Make It Happen...
If you can't make it happen there is only thing left to do, look up and trust in God to make it right. Nothing is impossible with him on your side...GOD has a way of making room in your life for something better, be comforted in his wisdom. Life is a series of deep breaths in courage, small steps in faith and trusting God along the way. Love, Kindness, Compassion, Forgiveness, Understanding... are the most precious of gifts that God gives us to share with others... its up to us to share them...If everyone loved each other the way God loves us all, the world would be one magnificent place to be...We need to appreciate what we have and always give thanks to God for making everything possible...Know that materialism only fills your heart with envy and greed, while appreciation breeds contentment, balance, and true happiness. Learn to appreciate what is in front of you;stop wasting time worrying and wishing for things to be different...Enjoy the wonderful blessings you have before you. It is at the very moment you think you have it bad that you must think again. There's always going to be someone who has it worse. Knowing this will help you grow. Lets all take time and learn to never look down on someone and criticize them for what they didn't do. Instead look up at them and praise them for what they did accomplish. The person you take for granted today, could very well be the person you miss dearly tomorrow...So show them your appreciation in your actions and your words always...Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ Matthew 22:37...But even if you suffer for doing what is right, GOD will reward you for it. Do not fear their intimidation, and do not be troubled. 1st. Peter 3:14...By Rev Daniel Bramlett