Release Request 8 of political prisoner Julian Paul Assange

Release Request 8 of political prisoner Julian Paul Assange

Le 1er juin 2020

Westminster Court

Mr/Mrs Président Magistrate of Westminster Court

The Right Honorable Lady Emma Arbuthnot

Her Honour judge Vanessa Baraister

181 Marylebone Road

London NW1 5BR 

Release Request 8

Prisoner of opinion : Julian Assange (03/07/1971)

Prison : Belmarsh

Prisoner Number: A 93 79 AY

Subject: Request for information on mandate

representation in the case EAW 131226-10

European Arrest Warrant File No.

AM 131226-10 :

File No. RCJ CO/1925/2011

Since November 2019, as Mr. Julian Assange's lawyers have failed to get satisfaction, the WJJA human rights association has already filed written seven release request concerning Mr. Julian Paul Assange. We kindly ask you for the eigth time to release the political prisoner Julian Paul Assange.

WJJA Release Request of political prisoner Julian Paul Assangeéronique/éronique/éronique/éronique/éronique/éronique/

The WJJA Human Rights Association demands the release of the political prisoner Julian Paul Assange. There are no political prisoners in a democracy. No one is held incommunicado in a democracy.

Mr. Julian Assange benefits from a 2016 UN ruling requiring that he be released, compensated and taken to a safe place.

Julian Assange arbitrarily detained by Sweden and the UK, UN expert panel finds that

The Working Group maintains that the arbitrary detention of Mr. Assange should be brought to an end, that his physical integrity and freedom of movement be respected, and that he should be entitled to an enforceable right to compensation.”

Ruling UN 2016 :

He should be free since 2016. Mr. Julian Paul Assange is to be released immediately without bail under the 2016 UN ruling.

In light of all the facts put on file that attest to Mr. Julian Paul Assange's status as a political prisoner, his innocence and the American government's inability to produce proof that a crime was committed, we demand the immediate release of political prisoner Julian Paul Assange and his moving to a place of his own choice where he will be safe.

We demand that prisoner Julian Paul Assange be compensated for having been incarcerated incommunicado and tortured on English soil.

New evidence on file proves that the US government wants the death of political prisoner Julian Assange. President Donald Trump has made that clear.

The political prisoner Julian Paul Assange faces the death penalty if extradited to the U.S.

Questioned about WikiLeaks on May 3rd 2020, President Trump answers : “I think there should be like death penalty…”.

Extradition Act 2003, 94) Death Penalty

1) The Secretary of State must not order a person’s extradition to a category 2 territory if he could be, will be or has been sentenced to death for the offence concerned in the category 2 territory.

Subsection (1) does not apply if the Secretary of State receives a written assurance which he considers adequate that a sentence of death

a) will not be imposed, or

b) will not be carried out (if imposed).

UN resolution 2005

In a resolution adopted in 2005 on the question of the death penalty, the UN Commission on Human Rights:

Requests States that have received a request for extradition on a capital charge to reserve explicitly the right to refuse extradition in the absence of effective assurances from relevant authorities of the requesting State that the death penalty will not be carried out, and calls upon States to provide such effective assurances if requested to do so, and to respect them.

The British Secretary of State and the British government have received strong message from Donald Trump, the President of the United States himself, and therefore from the American government, that the prisoner Julian Paul Assange risks death if he is extradited to the United States. Consequently, the British secretary of State should put an end to the extradition procedure and release the political prisoner Julian Paul Assange.

Torture and incarceration incommunicado : if Julian Paul Assange were to die in prison, the government and the English justice system would be guilty of a crime

The torture inflicted by the English state on political prisoner Julian Paul has seriously damaged his health and put him at risk of premature death. Medical reports have proven this torture. We recall that every citizen has the right to life and that States must guarantee his or her physical and mental security (Universal declaration of Human rights UN. Art. 3)

If political prisoner Julian Assange dies in prison, whatever the reasons for his death (suicide, illness, covid, cardiac arrest…), this death will be the result of his incommunicado incarceration and the torture inflicted to him.

The British Secretary of State, the Director of Belmarsh Prison and the British Government as a whole will be guilty of crime.

Universal Declaration of Humans Rights:

If human rights laws and medical care protocols are respected, Julian Paul Assange cannot die from Covid-19 in prison.

