Livelihood assistance, Greater BRICS, currency swap lines, and the World Anti-Doping Code

Livelihood assistance, Greater BRICS, currency swap lines, and the World Anti-Doping Code

Terms to note from today’s PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs press conference:

  • 半年报告  [bàn nián bào gào]  Six Month Report (i.e., Six-monthly Report on Hong Kong

香港问题半年报告 xiāng gǎng wèn tí bàn nián bào gào):  中方一贯反对英方通过所谓“半年报告”对香港事务说三道四。香港回归以来,“一国两制”在港实践取得了举世公认的成功。制定实施香港国安法和国安条例,完善香港特区选举制度,有力推动香港实现由乱到治,并进入由治及兴的新阶段,香港的安全、民主、民众自由权利得到更有效保障,发展前景更加光明。香港事务纯属中国内政。英方应当尊重香港已经回归中国27年的基本事实,停止对香港事务指手画脚。 

China has always opposed the UK’s so-called “six-monthly report” which makes irresponsible comments on Hong Kong affairs. Since the return of Hong Kong, One Country, Two Systems has been a success in Hong Kong, which is widely recognized. The national security law and ordinance and the improved electoral system have enabled Hong Kong to enter a new stage in which it has restored order and is set to thrive, its security, democracy and people’s freedoms and rights are under better protection, and it enjoys more promising prospects for development. Hong Kong affairs are purely China’s internal affairs. It’s been 27 years since Hong Kong’s return and the UK must respect that fact and stop pointing fingers at Hong Kong affairs.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on September 13, 2024)

  • 大金砖  [dà jīn zhuān]  greater BRICS: 

Today’s quote:


On September 11 [2024], Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs Wang Yi attended the 14th Meeting of BRICS High-Ranking Officials responsible for security matters/National Security Advisors in St. Petersburg. Director Wang Yi spoke highly of the role of BRICS as a positive and stable force for good in international affairs. He said that BRICS countries have increasingly become a constructive force in maintaining world peace, promoting common development, improving global governance, and advancing democracy in international relations. BRICS took a historic step of expansion last year, fully demonstrating the strong vitality and appeal of the BRICS mechanism. It is important to fully leverage the strategic significance and political effects of greater BRICS, uphold independence, solidarity, collaboration and common development, protect the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries, and expand the development space for emerging markets, so as to send out a clearer and more consistent voice of BRICS countries in the global governance system. Director Wang Yi noted the BRICS NSAs meeting is the core mechanism for BRICS political and security cooperation and should be fully utilized to enhance strategic coordination, take into account each other’s core interests and major concerns, safeguard our respective sovereignty, security, and development interests, and make the international order more just and equitable. China will fully support Russia’s chairmanship and work for fruitful deliverables of the Kazan Summit. During the meeting, Director Wang Yi also attended a dialogue session between BRICS and Global South countries where he made a four-point proposal of upholding dialogue and cooperation, cementing the foundation of development, carrying forward the spirit of solidarity and mutual assistance and demonstrating openness and inclusiveness. Director Wang stressed that China, as a natural member of the Global South, will always stand firmly with Global South countries and jointly defend international fairness and justice and promote world peace and development.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on September 13, 2024) 

Previous PRC history of the term:

♦  2022年中国担任金砖国家轮值主席国时,习近平主席提出,金砖国家要敞开大门谋发展、张开怀抱促合作,呼吁吸纳新成员、汇聚新力量。各方一致同意以金砖中国年为契机启动扩员进程。经过一年的筹备磋商,2023年约翰内斯堡峰会期间,五国领导人作出政治决断,金砖大家庭正式迎来新成员。此次扩员缔造了金砖机制发展的里程碑,开启了“全球南方”联合自强的新纪元。扩员后的“大金砖”必将更有力推动全球治理体系朝着公正合理方向发展,必将更有力提升“全球南方”在国际事务中的代表性和发言权。 

