all creatures. Trees give us, fruits, wood, shadow, and most importantly oxygen. Even animals are here to contribute, they are used for food production, transport, and are also used for manufacturing products. 

On the other hand human being, is the finest creature on this planet, who is wise and can invent great things with his wisdom. Now things come here, are we using this human body in the right way that we are born for? 

There are many people in this world, who are inspired by many things such as singing, teaching, painting, writing, and more. In short, we all are here to contribute something to this world. When we look around us, each and every one plays some role.

Did we recognize how we can give a contribution to this world? What is the purpose of our life? Are we aware of the essence of our life or we are busy fulfilling our material needs? 

I feel sad when I see people wasting their useful life and ending their life because of their wrong choices for maintaining social status

Yes, we are social animals, we need money, family, and society to live with. But these things should be in support of fulfilling our purpose and missions in our life. We have limited time and energy. Are we using this time and energy in a productive way? 

For example- 

There are two friends, one is living his life with luxury and buying expensive things and the other one is using his life with simple things but fulfilling the purpose of his life. It can be fancy to see luxurious homes, cars, and vacations, and it may become a social status. But if you are wasting your time and energy in earning money so that you can pay the bills of high maintenance costs, which gives you temporary happiness but not giving true meaning to your life. Instead, you can use your life with minimal things and live a purposeful life, so that you will have no regret at the end of your life.

There is always our choice about how to live our life. Nowadays in social media time, you can find many distractions, people are frustrated by seeing others’ successful and happy life. But we can find real happiness by fulfilling our inner voice that is coming from inside. 

This is the myth that people who have all luxuries are the happiest People. Real happiness always comes from the inside and the lives that you have impacted. It doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor. You can live happily when you are living a meaningful and purposeful life without having an expensive home and cars. I have seen, people have everything but they are not happy as they are not self-fulfilled. 

You will be fulfilled and satisfy your soul if you are listening to the voice of your heart. It may be challenging as you have to listen to your inner voice and also balance the logical mind. When you are stuck in intuition and a logical Mind. You should always choose your intuition over the logical mind. 

Intuition and Purpose

Intuition is listening to the voice of your heart that can not be logical, but compelling to you, In my case, if I will not listen to my heart and intuition, it screws my whole life, everything will not feel good even if people are doing good around me. 

Science can not understand intuition and the voice of the heart. As per science, it is the heart, pumping blood throughout your body. But we all have that little voice inside of our hearts or you can say the inner voice of the soul, you just have to experience it by closing your eyes and listening to it. We all should have the courage to follow that.

There were many people who reached their full potential and achieved far more than they could think. They had the courage to follow their heart and intuition and lived purposeful lives.

As per the survey, I did on LinkedIn, more than 80% of our decisions are taken on a logical mind, and less than 20% of our decisions are taken on intuition. The majority of people take decisions logically, it sounds great, right? 

But who are those people? who took decisions based on intuition and listened to their hearts. People who listened to their hearts and follow their intuitions are not ordinary people, they are extraordinary on this Planet. They have the courage to fulfill their dreams and purpose and paid the price whatever it takes. 

Some of the names of intuitive People-

  1. Albert Einstein
  2. Martin Luther King Jr
  3. Mahatma Gandhi
  4. Mother Teresa
  5. Nelson Mandela
  6. Dalai Lama
  7. Steve Job

There are a number of others people like them as Aristotle, Swami Vivekanand, Oprah, Jay Shetty, Tony Robbins, and B.k Shivani and there is a list of tons of other people, who are not famous like them but living a fulfilled and meaningful life. Initially, their decisions were not logical but they listened to their heart and had the courage to fulfill them, no matter what.

“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” ― Steve Jobs.

Martin Luther King had a dream or intuition that everyone should be treated equally and everyone should live in a nation where they would not judge by their color but by their character”

As per Steve Job, “Intuition is very powerful more powerful than intellect”.

In an interview In a 2005 Stanford speech, Jobs again credited his intuitive mind as having a significant impact on his work. “You have to trust in something,” he said. “Your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.”

Jobs added, “This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.”

The point is here that, people who took decisions on their intuition did some extraordinary work on this planet. It takes courage to follow your intuition and heart and people who achieved anything big in their life, it was not easy for them, it had always a price. 

Your life’s goal changes at every phase of your life. We are prepared for every step to reach our destination. If you are stuck somewhere and not happy with your current situation, it’s time to move and take your next step toward your destination.

How can you find your purpose?

Now let’s come to the point, how to find your purpose. There are many things that you are passionate about and you are good at this job. You can decide your purpose on the basis of your passion, capacity, and the needs of the world. We can categorize them in the following way-

  • Make a list of things that you enjoy(Passion)
  • Is this going to help others or fulfill the need of the world?
  • Is it helping your fulfillment? (soul-satisfaction)
  • Do you have the capacity to fulfill it?

You can not solve all the problems in the world. You can do as per your capacity and interest that you are enjoying and willing to do. Whatever work you do, it should be done with your best effort. 

First, it is important to make yourself financially capable, which will help you to survive and pay bills. You can learn the skill by side to sharpen your passion, then you can substitute your passion fully. 

In this world, people are given different tasks as per their capacities. People contribute as doctors, lawyers, authors, constructors, developers, motivational speakers, artists and more. They all have a purpose to give something and contribute to making this world a better place.

Yes if your one goal is finished, then you will be given another task to reach the destination of your life. There is no comparison with others. And no one will tell you what to do. It’s you who can find the purpose of your life. If you are fulfilled by doing this. That is the thing that will give you peace and satisfaction in your life.

Do not waste your life and living that is not helping to reach your purpose. You don’t need a big thing to fulfill your purpose, it can be anything, that fulfilling your soul and impacts people around you.

We should perform our role the best we can. For this, first, we have to recognize ourselves, and who we are. You can be fulfilled and be satisfied with your best efforts, whatever your job is. 

If you are a parent, Your duty is how you can raise your kids and prepare them better people. If you are an owner of the company, your purpose should be to provide better services and products for customers in a sustainable environment. If you are a teacher, your job should be to provide better education to every child. Every person has unique roles to play. 

 For example - The needle has its own role that a sword can not do. A farmer can not substitute the role of a doctor or a doctor can not switch the role of a farmer. 

This Article is an awakening to all of your soul and listens to the voices that are coming from your heart, that shake you to fulfill your purpose. Trust the process, even if you are not seeing a clear way, the voice is very compelling, and you know the destination but the path is hidden. This is your job to figure out. Learn and read the inspirational stories of intuitive People, and how they overcome all the challenges.

Bottom line is that there is always a right time for every purpose. You will be given the task as per your capacity. You should have the courage to follow the voice of your heart. There is no comparison with others. Each and everyone has their own unique role to play. The most important thing we should always remember, we have to play our role with honesty and the best we can.

Thank you for your valuable time. Stay Healthy and Safe!

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