It’s All Going to Be Okay for You
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It’s All Going to Be Okay for You

Things may not be going well for you and today could be a total screw up. Right now you could be looking like the biggest idiot. Everything you have worked for could have been flushed down the toilet and you may feel like you have nothing left.

Life can be harsh sometimes and that is all part of the game. It’s easy to dismiss the harshness when you’re the observer, but when you’re in the thick of it, no matter how hard you try, it can feel overwhelming. Everyone can tell you that it’s going to be okay. But they are not you.

They are not experiencing this pain that you are experiencing right now. How the heck would they know?

Life has a funny way of working itself out and eventually acting in your favor if you are patient enough. The truth is you are doing the best you can and there is no point being so hard on yourself.

You have to go through this moment right now and to have your world turned upside down so that your thoughts and your career dreams are questioned, and perhaps changed for good.

It’s during the moments where you question yourself that you start to consider different realities, find hidden courage you didn’t know you had, and change your beliefs that may not have served you to date.

Rejection hurts and failure hurts even worse. These are the moments in life when we wonder is everything going to be okay?

Will you find a way out of this situation?

Of course you will. Nothing that you’re enduring is going to last forever. Today is just part of a season that makes up your life. Some seasons of life brings you all the fruits and pleasures you could ever dream of and some seasons are harsh, cold and covered in clouds that distort your perception.

Today could be a cyclone in your life but the calm aways comes.

It’s okay *NOT* to be okay

Having things be in a less than ideal state is difficult to accept in your mind. Your mind wants to tell you all sorts of lies such as “you’re not good enough” or “you’ll never have a normal life again.”

These are just lies your mind tells you to help explain where you are at today. These lies only become truths when you let that war in your head be lost.

None of us, especially me, are winning every day.

We all have days where we lose our jobs, get diagnosed with life-threatening conditions, lose a loved one, or deal with our own mortality. Whipping out your phone every few minutes hoping for the answer to all your problems to be suddenly, like magic, be right in front of you, is unhelpful.

At the same time as that phone is in your hand on that really tough day, you’ll naturally want to open your most used social media app to see what is happening. In that moment, you’ll see the highlight reel of the lives of everyone around you and that will only make you feel worse.

Everyone in your social media newsfeed is having days similar to you; they’re just not sharing it or talking about it.

You’re not always supposed to be okay. Sometimes the best thing you can do is admit you’re not okay and confide in a friend or mentor for advice. Accepting that you’re not okay today is key.

You will be okay again, I promise.

You got this

This situation will work itself out and the best part is that you will look back on all of this and be wiser for it.

Have patience and don’t try and solve your ginormous problem in one day. You’ve got this and it’s small steps that will help you work through it.

Don’t lose belief in yourself because that’s what will help you keep fighting when others may have given up on you.

This situation is happening for a reason and you can control your reactions, the decisions you make, and how you feel about all of this. You are in control and don’t forget that. Things will work out for you.

Take this idea with you

Be kinder from now on because of this experience.

When everything is okay again, allow your change in fate to be the reason you are kinder to others. See a little bit of your challenging situation in all those you encounter.

When that graduate asks for your advice, remember the day you were not okay.

When that friend who cheated you asks for your forgiveness, remember the day you were not okay.

When that colleague loses their job and you keep yours, remember the day you were not okay.

Kindness will help you never forget when you were not okay and allow you to draw the ultimate value and wisdom from the experience. Not being okay can teach you a lot. Once you’ve learned the lesson, teach others so they too can be okay when the same happens to them.

Whatever you are going through right now, it will resolve itself. Know that I’m also dealing with a similar battle today and so we are in this together. If you are not okay, you will be.

Have courage, lead with love, treat others with kindness along the way, practice being humble and ask for help if you need it. No matter how bad things get, you can always ask for help.

It’s going nit to be okay for all of us — know that with every fibre of your being.

Accept what is and what will be, and it will all be okay once more.

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Sibongile Motsamai

Senior Specialist: Sales CAL Distribution


It all works out in the end... All will be well!

Mueed K. Shams

Senior Manager, Contracts Management | CFCM, CPCM


"Have courage, lead with love, treat others with kindness along the way, practice being humble, and ask for help if you need it." A very nice article. Thank you, Tim Denning!


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