“There is too much passive resistance in this organization! When I suggest something, everyone agrees. But, they go back and do whatever they wanted to do", said the frustrated business leader.
‘Passive resistance’ is a term that is heard quite often in business organizations. Let us begin by taking a look at this phenomenon from a broader perspective.
From a psychological point of view, passive resistance is a form of passive-aggressive behavior. Passive-aggressive behavior involves acting indirectly aggressive rather than directly aggressive. It usually manifests as procrastination, resentment, sullenness, helplessness or even as deliberate failure to accomplish tasks.
From a sociopolitical perspective, passive resistance is a method of nonviolent protest against laws or policies in order to force a change or secure concessions. This involves methods like economic or political noncooperation, hunger strikes/fasting, mass demonstrations, refusal to obey or carry out a law or to pay taxes, economic boycotts, symbolic protests etc.
Keeping these in mind, let us come back to passive resistance in the context of business organizations. Employees exhibiting ‘active resistance’ are vocal in their criticism and they might even make efforts to cause the change to fail. Employees showing ‘passive resistance’ exhibit little visible resistance. They will outwardly agree with the change that is being proposed, but then act as if they don't. Even though they don’t challenge the change directly, they will continue doing things their own way.
The typical behavioral manifestations of passive resistance in organizations include
- not taking ownership while appearing to agree with the proposed change
- diminished enthusiasm/ withdrawal/ sulkiness/ apathy/cynicism/hopelessness
- complaining without offering solutions
- blaming others
- indecisiveness/ procrastination
- excessive adherence to procedures/guidelines
- working inefficiently/making half-hearted efforts
- withholding information
- 'forgetting' obligations/commitments
- repeatedly making excuses to avoid assigned tasks/ working on unwanted tasks
- over-complicating the new way of working
- propagating rumors
From these it appears that passive resistance is clearly something 'bad'. So, what is paradoxical about passive resistance? A paradox occurs when there are multiple perspectives on something - each of which is true - but they appear to contradict one another. Now, let us look at some of the opinions about passive resistance
- Passive resistance is more dangerous than active resistance as it is a ‘silent killer’ (that goes undetected and hence unresolved).
- People who display passive resistance lack the courage to stand up for what they believe in.
- People resort to passive resistance to hide their incompetence.
- The primary reason for passive resistance is an environment where the direct expression of disagreement is discouraged. When employees feel that they cannot express their opinions and emotions openly, they might resort to more indirect methods of expressing the same.
- Passive resistance can be a very ‘logical response’ in a hierarchical organization where it is culturally unacceptable to oppose the views of the superiors directly.
- It is often the ‘good’ employees (highly independent, highly competent and highly committed to their work/organization) who exhibit passive resistance. They are the people who can operate with a high degree of independence (a very valuable capability in rapidly evolving business organizations). Their high degree of competence enable them to realize that the plan of action suggested by the superiors might not always be correct or in the best interest of the organization. They also care too much about their work and the organization to just 'go along'. Again, they are intelligent enough to realize that they can’t express their views/disagreement directly without seriously jeopardizing their careers. Hence they respond with passive resistance!
- Sometimes, passive resistance can be a ‘rational’ behavior which lets an employee dodge unnecessary tasks while avoiding confrontation. Employees often resort to passive resistance when the assigned task/imposed view does not 'make sense' to them. It helps the employee to gain a sense of control. Passive resistance becomes problematic only when it becomes a habitual and indiscriminate response.
- An employee might not always be consciously aware of his/her passive-aggressive behavior.
- The basic 'animal response’ in a stressful situation is ‘fight’ or ‘flight’. 'Fight' is similar to active resistance and a fight response (in its basic form) might not be a possible (without serious repercussions) in many situations that employees face in business organizations. Similarly, a 'flight response' in its basic form (e.g. getting out of the situation by changing roles, changing jobs etc.) might not also be feasible. Hence ‘passive resistance’ (which can be conceptualized as a 'creative' combination of 'fight and flight') becomes a 'natural response' to cope with the brutal realities of organizational life. By the way, it has been argued that insanity is a perfectly sane response to an insane environment!
Please note that the attempt here is not to glorify (or even to justify) passive resistance. The idea is to develop a richer understanding of the complex reality that underlies the phenomenon of passive resistance which in turn will help us to respond to passive resistance more effectively.
So, how should we deal with passive resistance- in ourselves and in others? A good place to start is to examine some of the causes of the passive resistance mentioned above.
- If the cause for passive resistance is an environment where the direct expression of disagreement is discouraged, the logical first step should be to make it more safe/acceptable to express opinions/disagreement more directly/openly. Of course, this is easier said than done, changing (hierarchical) cultures often requires significant amount of time and effort!
- If the passive resistance is based upon the belief that past practices have been sufficient and there is no need to change, then placing more emphasis on creating and communicating the ‘business case’ for the change becomes critical. This is especially important in those situations where employees go into passive resistance as a means of retaliation for some decision or action they perceive to be unfair or unjustified.
- If the key contributing factor is lack of lack of competence or lack of confidence in their ability to execute, then capability building & coaching should be looked at.
- If the problem is primarily with the loss of control/independence, getting the employees more involved in the change process, giving them more freedom in determining how to carry out the task and reducing the amount of micromanagement (while ensuring accountability) will help.
- If the main contributing factor is some sort of ‘learned helplessness’, enabling people to examine their thought processes (and the inferences/attribution errors they are making) along with enabling them to build the requisite skills to operate in the new environment will help. If the transition from 'learned helplessness' to ‘learned optimism’ can be facilitated, it would provide a significant advantage when it comes to dealing with the next wave of change.
Hence, the primary strategy to deal with passive resistance is to surface it so that it can be addressed in a reasonable manner. However, if there are issues at the structure level (e.g. administrative and functional managers of an employee driving conflicting priorities in a matrix organization), at the group level (e.g. inter-group conflict) or at the interpersonal level (e.g. power/political struggle with the person driving the change, lack of trust, emotional baggage from previous interactions etc.) that lead to passive resistance down the line, they need to be addressed at the appropriate level.
Of course, basics of good change management like articulating the vision, communicating the business case for the proposed change and the ‘What is in it for me’ for the impacted individuals, creating forums to raise and address issues, demonstrating top management commitment and helping employees to improve their change resilience are very much relevant here also.
Any comments/suggestions?
Principal Facilitator at ILIFESigmoid | IIM B | IIT Madras
3yPrasad , your article is thought provoking and very crucial for managers to understand their own inability to effectively change people around them. The aspect of learning to influence without power and authority is not adequately stressed. Passive resistance comes in as a resistance to bureaucratic systems and I have observed it in patterns of Belbin's Role inventory data. It becomes a cultural phenomenon. The more the resistance, the more reactive the managers tend to become.
Leadership Coach | Inner Power Coach | Editor | Writer | Story Teller | MBA Marketing | Ex Coca- Cola
3yVery interesting read; a robust and informative write up. Loved the section where you mentioned that passive resistance becomes an issue when it becomes an indiscriminate response and habit. Also, liked reading up on ‘learned helplessness.’ Great idea to include links to psychological concepts.
LinkedIn Top Voice| HR | Reader | Blogger | Storyteller | Productivity Enthusiast | ICF(PCC) Certified Coach | Certified Optimize Coach | Certified Energy Literate (Views expressed are strictly personal)
3yYou have beautifully articulated it. Just to add one more aspect to it, one of the possible ways to deal with passive resistance might be to start small. Just to take few examples- a. If the leader is trying to instill a new culture in an organization, employees can be asked to write down 1 behavior every quarter (maybe a month) where he/she displayed behavior in alignment with that culture b. If the leader is trying to instill a new way of working in the team, employees may be asked to work only for 15-30 mins in a day in that mode c. If the leader is trying to implement a new policy or structure, maybe one of the sub-teams can be taken as pilot and then their success can be made as case study to wider team As B.J. Fogg puts it in 'Tiny Habits' - If you fail to implement a change, the problem is not with you, problem is in your system. Starting small rules out the inertia factor within humans, which arguably is one of the biggest causes of resistance to any change.
Human, Educator at IIM Ranchi, Inclusion Ally; Perpetual learner enthusiastic about Organization Development and Change Management, Leadership, Human Resource Management, DEIB, and Higher Education.
3yExcellent article. The solutions you suggest have been termed "creating change readiness" by change management scholars. One interesting dimension to this discussion is whether the passive resistance is typical to all changes (lack of trust in leadership, history of poorly implemented changes, too many "flavor of the month") or is it specific to an event (bad change with no involvement, no communication, "surprise")?