The Covid-19 health crisis increases the risk of death of political prisoner Julian Paul Assange in prison. There are many treatments that treat Covid, including Chloroquine. There are no reason that Julian Paul Assange dies covid. The people most at risk of death from Covid are the elderly and people who are immunosuppressed. Mr. Assange is immunosuppressed because he is incarcerated incommunicado, tortured, and malnourished. If he dies of Covid-19, the management of Belmarsh prison will be entirely responsible for his death because it practices incommunicado detention, torture and does not properly feed its prisoners.

Mr D Harding, Business manager to executive director, affirms that Belmarsh Prison respects the rights of prisoners (see attached letter). Since several medical reports and a UN report attest that prisoner Julian Paul Assange presents the symptoms of a man placed in solitary confinement, deprived of light, deprived of care, malnourished and tortured either Mr. Harding is lying or Julian Assange is not imprisoned in Belmarsh.

The Human Rights Defense Association WJJA therefore calls on the British government to open an investigation as soon as possible to determine where Julian Paul Assange is tortured and by whom.

If Belmarsh's management is not responsible for the torture inflicted and is not in charge of political prisoner Julian Paul Assange, it is imperative that an investigation be launched to prove it, because if an international complaint is filed for torture, Mr. Harding, Belmarsh's management and staff will be held accountable for torturing a political prisoner and they will all face severe prison sentences if found guilty.

If the prisoner Julian Paul Assange is not detained in Belmarsh, then there is high risk that he has been submitted to an extraordinary rendition process.

This is what the prisoner Julian Paul Assange suggests in the SOS that he sent to one of the members of the human rights association WJJA : "I am in a very dark place presently."

Extraordinary rendition and secret prisons are illegal.

The English government must provide proof that the political prisoner is in Belmarsh and must allow teams from the human rights association WJJA to meet with Julian Assange in order to ensure his state of health and his ability to defend himself.

The WJJA is also asking to meet with Belmarsh staff and management to ensure that no one within the prison is subject to governmental or non-governmental pressure or blackmail regarding political prisoner Julian Paul Assange. State officials are also protected by human rights laws. They must be able to express themselves freely, especially since it is their duty to denounce a crime. Torture is a crime.

"The right to health is a fundamental part of our human rights and of our understanding of a life in dignity. The right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, to give it its full name, is not new. Internationally, it was first articulated in the 1946 Constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO), whose preamble defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. The preamble further states that “the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition.”

The 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights also mentioned health as part of the right to an adequate standard of living (art. 25). The right to health was again recognized as a human right in the 1966 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. 

Since then, other international human rights treaties have recognized or referred to the right to health or to elements of it, such as the right to medical care. The right to health is relevant to all States: every State has ratified at least one international human rights treaty recognizing the right to health. Moreover, States have committed themselves to protecting this right through international declarations, domestic legislation and policies, and at international conferences.

In recent years, increasing attention has been paid to the right to the highest attainable standard of health, for instance by human rights treaty- monitoring bodies, by WHO and by the Commission on Human Rights (now replaced by the Human Rights Council), which in 2002 created the mandate of Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. These initiatives have helped clarify the nature of the right to health and how it can be achieved.

The right to health contains freedoms. These freedoms include the right to be free from non-consensual medical treatment, such as medical experiments and research or forced sterilization, and to be free from torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. 

The right to health contains entitlements. These entitlements include: 

  • The right to a system of health protection providing equality of opportunity for everyone to enjoy the highest attainable level of health; 
  • The right to prevention, treatment and control of diseases; 
  • Access to essential medicines; 
  • Maternal, child and reproductive health; 
  • Equal and timely access to basic health services; 
  • The provision of health-related education and information; 
  • Participation of the population in health-related decision- making at the national and community levels. 

The rigth to health (Office of the United Nation High Commissioe for Human Rights- World Health Organisation

The Rigth to Health :

"Article 11.

Every person has the right to the preservation of his health through sanitary and social measures relating to food, clothing, housing and medical care, to the extent permitted by public and community resources."

Right Américan Declaration and the human’s rights and duties.

Article 12

1. The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health.

International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

"The Conference strongly reaffirms that health, which is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, is a fundamental human right and that the attainment of the highest possible level of health is a most important world-wide social goal whose realization requires the action of many other social and economic sectors in addition to the health sector."

