Quantitative Analysis vs. Qualitative Analysis ( Finance )
Quantitative analysis relies heavily on numerical data and mathematical models to make decisions regarding investments and financial strategies. It focuses on the measurable, objective data that can be gathered about a company or a financial instrument.
But analysts also evaluate information that is not easily quantifiable or reduced to numeric values to get a better picture of a company's performance. This important qualitative data can include reputation, regulatory insights, or employee morale. Qualitative analysis thus focuses more on understanding the underlying qualities of a company or a financial instrument, which may not be immediately quantifiable.
Quantitative isn't the opposite of qualitative analysis. They're different and often complementary philosophies. They each provide useful information for informed decisions. When used together. better decisions can be made than using either one in isolation.
Qualitative analysis include:
Example of Quantitative Analysis in Finance.
Suppose you are interested in investing in a particular company, XYZ Inc. One way to evaluate its potential as an investment is by analyzing its past financial performance using quantitative analysis. Let's say, over the past five years, XYZ Inc. has been growing its revenue at an average rate of 8% per year. You decide to use regression analysis to forecast its future revenue growth. Regression analysis is a statistical method used to examine the relationship between variables.
After collecting the necessary data, you run a simple linear regression with the year as the independent variable and the revenue as the dependent variable. The output gives you a regression equation, let's say,𝑅𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑢𝑒=100+8(𝑌𝑒𝑎𝑟)Revenue=100+8(Year). This equation suggests that for every year, the revenue of XYZ Inc. increases by $8 million, starting from a base of $100 million. This quantitative insight could be instrumental in helping you decide whether XYZ Inc. represents a good investment opportunity based on its historical revenue growth trend.
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Limitations of Quantitative Analysis: