I very rarely speak now at other Events or attend as I have done the circuit LONDON/UK, Europe and American and even Middle East predominately Family Office UHN Investor Events for the past 14 years. Though I will be later on in the year 2024 making the effort to attend NYC USA Family Office Events. I spent 2014-2019 travelling to these Events as a Speaker or just to attend and was spending 120k per year as an investment into Family Offices to met them in person and understand their mindset which enabled me to build my own Footprints Family Office Events London Mayfair and our PRIVATE MEMBERS CLUB Mayfair with now over 4000 global Members and in its 14th year 2024. So, Founders I know your pain that hits your wallet and eats away at your time and then to be completely disillusioned when there are no Investors there in your space. Research the Event and if it is FREE, it is not worth attending or presenting.
Our next Event RSVP is our Easter Special Cocktail evening on 21 March 4pm Washington Hotel Mayfair Easter Spring Footprints Family Office cocktail evening Tickets, Thu 21 Mar 2024 at 16:00 | Eventbrite We are now SOLD OUT so please contact me if an Investor wishing to attend. The we will be hosting our Global Summer Conference from the 3-5 July 2024 London Mayfair Washington Hotel Footprints Global 3 Day Family Office/UHN Investor Summer Conference 2024 Tickets, Wed 3 Jul 2024 at 18:00 | Eventbrite We are closed for Founders to Present 21 March but are now Interviewing for the 4 July Summer Conference send me your Pitch Deck.
So, Last week I was invited to speak at Level39 in Canary Wharf for Pitchflix on Family Offices/UHN Investors. I noticed some of the same Founders and others there that I had not seen since I was last at Level39 8 years’ ago. I managed to sit in on a few of the Founders Presenting and have followed up after the Presentation and have followed up on all those who have contacted me email, WhatsApp, Linkedin etc. Surely if you have not raised your first round within one year you should seek support to revalue your valued proposition, including the Valuation of which we have a Team here to support.
When our Founders Present at our Events, we support them with a PRESENTATION DECK’ six slides or less and guidance and support and Coaching to Present. Know your Audience!
We also reach out to those attending our Events sharing a Summary of those Present one month prior to the Event so that our Audience know who Presenting is as they might want to reach out prior to the Event and can do their due diligence on the Founder.
As a Founder you should know your Audience and ASK the Facilitator for the Attendee list and speaker list so you can research them and reach out to them on Linkedin etc.
We also send out to the Founder the Attendee list with Linkedin Links and email and details about the Investor two week’s prior to the event then another update 4 days before and then after the Event within 24 hours we send the updated Attendee List to the Founder for them to follow up with their Presentation to hook a meeting. I personally follow up within 24 hours with every Investor Attendee with the Founders Presentation. I do this every two weeks for 6 weeks.
Recommended by LinkedIn
As a Founder you should connect with those Investors at the Event to politely introduce yourself and state you are looking forward to meeting them at the Event and Presenting.
I noted that Founders that contacted me after Level39 Event on Linkedin did so in a way for most of them that that inviting. You should follow up on Linkedin with a pleasant message to Investors that … that you enjoyed the Presentation so Compliment them we don’t get that many. Then state it was a pleasure to meet them at the Event and say ‘WHO ARE YOU’ remind them and then ASK can you share your Presentation and have a follow up call for any advice?
It really does pay to be polite and humble. Not THANKING people for their time which is very rude and disrespectful and more to the point those Founders that tell you what time you should be available and that you should call them does not work for me nor Investors.
Try our New Platform if a Founder Login ( create a log in Free for Founders to submit and what for the Investors to fall into your lap. Then a Membership Saas model – WE ARE THE AI with the ‘HUMAN TOUCH. Try us – what can you lose! Are you that ‘GEM’ that I was searching for at Level39 which we have found I believe. To Present Summer Global Conference 4 July London 2024 Wishing you well.
Helping Fintech Founders to explode Sales in 90 days! 🚀 Marketing & Sales Strategist I Growth Hacker | 4x Entrepreneur | Angel Investor 🎯 Founder of POW! ...Fintech-focused Marketing, PR + Brand Agency. LONDON 🚀📈
5moDavid Putts - spotted in the wild (as it were)
Global Network Developer @ Proumi, Creating Connections That Last | Emerging NED's Committee Member | Venture Analyst & Venture Builder | Associate Member ChairX | Part-Time Professional Musician
10moThis is great Karen! Always good to hear your expertise on such matters.