[Question] - Prefer the audio version?
A friend of mine is visually impaired.
He couldn't stand the computer audio narration any longer, so I narrated my newsletters for him.
Do you prefer the audio version too?
Here are the links in reverse order:
PS - If you do enjoy the content please let me know by clicking the reaction button on LinkedIn, or adding a comment. I hate to ask, but I would appreciate it.
Header photo by Cody Fitzgerald on Unsplash. Thanks Cody.
Yes, it is good to have both Paul. I myself prefer audio because it is easier to consume on morning walks
Director and Innovator (Design): ECOlaTRINE
2yHi there. You've gone up a notch on my admiration scale. Will sub-titles assist the hearing impaired? We have so many devises that can immediately "translate" voice?