Alma-Ata Declaration OMS

Under all these international laws, if Julian Paul Assange were to die in prison, the government and the English justice system would be guilty of a crime.

The law of murder is set out in common law. The legal definition of murder is 'the unlawful killing of a human being in the Queen's peace, with malice aforethought'. 

"The actus reus of murder consists of the unlawful killing of a human being in the Queen's peace. The mens rea of murder is malice aforethought, which has been interpreted by the courts as meaning intention to kill or intention to cause GBH.

A murder conviction carries a mandatory life sentence. The judge passing sentence can not pass a lesser sentence no matter how mitigating the circumstances might be. There exist three partial defences to murder which may reduce the conviction to voluntary manslaughter which carries a maximum sentence of life and thus allows the judge discretion on sentencing. These partial defences are contained in the Homicide Act 1957 and consist of diminished responsibility, provocation and suicide pact."

All unlawful killings are result crimes and thus causation must also be established.

However, we have just demonstrated that the English government and the English judiciary are imprisoning incommunicado and torturing the political prisoner Julian Paul Assange.

Human Rigths Association WJJA have just demonstrated, (see medical reports and UN report Nils Melzer) that the torture practiced by the United Kingdom had destroyed the health of the political prisoner Julian Paul Assange and exposed him to death.

Human Rights Association WJJA has sent several reports to the English government and all the English legal authorities alerting them to the risk of death of the prisoner Julian Paul Assange because of the torture inflicted. One of these reports was addressed to the United Nations.

Situation Report Political Prisoner Julian Paul Assangeéronique/

Human Rigths Association WJJA, seven times, sent requests for the release of the political prisoner Julian Paul Assange, demonstrating that the English government was holding him incommunicado, torturing him and exposing him to certain death.

The United Kingdom is therefore aware that it is violating all the laws of international law by imprisoning, torturing and leaving the prisoner Julian Paul Assange to die incommunicado.

As a result, the government and the English judiciary are aware that they are committing a premeditated crime against the prisoner Julian Paul Assange.

Imprisoning, torturing and letting a man die is a homicide under the 1957 Homicide Act. Those who participated will therefore be held accountable before the English courts.

1957 Homicide act : act

Knowing that the United Kingdom is doing nothing to prevent the death of prisoner Julian Paul Assange by releasing him, compensating him and allowing him to choose his place of residence while he is not guilty of any crime, while he benefits from the presumption of innocence, a legitimate question arises.

Is the United Kingdom doing all it can to ensure that political prisoner Julian Paul Assange dies at Covid?

Keeping a man weakened by torture in prison while a flu epidemic has killed several prisoners in Belmarsh Prison suggests that the United Kingdom is doing all it can to provoke and accelerate the death of prisoner Julian Paul Assange.

This suspicion can only be reinforced by the measures taken with regard to the Covid deceased:

The family has no right to see the body

the family has no right to request an autopsy

the coffin is sealed at the scene of death without outside witnesses to ensure that no crime was committed

the body is immediately cremated.

In addition to violating all fundamental human rights laws, this illegal process allows criminals to act with impunity by prohibiting autopsies.

The United Kingdom has a vested interest in getting rid of political prisoner Julian Assange in the midst of the Covid health crisis. Once Julian Assange is cremated, it can hope to escape justice.

Unfortunately, if the prisoner Julian Paul Assange dies during the Covid crisis and she manages to make his body disappear, all it she will do is sign its crime.

The letters and actions of the human rights association WJJA attest to the incommunicado detention, torture and willingness to let political prisoner Julian Paul Assange die.

Citizens around the world have filed complaints against judges, circulated petitions to demand the release of political prisoner Julian Paul Assange, sent multiple letters to judges, lawyers, MEPs, the UN, the British government, Swedish MPs, Australian MPs, the media.

The crime is known to all. No one will be able to say, I did not know.

If Julian Paul Assange dies, the United Kingdom will bear full responsibility for his death.

And now the whole world is able to know because the documents attesting to it are all open source and have been transmitted many times to institutions and individuals. Sooner or later the time for justice will come.

Citizen complaint against Judge Vanessa Baraitser:éronique/

UN Investigation Requestéronique/

Letter to Belmarsh Prisonère-véronique/

In addition, in France as in all countries where governments have falsified the statistics of the Covid mortality rate, lied about the causes of death and the number of deaths due to containment, passed villainous laws which violate fundamental rights to human beings, put lives in danger, made possible through directives active euthanasia and against their constitution confined populations, citizens organize to file complaints. The growing number of testimonies attest to serious violations of the laws and respect for the human person. The UK may well have to answer crimes other than that of Julian Assange in the coming months.

Prisoner Julian Paul Assange is not guilty of any crime. Freedom of information and expression are fundamental human rights.

Prisoner Julian Paul Assange must be released, driven to a safe house and compensated since 2016 upon the request of a UN commission (Ruling 2016).

Political prisoner Julian Assange is still in possession of his Ecuadorian political asylum and Ecuadorian nationality. Lenin Moreno's decision is illegal. In the eyes of international law, it has no value. The prisoner Julian Paul Assange is therefore protected by the Geneva Conventions and related rights. The United Kingdom should protect him instead of imprisoning him incommunicado and torturing him.

Mr Julian Paul Assange was illegally deprived of his liberty for more than ten years in violation of the proportionality law.

"No one shall be held guilty of any criminal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a criminal offence under national law or international law at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than that which was applicable at the time the criminal offence was committed. If, subsequent to the commission of a criminal offence, the law provides for a lighter penalty, that shall be applicable.

The severity of penalties must not be disproportionate to the criminal offence."

(EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. Principe of legality y proportionality of criminal ofences and penalties. Art. 1 et 3

EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

International Convenent on civil and polical rigths

We kindly ask you to release Mr. Julian Paul Assange under the 2016 ruling and EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. Principe of legality y proportionality of criminal ofences and penalties. Art. 1 et 3.

Medical torture on disposable subjects

The "medical torture" on "disposable subjects" was conceptualized by the chemist Sydney Gottlieb, nicknamed the poisoner of Fort Detrick (USA), creator of germ bombs, and the English psychiatrists Even Cameron (Allan Memorial Institute. Canada) and William Sargant (Saint Thomas Hospital). These three scientists are involved in the MKultra program developed by the CIA. William Sargant, assisted by psychiatrist Jolyon West, wrote the CIA torture manual…

Medical torture consists of destroying the subject's personality by creating chaos in his or her mind using all the coercive means at one’s disposal : confinement, neuroleptics, drugs, humiliation, verbal and physical abuse, rape, and so on...

Julian Assange presents symptoms of medical torture compatible with the practice of psychiatrists Cameron and Sargant.

Since the beginning of the trial, on 24/02/2020, many citizens present in the room have given us their testimonies on the signs of torture presented by Mr Julian Paul Assange and have asked us to act as quickly as possible to save him. Very shocked by the state of health of Mr. Julian Paul Assange, they told us that they were ready to testify about this state of affairs in a court.

During the hearing of 26/02/2020, one of the doctors of WJJA was present in the room. See WJJA médical report number 3 attached. The WJJA doctor found for the third time that Mr. Julian Paul Assange showed signs of a man subjected to ill-treatment and torture, which is illegal in a democratic country : malnutrition, motor slowing down, apathy, loss of eye tracking, physical and mental exhaustion, difficulty walking, difficulty speaking, inability to concentrate, muscular melting, extreme pallor, cadaverous complexion, stereotypical and repetitive gestures, manifestation of fear, in particular with regard to security guards.

Koch's (1986, pp. 124–25) study of “acute isolation syndrome” among detainees in Denmark determined that it occurred after only a few days in isolation and included “problems of concentration, restlessness, failure of memory, sleeping problems and impaired sense of time and ability to follow the rhythm of day and night” and could, if the isolated confinement persisted for “a few weeks” or more, lead to “chronic isolation syndrome,” which includes intensified difficulties with memory and concentration, “inexplicable fatigue,” a “distinct emotional lability” that included “fits of rage,” hallucinations, and the “extremely common” belief among isolated prisoners that “they have gone or are going mad.”

"Virtually every symptom of psychological stress and trauma but one (fainting) was suffered by more than half of the prisoners who were assessed (with many of the symptoms being acknowledged by two-thirds or more of the prisoners and some by nearly everyone). Well over half of the prisoners in the sample reported a constellation of symptoms—headaches, trembling, sweaty palms, and heart palpitations—that are known to be distress related."

