Redesign the JobPaw Website, part 2:
Redesign the JobPaw Website, part 2:
The User Experience (UX), part 1: Sitemap
First, Definition
UX is how a person feels while interacting with a website, web application, or other digital technology.
On a scale of 1 to 10, we might give Jobpaw a score of 1
- No value Proposition or USP
- No Clear CTA
- No incentives to stay
- It takes 2 clicks to see a job. Worse, newcomers can take around 1 minute to figure out which link to click.
- Navigation is clumsy and not user-friendly
- No prioritization
How can we solve that?
1 tool: Sitemap
Now Definition,
Sitemaps are hierarchical diagram that shows the information architecture of a website. It gives you a visual representation of the site's organization and how different sections are linked together.
So we will use the sitemap to organize and design the overall experiences of the website.
The first step is to prioritize the functionalities of Jobpaw
1- Find Jobs -> Apply to jobs
2- Post Jobs -> Visualize and Reach Applicants
3- Create A Resume
4- Company Reviews
Recommended by LinkedIn
What now?
Now that priorities are clear, we can start designing the experience
So now, if “Finds Jobs” is our number priority, the job seeker should be able to see available jobs on the homepage without having to click on a page or signup.
So the homepage should include:
- Value Proposition and Call to Action (first thing the user should see when visiting the website)
- Another Section for the Job List (No click, just by scrolling)
- A third section for the Personalized Job List (With user input
- A Last session for Contact and Call to Action
Also, the navigation part of the homepage should also contain 5 nav-links :
- Job List
- Company Reviews
- Job Posting (Employers)
- Resume Creation
- Login/Signug
And we do the same thing for the other pages
It's not necessary to include all the steps for the other pages and functionalities.
And in the end, we should have a Sitemap like (the attached image) as deliverables for the project.
We are basically done with the 1st Part. In part II, we'll talk about "Wireframe"
Node/Express JS Developer | React Developer | React Native Developer | Ruby on Rails Developer
2y“On a scale of 1 to 10, we might give Jobpaw a score of 1” you’re a savage🤣