Online Mindfulness Therapist for Depression
Online Mindfulness Therapist for Depression via Skype.
Go to my main website to learn more and to schedule a Skype Therapy session: Online Mindfulness Therapy for Depression
Online Mindfulness-based Psychotherapist through Skype for Overcoming Depression without relying on medications
Speak with a Therapist Online over Skype for highly effective online treatment for Anxiety and Depression, Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety and Agoraphobia, Addictions, and other forms of emotional stress, including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
To overcome depression you must develop a conscious and mindful relationship with your emotional pain, whatever form that takes. The main problem that prevents recovery from depression is automatic and habitual reactive thinking and rumination, where we become lost in negative thinking and negative beliefs. This reactivity feeds depression and prevents depression from healing. The more we can break free from reactive thinking the faster we will recover.
The main factor that supports reactive thinking is the lack of conscious awareness. We become controlled by the habitual thoughts that we do not see. Mindfulness Therapy provides an extremely effective way to restore consciousness allowing us to regain freedom and choice in relation to our thoughts making them less reactive. Thoughts themselves are not the problem, it is the lack of consciousness that is the real problem. Re-establishing a conscious relationship with our thoughts and emotional reactions is the most important step in the recovery from depression and most other forms of emotional suffering.
Antidepressants may have a limited value in the short-term management of symptoms of depression, but medications are not a substitute for the psychological work of re-establishing inner conscious awareness. This is the primary focus of Mindfulness Therapy, and it is very effective for most people.
Online Mindfulness Therapy, available via Skype, offers a very effective way to manage and to overcome chronic depression by teaching you how to manage rumination and reactive thinking which feed depression as well as teaching you how to develop a non-reactive and compassionate relationship with the underlying emotions such as fear, feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, emotional trauma, profound loss, guilt and shame and overwhelming emotional stress. These core emotions need to heal inorder to fully recover from chronic depression and Mindfulness Therapy provides an extremely good approach for doing just this.
Contact me to discover more about this online therapy service and book a therapy session via Skype with me. Inquiries welcome!
The primary focus of Mindfulness Therapy is to treat the underlying psychological cause of your anxiety, depression, OCD, addiction, stress, PTSD and emotional trauma and other forms of psychological pain rather than just trying to manage symptoms through medication.
Almost everyone who seeks my help has already tried medication or conventional counseling and are definitely looking for an alternative approach, a more holistic approach that focuses on healing rather than just trying to reduce symptoms. We want to be FREE from anxiety and depression, not just endlessly try to manage symptoms.
Everyone that I have worked with really likes the Mindfulness Therapy approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…
"After each session, I come away with something of substance to work on throughout the week. Often, I recall something in everyday life, that was said in our session; A nugget of wise advice or a helpful technique, that provides an alternative avenue, to my habitual way of reacting to a life situation."
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Online Treatment for Depression
Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional online therapist and I offer online therapy for depression, also online psychotherapy for anxiety and other emotional problems that you may be experiencing.
Most people really like the idea of speaking to a psychotherapist online through Skype because it is more comfortable and convenient for you. Talking to a therapist online also offers more privacy for you. You may be embarrassed to talk to a therapist in the first place, but the online therapy option definitely removes this barrier. You may also choose to speak with a therapist online if you cannot find a local psychotherapist to talk to. I see many expats living abroad for the same reason
If you are suffering from severe depression then you should seek help from your doctor. But, for most people with depression and anxiety, what you really need are practical solutions; ways of working with your emotions that allow them to heal and learning how to break the cycle of becoming overwhelmed by emotional reactivity. This can be done very well through Skype and I will teach you very practical and effective mindfulness-based techniques for overcoming depression, anxiety and many other forms of emotional suffering.
Speak to a therapist online from home using Skype
It's also, of course, very difficult for some people to leave home: They may have family commitments at home, young children, etc, and so the online therapy option is very convenient. Many people live in rural areas and don't have access to a therapist, or they may simply want to be more discrete in finding someone to work with and the online option is certainly very good for that, and means that you can receive help for your depression or anxiety without anyone else knowing, unless you wish to tell them.
So, online therapy via Skype is growing in popularity and is a very good choice for many people. If you would like to learn more about online therapy for your anxiety or depression, please visit my website and contact me - I will be happy to talk to you and answer your questions, and we can discuss scheduling a Skype Therapy session to help you manage your depression, anxiety or other emotional problems. So, please visit my website and contact me today. Thank you!
Online Mindfulness Therapy through Skype for Controlling Depression without relying on medications
It is important to check that there are no underlying medical conditions that might be causing your depression, but for most people depression is best described as a psychological habit that is caused when we become overwhelmed by habitual reactive thinking called rumination. During online mindfulness therapy sessions we learn how to transform this habit and resolve the depression.
So the best way to fight depression without drugs and without the use of prescription medications is to work on changing the underlying psychological habits that creates your depression.
Perhaps the most common underlying psychological habit is that of rumination. This describes patterns of habitual reactive thinking that tend to proliferate in the minds and that feeds the underlying depression. So thoughts do not cause depression but they do feed that depression. One of the best ways to control rumination is by learning some form of mindfulness meditation practice, particularly where we practice on meditating on the mind itself.
Meditating on breathing is a common mindfulness practice that is a very good relaxation exercise, but what really makes the difference is when you start meditating on the mind. This allows you to start developing more conscious awareness of these patterns of habitual reactive thinking that feed your depression. When you become more aware of them you can begin to break free from the rumination.
We practice many different mindfulness techniques to help you with this during the online therapy sessions that I teach for managing depression and also anxiety. One of the most effective approaches is called the "Placement Technique" and this is where you learn to greet your thoughts consciously and also in a friendly manner and then move those thoughts to a lower level such as placing them on the floor. This is an interesting exercise to try. Most people have never thought to do this but the position of your thoughts in the mind, the way you see them, is a very important factor in creating the depression.
Usually the thoughts are too close and too high. That's how we see them, and it's that closeness that becomes menacing, if you like, like a swarm of bees. If you space those thoughts out and create more space around them by moving them, that takes away that menacing quality, the crowding effect of too little space, and that can have a dramatic effect on decreasing the intensity of emotional stress produced by those ruminating thoughts. So you might try practicing this yourself.
If you'd like to learn more in more detail how to apply this technique, the placement technique, and other mindfulness methods for managing rumination then simply go to my website and email me and let's set up a trial Skype therapy session to help you overcome your depression.
It's not always necessary to take medications, and in fact medications generally can only relieve symptoms, unless there is an underlying medical condition. But for most people that's not the case. It's simply that they have developed habitual patterns of rumination that feeds the depression.
So go to my website to learn more about mindfulness therapy for depression and anxiety, and if you'd like to schedule a session simply e-mail me and we can arrange for a time that works for you and for me. Thank you.
This online counseling therapy service is available throughout the USA, UK and Western Europe and world-wide. All you need is a good internet connection and you can start Skype counseling.