A Reflection on COVID19 based on the 7 Laws of Nature

A Reflection on COVID19 based on the 7 Laws of Nature

The law of Vibration: It all started with a vibration of fear that hit most of the people resonating with it. So many people were already attached to this life, thinking it was permanent. Their focus has always been on the fear of death and how this may affect their loved ones. Other people were fearing scarcity. A few months earlier, an economic crisis was there to remind them of a lack of opportunities globally. Today, with COVID19, more people lost their income. Having scarcity vibes will put you in synchronization with it. Soon enough, you will find yourself worried about survival, not because of sickness, but because you believe you do not have enough.

The law of relativity: Relatively for today, this is the worst crisis that humans have faced: an opinion of a 40-year-old person living in the middle east. However, as per the view of a 73 years old person like John C. Maxwell, humanity has experienced many more crises in the past 100 years alone. They all seemed to be catastrophic and unbearable at the time they were happening.

The law of Cause and effect: Individuals that do not stick to the guidelines and norms for fighting corona will end up dealing with the Disease. People with low immunity have a higher risk of being exposed to the virus. People should exercise social distancing because it will help in flattening the curve of the spread. For every cause, there is an effect.

The Law of Polarity: During these moments, COVID19 represents a danger to people around the world. People who catch the virus will either end up aborting the journey or will heal. Health does not exist without sickness, and death has no meaning without life. Problems do not exist without solutions.

The law of Rhythm: The pendulum is going left. People are catching the disease. It is a time for restlessness for the medical field. No matter how long this will last, it will reach the peak, and things will start cooling down again. Therefore, let go of your worries and be patient enough to observe the curve.

The Law of gestation: When you plant a seed, it will take time for it to grow and mature. At this stage, as COVID19 is growing, there are researchers all around the world trying to find a cure. It will take time for these interventions to give results. The scientific procedure has a gestation time, and it shall be respected. The same goes for the effect of Corona on people. It will take time to show, it will take time to heal.

The law of transmutation: If you wish to protect yourself from COVID19, you must protect your mental health first. Your thoughts are affecting you and are forcing your immunity to go lower than ever. Whatever you think of grows stronger. Whatever you believe in deeply, will manifest in your life. Believe in poor health, and you shall get it. The mental power we have is tremendous and will change our reality when needed. Do not bombard yourself with news. They are at the center of propaganda.

COVID19 pandemic is one of the many challenges that humanity had and still has to face. It is your choice today to give up, freeze in place, and wait for someone to give you the good news.

You also have the option to create the good news by letting go of your fears of death, poverty, ill-health and old age. “This too shall pass,” and it is in your advantage to believe so.

Take advantage of the time in hand to raise your awareness levels, to live by the laws of nature, and to look at yourself from a love perspective with gratitude and mindfulness.

Soon enough, they will discover a cure, and COVID19 will end up being in a lower level of danger such as AIDS, CANCER, HEART, BLOOD PRESSURE, SARS, SPANISH FLUE: diseases that seemed to be invincible at some point.

Nareeman Jamal

Technology & Innovation | PMP


Looking forward to read it! Dima Istambouli

Hamid Shakoor

Senior Accountant | Accounts Payable | Accounts Receivable | CPA Certified | MS Dynamics 365


Very well written article Dima Istambouli. Loved this phrase "Their focus has always been on the fear of death and how this may affect their loved ones" Honestly , can relate with it.

Talha Shaikh

Ai & Intelligent Operations Truth-teller | 25 years of ERP, CAFM, CRM & ICT experience | covering 15 business verticals | Tech strategy to Increase sales while reducing costs | Tender Dad | Happiness Advisor (Harvard)


Good read 🙏🏻 I specially connected with “the law of transmutation”

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