During China’s chairmanship in 2022, President Xi Jinping called on fellow BRICS countries to pursue development with open doors and boost cooperation with open arms, and appealed for admitting new members to pool greater strengths. With the unanimous consent of all members, the BRICS expansion process was launched in the China Summit year. After a year of preparation and consultation, leaders of the five BRICS countries made a political decision on expansion at the Johannesburg Summit in 2023, and officially welcomed new members to the BRICS family. The expansion marks a milestone in the development of the BRICS mechanism, and ushers in a new era of strength through unity for the Global South. The expanded “greater BRICS” will surely play a stronger role in shaping a more just and equitable global governance system, and increasing the representation and voice of the Global South in international affairs.  (Wang Yi_Address at the Symposium on the International Situation and China’s Foreign Relations_2024_01_09)

  • 货币互换额度  [huò bì hù huàn é dù]  currency swap line: 

Today’s quote:


We would be interested to know whether the Chinese government or state lenders are talking to the Maldivian government about its debt situation. If so, are you discussing measures to provide debt relief? Could China provide a currency swap line?  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on September 13, 2024) 

Previous PRC history of the term:

♦  据阿根廷媒体报道,中国已搁置两国央行之间65亿美元的货币互换额度安排 ... 

Argentinean media reports that China has put on hold the USD 6.5 billion currency swap line arrangement between China and Argentina’s central banks  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on December 20, 2023)

  • 坚持对话合作、夯实发展之基、弘扬团结互助、彰显开放包容  [jiān chí duì huà hé zuò, hāng shí fā zhǎn zhī jī, hóng yáng tuán jié hù zhù, zhāng xiǎn kāi fàng bāo róng]  upholding dialogue and cooperation, cementing the foundation of development, carrying forward the spirit of solidarity and mutual assistance and demonstrating openness and inclusiveness (four-point proposal by Foreign Minister Wang Yi for BRICS and Global South countries): 

9月11日,中共中央政治局委员、中央外办主任王毅在圣彼得堡出席第十四次金砖国家安全事务高级代表会议。... 与会期间,王毅主任还出席金砖国家同“全球南方”国家对话会,提出坚持对话合作、夯实发展之基、弘扬团结互助、彰显开放包容四点主张,强调中国是“全球南方”的当然成员,将始终同南方国家坚定站在一起,共同捍卫国际公平正义,共促世界和平发展。 

On September 11 [2024], Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs Wang Yi attended the 14th Meeting of BRICS High-Ranking Officials responsible for security matters/National Security Advisors in St. Petersburg.... During the meeting, Director Wang Yi also attended a dialogue session between BRICS and Global South countries where he made a four-point proposal of upholding dialogue and cooperation, cementing the foundation of development, carrying forward the spirit of solidarity and mutual assistance and demonstrating openness and inclusiveness. Director Wang stressed that China, as a natural member of the Global South, will always stand firmly with Global South countries and jointly defend international fairness and justice and promote world peace and development.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on September 13, 2024) 

  • 金砖  [jīn zhuān]  BRICS: 


On September 11 [2024], Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs Wang Yi attended the 14th Meeting of BRICS High-Ranking Officials responsible for security matters/National Security Advisors in St. Petersburg. Director Wang Yi spoke highly of the role of BRICS as a positive and stable force for good in international affairs. He said that BRICS countries have increasingly become a constructive force in maintaining world peace, promoting common development, improving global governance, and advancing democracy in international relations. BRICS took a historic step of expansion last year, fully demonstrating the strong vitality and appeal of the BRICS mechanism. It is important to fully leverage the strategic significance and political effects of greater BRICS, uphold independence, solidarity, collaboration and common development, protect the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries, and expand the development space for emerging markets, so as to send out a clearer and more consistent voice of BRICS countries in the global governance system. Director Wang Yi noted the BRICS NSAs meeting is the core mechanism for BRICS political and security cooperation and should be fully utilized to enhance strategic coordination, take into account each other’s core interests and major concerns, safeguard our respective sovereignty, security, and development interests, and make the international order more just and equitable. China will fully support Russia’s chairmanship and work for fruitful deliverables of the Kazan Summit. During the meeting, Director Wang Yi also attended a dialogue session between BRICS and Global South countries where he made a four-point proposal of upholding dialogue and cooperation, cementing the foundation of development, carrying forward the spirit of solidarity and mutual assistance and demonstrating openness and inclusiveness. Director Wang stressed that China, as a natural member of the Global South, will always stand firmly with Global South countries and jointly defend international fairness and justice and promote world peace and development.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on September 13, 2024)

