Our Inner Voice Is The Most Important Voice We’ll Ever Listen To
Hey loves! I’m in Cincinnati at Black Tech Week and it’s been lit. Something that came into my spirit strongly since I’ve been here has been the countless times in my life, just like you I assume, I've encountered external voices that have tried to influence what I think, should feel or do, or simply who I should be.
The opinions of others, societal expectations, and of course the media all play a role in this. In the midst of all this noise, it's easy to forget the importance of turning inward to listen to our own authentic voice— the one that truly defines who we are and what we want in life.
There is a quote that sits on the wall in my office that says when you trust yourself, that's when you know how to live. I placed it on my wall to remind me that I alone have the answers that are most optimal for my life.
This doesn't mean the voices of others through connections we have, books we've read, motivational talks we've heard, and the like can't also serve as guides because the Universe/God/Source/The Creator is always speaking to us through a myriad of things and people. But every perspective we hear is not for us to make agreements with, not to mention, simply looking outward for answers does nothing to cultivate our own truth, our own voice, our own guidance matched up against the the "truths" of others.
Our true inner voice represents the essence of our being. This reflects our values, passions, and desires, and it acts as an unwavering compass, guiding you towards your purpose and the fulfillment of your dreams. Brené Brown says it best: living authentically means staying true to ourselves, even when it's tough. But sadly, often times, we neglect this internal guidance, which puts us at risk of feeling lost and disconnected from ourselves, leading to fragments of self, masks of self, which ultimately is the essence of imposter syndrome.
Day by day, moment by moment, thought by thought, is an opportunity to align succinctly with who we are, with who we want to be, and to expand more into self. It is an ongoing practice considering we make an estimated 50,000 decision every single day.
It's so easy to lean into the perspectives of others, but it's much more difficult to tap into that inner voice and then have the courage to follow it, in spite of what others might think.
It's risky to be all of who are, but it's worth it, because here are where your answers lie. Here is where you will find your purpose. Here is where you can attract real abundance.
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Coaching is one of the ways that has brought me back to clarity & self-awareness, time and time again. It has led me to make better decisions, curate aligned goals based on my values, and challenged me to remove limiting beliefs which has kept me small in the past.
If you can relate to any of this, then we're here for it, and we're here for you! Our group coaching mastermind program will have you tapping into your truest essence for five months of group and 1:1 coaching and action support & resources. If you say yes to this I can guarantee you that your authenticity will become more awakened, and you will experience more of who you were always meant to be, while having more joy, peace, and overall abundance along the way.
With just a couple more days to get in on this, click here to begin this journey with us on July 21. You'll join like minded women who want to see you tap into all you want. You deserve it. The time is now. And you can even "try on" the experience by scheduling a complimentary coaching call here.
And as always I'm here to understand more of what you might need from the Be Well Beautiful Woman community - just click here to set up a complimentary consultation.
Cheers to our most aligned selves,
Demarra West