Managing Emotions for Success for Women Leaders
This course enables individuals to transition from reactivity and responsiveness to responsibility.
This one day seminar is designed to create and foster self empowerment and activate self-leadershop by engaging the ''INNER LEADER''. Participants learn strategies to gain mastery of their emotions at work and at home, and to build confidence and self-reliance through self-knowledge..It is about taking ownership of your emotions, the strengths you deploy and the results you produce.
- Enhanced physical health and optimised energy
- Facilitates better understanding of others and life around you
- Helps you remain calm under pressure
- Increased personal effectiveness
- Resolve Conflict effectively
- Fulfilling professional and personal relationships
- Become better thinkers and decision makers
- Master how to balance physical, mental. emotional and spiritual aspects of life
- Understand connection between stress and emotions
DATE 10 August 2017
PRICE R 1680.00 VAT included
Early Bird by 30 June : R 1380.00 VAT included (work book and book included)
Click here to register
There is a shocking increase in antidepressants use, divorce, terminal illness and children born with mental challenges like ADD/ADHD. One in four women start their day with prescribed medication. Prescriptions have become the solution for our emotions or emotional symptoms from grief, irritability, boredom, panic attacks, PMS, stress to insomnia.
Emotions drive actions or inactions, ''wholeness or fragmentation'', ''wellness or illness'', ''success or failure'', ''fulfilment or disappointment'' 'performance or non-performance''. Your emotions can be your assets or your liabilities. In a society where we are rewarded for suppressing our feelings , many refuse to connect and listen to their emotional messages and wonder why they are not achieving their goals, having so much conflict, having many doctor's visits or financial challenges?
Whether you are leading a team at work, leading your children, leading in your marriage, leading in your church, leading in society, leading in your family, leading your finances, you have to activate the ''INNER LEADER''. Managing emotions for Success training does not replace therapy, counselling or psychoanalysis, neither are we say chuck your prescription drugs. The seminar builds awareness and awareness heals, instead of dealing with just the symptoms, you become aware of the cause and take an informed action to soul-ve the underlying issues.
Looking forward to seeing you there.