  • 金砖国家安全事务高级代表会议  [jīn zhuān guó jiā ān quán shì wù gāojí dài biǎo huì yì]  Meeting of BRICS National Security Advisers and High Representatives on National Security: 

Today’s quote:


On September 11 [2024], Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs Wang Yi attended the 14th Meeting of BRICS High-Ranking Officials responsible for security matters/National Security Advisors in St. Petersburg. Director Wang Yi spoke highly of the role of BRICS as a positive and stable force for good in international affairs. He said that BRICS countries have increasingly become a constructive force in maintaining world peace, promoting common development, improving global governance, and advancing democracy in international relations. BRICS took a historic step of expansion last year, fully demonstrating the strong vitality and appeal of the BRICS mechanism. It is important to fully leverage the strategic significance and political effects of greater BRICS, uphold independence, solidarity, collaboration and common development, protect the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries, and expand the development space for emerging markets, so as to send out a clearer and more consistent voice of BRICS countries in the global governance system. Director Wang Yi noted the BRICS NSAs meeting is the core mechanism for BRICS political and security cooperation and should be fully utilized to enhance strategic coordination, take into account each other’s core interests and major concerns, safeguard our respective sovereignty, security, and development interests, and make the international order more just and equitable. China will fully support Russia’s chairmanship and work for fruitful deliverables of the Kazan Summit. During the meeting, Director Wang Yi also attended a dialogue session between BRICS and Global South countries where he made a four-point proposal of upholding dialogue and cooperation, cementing the foundation of development, carrying forward the spirit of solidarity and mutual assistance and demonstrating openness and inclusiveness. Director Wang stressed that China, as a natural member of the Global South, will always stand firmly with Global South countries and jointly defend international fairness and justice and promote world peace and development.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on September 13, 2024) 

Previous PRC history of the term:

♦  第十四次金砖国家安全事务高级代表会议将于9月11日至12日在俄罗斯圣彼得堡举行。中共中央政治局委员、中央外办主任王毅将按惯例应邀与会。会议期间,中方将同金砖伙伴就当前国际安全形势、重大国际和地区问题等交换意见,为金砖国家领导人第十六次会晤做好政治准备。当今世界变乱交织,各种安全挑战复杂严峻。金砖国家作为新兴市场和发展中国家合作的重要平台,始终致力于维护世界和平,促进共同发展,践行多边主义,推动全球治理朝着更加公正合理的方向发展。此次安代会是金砖历史性扩员后首次安代会。中方期待同金砖伙伴一道,巩固金砖战略伙伴关系,进一步充实金砖政治安全领域合作内涵,为“大金砖合作”注入新动力,为维护世界和平安全贡献积极力量。 

The 14th Meeting of BRICS High-Ranking Officials responsible for security matters/National Security Advisors will be held in St. Petersburg from September 11 to 12 [2024]. As usual practice, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs Wang Yi will attend the meeting upon invitation. During the meeting, the Chinese side will exchange views with BRICS partners on the current international security situation and major international and regional issues, and make political preparation for the BRICS Summit. The world today is marked by changes and instabilities and fraught with complex and severe security challenges. As an important platform for emerging markets and developing countries, BRICS has been committed to upholding world peace, promoting common development, practicing multilateralism, and working for more just and equitable global governance. This is the first meeting of BRICS High-Ranking Officials responsible for security matters/National Security Advisors following the historic expansion of BRICS. China looks forward to working with BRICS partners to consolidate BRICS strategic partnership, further enrich BRICS cooperation in political and security areas, provide new impetus for greater BRICS cooperation, and contribute to world peace and security.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on September 9, 2024) 

♦  应南非总统府部长恩特沙韦尼和尼日利亚、肯尼亚、南非、土耳其政府邀请,中共中央政治局委员、中央外事工作委员会办公室主任王毅将出席7月24日至25日在约翰内斯堡举行的第十三次金砖国家安全事务高级代表会议并于会议前后访问尼日利亚、肯尼亚、南非、土耳其。

