Quarantine in Tianjin, Several Takeaways 天津隔离的几个要点
This is my 13th quarantine day in Tianjin, a city 135km from Beijing. I will be free after tomorrow. Asked by some friends about the policy and experience, I will give several key points here.
- All international flights to Beijing will be landed in cities surrounded the capital city. Tianjin is a half-hour from Beijing by taking high-speed trains, so the possibility is big.
- No matter nationalities, all are required to quarantine for 14 days in the city you landed. A friend my mine who work for the Tianjin Government told me an Israel diplomat was quarantined in Tianjin, and the Israel Embassy sent a car to pick him up but refused by the local government.
- There are many quarantine locations in Tianjin, you can not choose your location. All locations almost have the same strict policies, you could not order food from restaurants. All necessities, and three meals each day, will deliver to you only by government-related personnel.
- You need to pay the hotel and meals, I live at Home Inn (near Tianjin Railway Station), the daily fee for the hotel is CNY 180 (about USD 26), and daily meals is CNY 100 (about USD 14). You need also to pay a coronavirus test fee CNY 360 (about 51 USD).
- As a typical north city, Tianjin cuisine is not like the popular Sichuan spicy style, for people who love spicy this will be a big challenge. This is not a complaint, I did not eat well, and I miss the Hunan or Sichuan cuisine.
- You will be asked to measure your temperature twice a day, and the medical personnel will call you and record it. Sometimes, they will examine your medical status by talking with you, and provide you a number if you want to talk more. Not everyone feels comfortable for quarantine 14 days in a tiny room.
- Your data will be uploaded online by the government, you could apply health Green Code via Wechat or Alipay after the 14 quarantine days. The Green Code is the certificate for travel in China under the recent coronavirus backgrounds. Without a Green Code, you can go nowhere.
- Beijing has the most strict anti-coronavirus policy in China, the latest update (may change in the future) is: with the negative test notice, you need no more quarantine in Beijing if you arrive in Beijing in 48 hours after the moment you finished the 14 quarantine days in Tianjin (and other cities).
- Hope everything goes well, keep safe and healthy.
- 如果是国际航班飞北京,一律先在北京周边的城市入境;具体落在哪个城市(入境点),这个得看缘分;天津离北京近,落在天津的概率不小。
- 无论是什么国籍,一律需要在入境城市集中隔离14天;我在天津的一个公务员朋友说,有以色列的外交官在天津集中隔离,以色列大使馆专门派车来想接走,也没接成功。
- 天津现在有很多隔离点,每个隔离点的政策可能稍微有不同,但管得都很严格:隔离期间,食品类(当然包括外卖)东西无法送。日用品,工作人员提前准备好了。所有东西,包括每日三餐,由“全副武装”的工作人员送到门口,他们走了后才可以开门取。
- 隔离期间,住宿和餐饮为自费,我住的酒店(如家酒店滨江道)是180元/天,餐费是100元/天,价格还算公道,当然条件一般,自己也没法选更好的酒店。入境时机场的检测不需要缴费,但隔离期结束前三天的第二次检测,需要缴费360元。
- 天津是北方城市,饭菜的风格是:不精细,不辣。加上,一个隔离点人不少,大锅菜的味道,不是太好。尤其是对于我这样的湖南人,喜欢吃辣椒又相对比较挑,隔离期间几乎没有吃过一顿满意的饭(不是抱怨)。
- 隔离期间,工作人员要求隔离人员每日上下午各测一次体温,然后下午16点左右医生会打电话询问体温做记录。有时候,工作人员会主动聊上几句,判断隔离人员的情绪;也提供心理咨询电话,确实有人会觉得压抑。
- 入住集中隔离点后,政府根据身份信息已经做好登记和数据联网;隔离满14天后,通过微信或者支付宝,都可以很便捷地申请到健康“绿码”,作为后续出行或出差的凭证。应该说,“绿码”这个东西是蛮有用的,反映了中国智能手机和移动互联网的发达;但这在国外,难免会被质疑侵犯隐私。
- 最新的政策是,本身是去北京的入境人员,在天津(和其它城市)集中隔离14天结束后48小时内返回北京的话,拿着隔离证明+检测证明,就不需要再隔离。当然,去其它城市的话,有“绿码”就行,不需要隔离。
- 祝愿一切顺利,安全和健康。