Pits, Pot Holes and Purposeful Progress
Is Your Road Ahead Clear or Bumpy?
Any of us who are in the middle of our work day or work week can have the challenge of seeing things clearly and objectively. Certainly, there are tools and techniques we can learn and employ to gain clarity on our performance, how to improve that performance and feel more resourceful and motivated.
However, it may be easier than we might think to get a snap shot of what’s going on, a little self-analysis with immediate returns. It requires a leap of faith to trust our feelings and intuition but it works.
At any point during your day, ask yourself how you are doing. “Am I in a pit, a pot hole or making purposeful progress?”
Pit – If you are feeling like you are drowning, overwhelmed and just can’t keep up with things and things are getting deeper, you’re in a pit. This is an emotional event. Immediately, write on a piece of paper or a word document, 1) what’s going on, 2) what you are feeling and 3) something you can do right then and there to clear your mind. Then do it. Connect with yourself, calm yourself and get clear so you can move on with greater deliberateness, purpose and control. This is great anxiety reduction, which is very healthy for your brain and body.
Pot Hole – If you are feeling like you are treading water or just going round and round then you are in a pot hole you’re not getting out of. This is a clarity of action event. Again, take out a piece of paper or write in a word document 1) what you are doing and 2) what is the next thing you can do right now to take action and move forward. This is looking at your compass and getting a plan of action on paper to implement right now. Getting back into meaningful action is a natural motivator and pick me up. This is an example of great brain management.
Purposeful Progress – If things are going well, you’re getting your checklist done, on time with your phone calls, appointments and meetings, and you’re feeling good then you are in purposeful progress. This is a great place to be. Acknowledge and celebrate. Take a moment, write down this good moment and what is great about it. Reward yourself. It is great brain health and reinforces healthy routines and actions.
No matter where you are, what you are doing, what you are accomplishing or not accomplishing, you can do something to help yourself and improve your performance. Two keys – know what to do and do it.
It is that simple. Give it a shot.