At the invitation of Minister in the Presidency Khumbudzo Ntshavheni of South Africa and the governments of Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa and Türkiye, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs Wang Yi will attend the 13th Meeting of BRICS National Security Advisers and High Representatives on National Security in Johannesburg from July 24 to 25 [2023], and visit Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa and Türkiye before and after the meeting.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 19, 2023) 

♦  金砖国家安全事务高级代表会议是金砖国家政治安全合作的重要平台。中方期待利用此次会议契机,同金砖伙伴围绕当前国际安全形势以及共同关心的问题深入交流,凝聚共识,深化合作,为处在动荡变革期的世界注入正能量,为将于今年8月举行的金砖国家领导人会晤做好政治准备。 

The Meeting of BRICS National Security Advisers and High Representatives on National Security is an important platform for BRICS countries to carry out political and security cooperation.  China looks forward to having in-depth exchanges of views with BRICS partners on the current international security situation and issues of mutual interest at the meeting, building up consensus and deepening cooperation, so as to provide positive energy for a world that is experiencing turbulence and transformation, and make political preparation for the BRICS Summit to be held in August this year [2023].  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 19, 2023)

  • 喀山峰会  [kā shān fēng huì]  Kazan Summit: 


Director Wang Yi noted the BRICS NSAs meeting is the core mechanism for BRICS political and security cooperation and should be fully utilized to enhance strategic coordination, take into account each other’s core interests and major concerns, safeguard our respective sovereignty, security, and development interests, and make the international order more just and equitable. China will fully support Russia’s chairmanship and work for fruitful deliverables of the Kazan Summit.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on September 13, 2024)

  • 六点共识  [liù diǎn gòng shì]  six common understandings (of the 中国、巴西关于政治解决乌克兰危机的共识 Common Understandings Between China and Brazil on Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis; the six are: 一、呼吁有关各方遵守局势降温“三原则”,即战场不外溢、战事不升级、各方不拱火。二、认为对话谈判是解决乌克兰危机的唯一可行出路。各方应为恢复直接对话创造条件,推动局势降温缓和,直至达成全面停火。中巴双方支持适时召开俄乌双方认可、各方平等参与、对所有和平方案进行公平讨论的国际和会。三、应加大对相关地区人道主义援助,防止出现更大规模的人道主义危机。应避免袭击平民和民用设施,保护妇女、儿童等平民和战俘。支持冲突当事方交换战俘。四、反对使用大规模杀伤性武器,特别是核武器和生化武器。尽一切可能防止核扩散,避免核危机。五、反对攻击核电站等和平核设施。各方均应遵守核安全公约等国际法,坚决避免出现人为核事故。六、反对割裂世界,制造封闭的政治或经济集团。呼吁在能源、货币、金融、贸易、粮食安全以及保护油气管道、海底光缆、电力能源设施、光纤网络等关键基础设施安全问题上加强国际合作,维护全球产业链供应链稳定。1. The two sides call on all relevant parties to observe three principles for deescalating the situation, namely no expansion of the battlefield, no escalation of fighting and no provocation by any party. 2. The two sides believe that dialogue and negotiation are the only viable solution to the Ukraine crisis. All parties should create conditions for the resumption of direct dialogue and push for the deescalation of the situation until the realization of a comprehensive ceasefire. China and Brazil support an international peace conference held at a proper time that is recognized by both Russia and Ukraine, with equal participation of all parties as well as fair discussion of all peace plans. 3. Efforts are needed to increase humanitarian assistance to relevant regions and prevent a humanitarian crisis on a larger scale. Attacks on civilians or civilian facilities must be avoided, and civilians including women and children and prisoners of war (POWs) must be protected. The two sides support the exchange of POWs between the parties to the conflict. 4. The use of weapons of mass destruction, particularly nuclear weapons and chemical and biological weapons must be opposed. All possible efforts must be made to prevent nuclear proliferation and avoid nuclear crisis. 5. Attacks on nuclear power plants and other peaceful nuclear facilities must be opposed. All parties should comply with international law including the Convention on Nuclear Safety and resolutely prevent man-made nuclear accidents. 6. Dividing the world into isolated political or economic groups should be opposed. The two sides call for efforts to enhance international cooperation on energy, currency, finance, trade, food security and the security of critical infrastructure, including oil and gas pipelines, undersea optical cables, electricity and energy facilities, and fiber-optic networks, so as to protect the stability of global industrial and supply chains.): 

