Luck, uncertainty, teaching and NAPLAN

Luck, uncertainty, teaching and NAPLAN

Teaching is pretty much an act of building a plan for success in the most uncertain of environments – roughly twenty-five young people with unfinished brains – and hoping for the best.

I know this because I’ve run lessons where I’ve been good.  Really good.  I’m talking educational Michael Jordan good here.  My assessment, reflection, curriculum, learning activities and even some jokes in my instruction to keep the masses engaged have been artfully assembled into a Machiavellian plan where immense student learning has been almost inevitable.

And then the kids wrecked the whole thing on me.  

Conversely, I’ve taught poorly and gotten away with it.  Let’s not discuss further the day that I arrived with a mild hangover after an outrageous decision to hold the staff Christmas Party on a Tuesday night, other than to say my students assumed I had a cold and kept the din down for me, just for that day.  Lucky me.

You learn pretty quickly in schools that the best you can do is tilt the odds in your favour as far as you can and hope for the best.  

These two concepts, uncertainty and luck, aren’t spoken about enough when it comes to schools and education.  But they should be.

How else do we explain the state with the longest and most severe lockdown induced educational interruption, Victoria, topping the nation in this year’s NAPLAN results?

Are we arrogant enough to think that our teachers are doing something profoundly different or impressive than our compatriots in New South Wales?  Because, and I speak from experience, we aren’t.

On this occasion, we just got lucky.

This isn’t to say that our Victorian teachers aren’t marvelous, stoic and worthy of praise.  They most certainly are.  They just didn’t need NAPLAN results to validate their worth. 

The politician in Victorian Education Minister, James Merlino, most certainly needed to lash a little mayonnaise on the NAPLAN results when the preliminary results were released this week.  

But Victorian teachers and principals know full well that the most important messages that our education minister can decry on their behalf are a respect for teachers, despite the NAPLAN results of the day, and to reflect a mission to support and resource schools where a quality education is most needed.

To Merlino’s eternal credit, these are the hallmarks of his tenure as minister for our schools.  Our educators, especially those in our most disadvantaged government schools, have long been grateful for his leadership.  The NAPLAN ruffle of the hair this week was nice, but not necessary.

At a policy level, Merlino’s tilting of the odds in the favour of our most needy students is appreciated.

New South Wales’ educators, the failures they are now being made out to be, are not our competitors.  They are our colleagues, our comrades.  If there indeed is something useful that we’ve done to mitigate the risk of remote learning on our students’ progress and growth, we should be sharing it with them.

For they’re nothing more than unlucky, this time around.  And as is the case with school bullying and the group that ostracises and ridicules a student because they tripped walking onto the stage at assembly, it’s worth remembering right now that we could be the next who trips.

Would we like the same response from our peers then?

All of this said, there are two absolutes that we can take from the publishing of this year’s NAPLAN results.  

Firstly, it’s a frightfully inadequate tool.  If your tool determines that, with almost all the same practices in place, that the state with worst conditions for success is somehow suddenly full of superchildren, then your tool is broken.

And NAPLAN is so broken.  We’re now using a thermometer to count the stars in the sky and bragging that we’ve got more stars in Victoria.  It’s absurd.

The second absolute is that our teachers have got this.  For all the prophecies of disaster and for all the wildly exaggerated predictions that our children are doomed to a future of car crashes for being unable to read basic street signs our kids continue to thrive under their tutelage.

It’s quite remarkable really.

Knowing this, our next steps should not be about bagging any of our nation’s educators, but supporting them.  We’re going to need them at their best and cruel suggestions of having them work through the summer holiday break to help students “catch up” are an insult.

Our students are, as a collective, not permanently scarred by remote learning.  They’re just a bit out educationally pudgy.  Getting a little out of shape is something that resonates with many of us enduring lockdown.

We can whip them back into shape.  In the company of refreshed, dedicated teachers we’ll put them on a diet of rapid learning and a regime of reconnecting with others.  

And the kids will be alright. 

A lockdown focus on literacy, numeracy and wellbeing has helped. Victorian skill and dedication, yes. Luck - perhaps. ‘Education State’ funding … 🧐

John Turner

Casual Teaching at Deakin University


Adam On the mark, although it’s more dangerous and insidious that what you put forward. It reflects a impersonal tool for managerialism as a hallmark of successful schooling. It accentuates the problems. It requires new perceptions that we have thus far shown we are incapable of realising. As the saying goes “what gets measured get managed” and therefore #managerialismrules

Chris Ries

Enabling well-being through education


Interesting Adam, I think luck plays a far greater role in life than most people realise and as a parent and pre-service teacher agree with much of what you've written. I did have a thought in relation to the NAPLAN results that I'd be interested to get your take on. Could it be that remote learning lends itself to focusing on students numeracy and literacy skills, contributing in some way (probably small) to the VIC results whereas if NAPLAN was testing across subjects like arts, health & PE, science, etc. it might be different? Obviously, this doesn't consider the well-being impact on kids which I'm far more concerned about.

Gulsum Yigit

Vice Principal at Ilim College Glenroy Campus


As always a great read Adam. Driving in to work this morning I was taken aback listening to the morning radio host going on about how good the Victorian Naplan results were and how much of this success fell on the parents due to remote learning seemingly undermining everything school have done and the handships faced thus far. Seems like us teacher are damned either way. Hopefully waiting for the day we teachers are given the respect we deserve.

Dr Adrian Bertolini

Author, Coach, Educational Thought Leader, Founder Intuyu Consulting and It Takes a Spark STEM Conferences


My experience in working across multiple states is that Victoria has been doing some great work putting in a range of foundational practices and structures and having teachers and schools build student capacity in a disciplined way across many years. It didn't surprise me that they did well this year. Is there still ground to take to remove the luck factor - of course. I think schools need to be acknowledged for the rollout of the tutor program too ... many schools have said this has made significant difference to the outcomes for the 'long tail' of kids. Perhaps we are starting to address students more at their point of need?

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