How Showing You’re Not Perfect Helps Build Connections
Welcome to the latest edition of the Seven Figure Consultant LinkedIn Newsletter - which is now released twice a week. Don't forget that you can get daily updates from Jessica in your LinkedIn news feed by accessing her LinkedIn profile and hitting Follow. She will be sharing insights and discussions through the week that she would love to hear your views on.
How willing are you to share your imperfections? A few months ago I shared that I have a messy desk and how everyone assumes that it would be all neat and tidy.
So often we want to keep the clutter out of sight, don’t we? We don’t want anyone to know we were working late to meet a deadline. Or that something went wrong but because we want to present a cool, calm and collected image, we don’t mention that there was a problem. We spotted it, we worked overtime to fix it, now it’s all sorted and there’s nothing to see here.
We don’t want people to know we’re nervous, or it’s the first time we have done something quite like this, or that what we’re doing is a really big deal for us but we feel we can’t share that.
Being seen in our imperfection and in our fear can be a really vulnerable place to be. We try to keep ourselves hidden because we don’t want to risk that vulnerability. But often, the thing you want is on the other side of your fear.
I talk very openly on my podcast, Seven Figure Consultant, and sometimes I will record something and then think to myself, ‘really? Am I saying that out loud?’ But those are often the episodes most people respond to. People will get in touch with me and say, ‘Jessica it’s like you were inside my head. I’ve never told anyone I feel like that.’
When you share some of the behind-the-scenes moments, that’s so often when things happen. People see the real you. I'm an introvert. I have been very shy in my life. But when I talk about being shy, a lot of people say, what are you talking about? You have a podcast, and you do all this stuff. And yes, I do, but I do it the way that I feel comfortable doing it.
It is important to feel confident about who you are and your way of doing things. If you think you’re the only one whose presentation hasn’t gone to plan, or who felt sick before they stepped on stage, you’re not. If you told someone else about it, they would probably reply ‘me too’ or tell you about something similar which had happened to them.
There’s something very powerful about that connection and we risk losing that if we focus on making sure there isn’t a hair out of place and that we have a completely perfect smile.
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Let me know in the comments, what have I written about recently that really resonated with you?
Free Report - The Six Elements of a Seven Figure Consulting Business
I've created a free PDF report called The Six Elements of a Seven Figure Business. It’s my most popular free resource and in it I outline the 6 areas of unscaled businesses that need to change in order to move past being ‘booked up and burned out’ and shifting into that higher gear that gets you cruising again.
It’s the framework that helps consultant women like you find their feet and get back to leading the business, rather than being buried in client work and back-end business operations.
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To find out more about the work I do, visit or message me here on LinkedIn if you'd like to hear more about private coaching and how I can help you transition from booked up and burned out to THRIVING as the CEO of your 7 figure consulting business.
Sales And Marketing Specialist at SPLF
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