Today’s quote:


Let me reiterate that China and Brazil put forward the six common understandings to address one urgent priority, which is to deescalate the situation. The common understandings stress that all relevant parties need to observe three principles for deescalating the situation, namely no expansion of the battlefield, no escalation of fighting and no provocation by any party. It also calls on all parties to be committed to dialogue and negotiation, increase humanitarian assistance, oppose the use of nuclear weapons, oppose attacks on nuclear power plants, and protect the stability of global industrial and supply chains. The common understandings have received positive response from over 110 countries, and meets the common aspiration of the international community.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on September 13, 2024) 

Previous PRC history of the term:

♦  近期,中国、巴西共同发表的“六点共识”得到超过100个国家的积极回应,其中第一条就是呼吁有关各方遵守局势降温“三原则”,即战场不外溢、战事不升级、各方不拱火。 

Recently China and Brazil jointly issued the six common understandings on the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis, which has received positive response from over 100 countries. The first common understanding is to call on all relevant parties to observe three principles for deescalating the situation, namely no expansion of the battlefield, no escalation of fighting and no fanning up the flames by any party.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on July 9, 2024) 

♦  中巴“六点共识”已经得到超过100个国家的积极回应,反映了国际社会普遍期待,是当今世界“最大公约数”。我们欢迎更多国家支持并加入“六点共识”。 

The six common understandings by China and Brazil have received positive response from over 100 countries. They reflect the universal expectation of the world and represent the broadest common ground of countries in the world on this issue. We welcome more countries to support and endorse the six common understandings.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on June 14, 2024) 

♦  5月23日,中巴双方就推动政治解决乌克兰危机、呼吁局势降温达成六点重要共识。截至6月10日,已有来自五大洲的101个国家和国际组织通过不同方式对“六点共识”作出积极回应,其中52个国家和国际组织已确认加入共识或正在认真研究加入方式。我想特别指出的是,尼加拉瓜先后以政府公报、国会声明等方式率先对中方在乌克兰危机上的立场以及“六点共识”公开予以支持,尼外长蒙卡达还专门就此致信王毅外长。中方对此表示高度赞赏。真诚欢迎更多国家支持并加入“六点共识”。 

On May 23 [2024], China and Brazil reached six common understandings on promoting the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis and calling for the deescalation of the situation. As of June 10, 101 countries from five continents and international organizations have responded positively to the common understandings in different forms, among whom 52 countries and international organizations confirmed that they either endorse the common understandings or are looking at the form of endorsement. It’s worth noting that Nicaragua is among the first to publicly support China’s position on the Ukraine crisis and the six common understandings in the form of government communiqué and national assembly declaration. Nicaragua’s Foreign Minister Denis Moncada wrote a letter to Foreign Minister Wang Yi specifically to express support. China highly appreciates it and sincerely welcomes more countries to support and endorse the six common understandings.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on June 11, 2024) 

♦  你还问到,这是不是意味着中方就不参加下个月在瑞士举行的有关和会。看一看中巴发表的六点共识,就可以找到这个问题的答案。六点共识中的第二点就是,双方认为各方应为恢复直接对话创造条件,推动局势降温缓和,直至达成全面停火。中巴双方支持适时召开俄乌双方认可、各方平等参与、对所有和平方案进行公平讨论的国际和会。 

You also asked whether that means China will not attend the peace conference in Switzerland next month. The answer can be found in the six common understandings issued by China and Brazil. The second common understanding says the two sides believe that all parties should create conditions for the resumption of direct dialogue and push for the deescalation of the situation until the realization of a comprehensive ceasefire. China and Brazil support an international peace conference held at a proper time that is recognized by both Russia and Ukraine, with equal participation of all parties as well as fair discussion of all peace plans.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on May 24, 2024)

  • 民生援助  [mín shēng yuán zhù]  livelihood assistance: 

Today’s quote:


