My why for helping you with influence
My Why:
It was a beautiful springtime day in Michigan. There was cool air rolling on my face, but hot tears were running down it. I was walking to school for my third-grade class, looked down, and saw my tears staining the pavement below. I was feeling completely torn up inside, I just found out my parents were getting a divorce.
I had so many questions running through my mind like: what could I have done differently? How can I get them back together? But, I knew that things were going to get worse from here.
As I was walking with tears in my eyes to my third-grade class, I realized that I couldn’t show up to school looking like this! So I wiped off my tears and tried to make sure my eyes weren’t too puffy and red anymore. Then mustered up putting on my fake face that made it seem like everything was totally fine in my life. I went to class and because of my faking, nobody knew what was going on inside.
Later that day, I was talking with my friend Gavin during a break in class and I remembered that his parents had gone through a divorce. So, I asked him “What’s it like having your parents divorced?” He said “Honestly it’s it sucks. I don’t get to see my dad as often as I used to, and I wish I could get them back together, but it’s just everything‘s different now and it really sucks!”
When I heard him say that I realized something about him, and about me. I realized that he was going through pain and nobody knew it. I was also going through pain and nobody knew it. So I realized that there are probably other people who are going through a lot of pain, and most people will never know it.
As I was walking back home from school, contemplating this idea, I made a decision and a promise to myself that changed the rest of my life forever. I decided to try to make someone’s day, every day because I just never know what people are going through.
Now I don’t know why I made this decision as an eight-year-old boy, but I do know what happened because of it. As I tried to make someone’s day every day, I did things like holding the door open for people, smiling at people, saying hello to people who were sitting alone, and making friends with people that nobody else wanted to be friends with. Though I was struggling with my home life, I started feeling better. I started feeling happier, lighter, and more fulfilled! I felt this way because I was creating happiness for others and in doing so, I was becoming happy.
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This profound paradox brings us to now. Today I have the privilege of coaching and training individuals to be transformed with more confidence in their day-to-day lives, whether it’s leading team members, speaking in front of others, or Selling their ideas, products, or services.
My mission to make someone’s day, every day, is fulfilled in what I do for a living, by coaching and training, businesses and individuals to be better versions of themselves. The reason I’m writing this blog is because I’ve learned some valuable lessons about influence through my career and my constant appetite for great books, that I believe will truly help people to have more fulfilling lives.
This blog, Influence is Everything, is my best effort to help others get the results they want in their life by using tools and techniques to influence themselves and others. So join me on this journey, as we go through the concepts, tools, and techniques, to influence your life so that you can come out over the top!
What is your why for what you do?
Stay phenomenal,
Dakota Frazier
I curate memorable content and brand experiences that are sure to leave a lasting impression on your audience. Taking pride in developing brands & understanding the consumers that interact with them!
1yDakota, is it GREAT! I am excited for you and your new journey in creating this blog. Keep shining and influencing others.
Certified Dale Carnegie Trainer
1yThis was great and thank you!!! Yiu are amazing and the world is better because you are in it!!!
Helping businesses connect with new customers | Websites, SEO, Google Ads & Social Ads | Boating Business Success Podcast
1yHey Dakota! Great post! I’ve come to learn my why later in life. I was instilled a strong discipline and drive for achievement since I was a kid. My drive was to be the best in everything I did. I’ve always pursued and accomplished big goals. But I had very limited social skills, used to be isolated and do everything by myself. I had a terrifying fear of public speaking and just having conversations with anybody that wasn’t one of my 5 best friends. With Dale Carnegie, I’ve learned how to connect and bring happiness to others. I’ve realized it’s the happiest and most successful way to live. Now my why is to work for a higher purpose than whatever I could set for myself and to be a positive influence in other people’s lives.
Marine Corps Veteran | Project Director | Renewable Energy | MBA Candidate
1yReally great work, the key point that stood out to me was your realization as a child that we often don't know what struggles people are facing internally. It's a great reminder that even small acts of kindness can uplift others who may be going through difficult times unknown to us. Simple things like a smile, greeting, or gesture of support can make a big difference.
I help C-Suite Execs take that leap to business ownership
1yThank you for sharing this Dakota. Just subscribed and looking forward to the next newsletter.