MIND Architecture: A customised solution to personal growth
After 17 years of achieving one success after the other as a Senior Project Manager in Architecture... After 12 years of being a mother... After 37 years of growing from a baby to a career woman... In 2016, I hit rock bottom...
I couldn't understand what was happening... I needed help and guidance, yet It was too expensive and too long of a commitment... I did not want to give up on life, although the idea was tempting a few times...
I was hopeless, helpless, overwhelmed, burnt out and lost...
I couldn't achieve a work-life balance which gave me a non-stop feeling of guilt...
I was stuck in a place where I wanted to prove myself on every level... I wanted to be the perfect mom, the perfect project manager, the perfect partner, the perfect woman... The more expectations related to the outside world I had, the more I was sinking... My self-value was relative to someone or something out there.
I was suffocating... The solutions available at that time in Dubai (the exact answers, the traditional ones here in Australia) were very business oriented... I had to commit to a minimum of 12 sessions of 45 mn each (45mn was never enough to open up and share what was genuinely happening under the surface). 12 sessions required a financial investment that I couldn't commit to, either...
It was when I started feeling that it was unfair for people to live with their mental challenges just because they did not have the luxury of time and money... I took Instagram as my refuge... I started sharing my pains using quotes from famous people with captions written from the passion of my heart... Requests for help from people who were going through the same pains were filling my inbox... My tears were falling (I was in urgent need of that unconditional & caring support) while chatting with these people... Surprisingly, I got them to feel a sense of fulfilment in less than an hour of chat... they never had to come back to me except when they were delighted to share with me their gratitude they have towards that unconditional support I have given them. I knew later that the active ingredient in those interactions was how "I cared"...
Reflecting on what I was doing, I realised that all the concepts I have been interested in since I was 15 and all the books I have been reading for a long time had given me a certain level of knowledge that I could finally put into action...
This journey developed into something more powerful... I started conducting face-to-face sessions with people seeking peace of mind... A few years later, I joined the John Maxwell team in Florida and became a certified speaker, coach, trainer and teacher.
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While going through COVID lockdowns, I wrote "Intentional RESET", reflecting my conversations with people seeking emotional freedom... By writing the book, I also wanted my strategy to be available for vulnerable people to have something to go to whenever they needed help... The book was part of a legacy I was striving to leave behind.
After thousands of interactions, I came to one important conclusion... Our challenges originate from the way we were raised... Some of our early childhood experiences have a long-lasting negative impact on our results. Therefore, It was essential to create a space for individuals to come to peace with those experiences and learn the basics of not creating the same experiences for future generations. It was my mission of "contributing to raising generations that don't have to recover from childhood" that started taking shape.
Here I am, giving 3-hour sessions to individuals (mainly successful yet unfulfilled parents and parents-to-be), providing them with a chance to share their pains freely, understanding the root of these problems which made them move from being a victim, blaming everything and everyone for their unhappiness to taking back control of their lives... At some point, I supported these people at work by training their teams and guiding their teenagers at home, helping them rebuild healthy relationships.
At 44 years of age, after achieving success for myself and the people around me, I am delighted to officially launch my business MIND Architecture, using S.M.I.L.E as my framework to help individuals get unstuck by going through "Intentional RESET", a 3hrs customised workshop, opening the doors to a transformation that would lead to a journey of continuous growth.
On a personal level, I moved from:
I discovered that Self-Mastery (self-awareness, self-control, self-belief, self-confidence), Mindfulness, Inner Peace, Leadership and Emotional Intelligence (S.M.I.L.E) are the skills everyone needs to unlock their untapped potential.
Today, using the S.M.I.L.E framework, I help individuals get in touch with who they are. I introduce them to their brain and thoughts, help them see their behaviours from an out-of-box perspective and guide them to replace those that no longer work for them. Their transformation is reflected not only in their results but also in the results of the people around them, starting from their families to their teams. I also work with Schools and Universities, giving motivational talks as part of my commitment to protecting the new generations from the misery of mental stuckness by raising their awareness of the importance of emotional freedom.
If my words resonate with your pains or the pains of those you love, I would be more than happy to chat with you and explain how my workshop would help build up your Emotional resilience so you can finally regain control of your life by achieving a MINDSET Shift.
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1yA wonderful read Dima Istambouli