During Maldivian President Mohamed Muizzu’s visit to China this January, the two presidents agreed to elevate China-Maldives relations to comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership. The two sides reached consensus on cooperation in such areas as Belt and Road cooperation, economic and technological cooperation, blue economy, digital economy, green development, infrastructure, livelihood assistance, among others. Relevant departments in the two countries are speeding up the implementation. China will, as always, do its best to support and assist Maldives’ socioeconomic development. On Maldives’ debt to China and bilateral financial cooperation that you mentioned, financial departments in the two countries maintain communication and consultation.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on September 13, 2024) 

Previous PRC history of the term:

♦  中方还将实施1000个小型民生援助项目,通过鲁班工坊等推进中外职业教育合作,并同各方加强对共建“一带一路”项目和人员安全保障。  China will carry out 1,000 small-scale livelihood assistance projects, and enhance vocational education cooperation through Luban Workshops and other initiatives. We will also step up joint efforts to ensure the safety of BRI projects and personnel.  (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the Opening Ceremony Of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation_2023_10_18)

  • 世界反兴奋剂条例  [shì jiè fǎn xīng fèn jì tiáo lì]  World Anti-Doping Code: 

Today’s quote:


Let me say more broadly that China strictly abides by the World Anti-Doping Code and has a zero-tolerance attitude toward doping. I’d also like to stress that sports issues should not be politicized, athletes from all countries should be treated equally, and effective efforts should be made to keep competitions fair.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on September 13, 2024)  

Previous PRC history of the term:

♦  我要强调的是,中国政府一贯坚持对兴奋剂问题“零容忍”的坚定立场,严格遵守《世界反兴奋剂条例》,坚决维护运动员的身心健康,维护体育竞赛的公平竞争,为全球统一的反兴奋剂斗争作出积极贡献。 

Let me stress that the Chinese government has a zero-tolerance attitude toward doping and strictly abides by the World Anti-Doping Code. China is committed to protecting the physical and mental wellness of our athletes, ensuring fair competition in sport and contributing to the unified global anti-doping campaign.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on June 19, 2024) 

♦  我还想强调的是,中国政府一贯坚持对兴奋剂问题“零容忍”的坚定立场,严格遵守《世界反兴奋剂条例》,坚决维护运动员的身心健康,维护体育竞赛的公平竞争,为全球统一的反兴奋剂斗争作出积极贡献。 

I wish to emphasize that the Chinese government has a zero-tolerance attitude toward doping and strictly abides by the World Anti-Doping Code. China is committed to protecting the physical and mental wellness of our athletes, ensuring fair competition in sport and contributing to the global anti-doping campaign.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 22, 2024)

  • 中东外交  [zhōng dōng wài jiao]  Middle East diplomacy: 


China has long put the UAE front and center in its Middle East diplomacy. China stands ready to continue working with the UAE to firmly support each other, consolidate the political foundation of bilateral relations, further enhance cooperation in various fields, and make bilateral relations grow with vigor and vitality, and achieve greater progress.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on September 13, 2024)

  • 中国—阿联酋工商论坛  [zhōng guó—ā lián qiú gōng shāng lùn tán]  China-UAE Business Forum: 


At the invitation of the UAE’s Vice President and Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Premier Li Qiang paid an official visit to the UAE from September 11 to 13 [2024]. During the visit, Premier Li Qiang met with the UAE’s President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, had talks with the UAE’s Vice President and Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, and attended the China-UAE Business Forum. Premier Li Qiang said that China and the UAE are good partners on the path to common development, and strengthening cooperation and helping each other succeed is in the fundamental interest of both countries. China has long put the UAE front and center in its Middle East diplomacy. China stands ready to continue working with the UAE to firmly support each other, consolidate the political foundation of bilateral relations, further enhance cooperation in various fields, and make bilateral relations grow with vigor and vitality, and achieve greater progress. Both sides need to further tap into cooperation potential, expand bilateral trade, foster more new drivers of economic growth, and contribute to each other’s sustainable development. Premier Li Qiang encouraged the companies from both sides to ride on the trend of the times and seize new opportunities of cooperation from both sides’ sustained and determined efforts to work with each other. Companies need to seize the new opportunities from, first, high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, second, increasing synergy between the two countries’ development strategies, and third, burgeoning technological and industrial innovation. We welcome more UAE companies to invest in China.  (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on September 13, 2024)

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