"Indeed, the subjective experience of social exclusion can result in what have been called cognitive deconstructive states in which there are emotional numbing, reduced empathy, cognitive inflexibility, lethargy, and an absence of meaningful thought (Twenge et al. 2003). DeWall (2013, p. 302) summarized the serious threat that social exclusion represents to psychological health and well-being by noting that it produces “increased salivary cortisol levels…and blood flow to brain regions associated with physical pain” and “sweeping changes” in attention, memory, thinking, and self-regulation as well as changes in aggression and prosocial behavior."

(Restricting the use solitary confinement. Annual Review of Criminologie. Volume 1,2018. Haney, pp 285-310.

The state of health of Mr. Julian Paul Assange is particularly alarming, he must be immediately released.

Medical Report 3, February 26 2020 (Woolwich Crown Court ):éronique/

Medical Report 2, January 23 2020 (Westminster Court) :éronique/

Medical Report 1, December 19 2019 (Westminster court) :éronique/

Testimony of Véronique Pidancet Barrière of 13/01/2020, president of the human rights association WJJAère-véronique/

Nils Melzer,special rapporteur on torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment report (Mai 31 2019 Belmarsh)

The functioning of torture on disposable subjects

CIA medical tortures were carried out within the framework of the programs MKultra, Mk Search. Many testimonies attest such practices were held in Guantanamo and in secret CIA prisons.

Medical torture uses isolation and confinement in an airtight room, deprivation of food, sleep deprivation. WJJA's doctor found signs of manultrition in Julian Assange (See reports). Deprivation of food is the first sign of torture.

The witnesses as well as the doctors attending the Court hearings, noted that Julian Assange showed signs of severe fatigue consistent with sleep deprivation and gestures indicative of psychotropic or drug use. These are typical symptoms of drug torture.

The British government is apparently doing nothing to save Julian Assange from death by torture. All indications are that Julian Assange has the status of a disposable subject.

Medical torture begins with the gradual isolation of the subject. The torturers place him or her in a dummy environment and cut him or her off from all social contact except from the ones who remain under the control of the torturers or are part of the torture. The aim is to reduce the field of vision and information to inhibit the tortured subject thinking abilities. After a few months of isolation, the outside world no longer exists and becomes hostile for the tortured subject.

The executioner can then make the subject believe that no one will help him, that his friends, family, human rights activists do not care about his survival. Then, he places him in a state of terror by making him believe that great threatening dangers come from unidentified, over-powerful and protean enemies. This prepares the infantilizing stage, the victim being eventually submitted to the executioner, focused on the need to survive.

As far as medical torture is concerned, it seems to have started for Assange as soon as he arrived in England. WJJA Human Rights Association therefore asks the English authorities to please determine an investigation to determine when Julian Assange was placed in a state of dependency on medical torture.

Once the individual is placed in a state of depression - no solution, no way out, inability to evaluate oneself, low self-esteem - all that is left for the executioner to do is to implement mental destructuration.

The executioner begins by reducing the subject's vital space. Thus, Assange moves from Vaughan Smith's mansion to the apartment at 3 Hans Crescent street, then, presumably, to the storage room and finally to the containment cell, in Belmarsh or elsewhere ?

The human rights association WJJA asks the English authorities to open an investigation to determine in which places Julian Assange stayed at 3 Hans Crescent Street, knowing that Mr. Correa recently specified, in an article, that he had lived in the apartment that was supposed to house the Colombian embassy with his children at the time Julian Assange was there.

The human rights association WJJA asks the English authorities to open an investigation into where Julian Assange was incarcerated after his kidnapping by the English police at 3 Hans Crescent Street.

In medical torture, once the victim is totally isolated, the torturer destroys his sensory assets by making his world absurd. He uses orders and counterorders and contradictory informations repeated over and over again. The subject is forced to describe all the events of his life. The torturer is looking for a loophole that he will use as a lever to destroy his victim's brain. This kind of treatment might explain why Julian Assange said publicly, during a hearing in the Westminster Court, that psychoanalysts knew everything about his "inside". Dr Cameron taped his patients' confessions and forced them to listen to them over and over again, sometimes for 23 hours, with headphones attached to their ears.

Is this the reason why, at the april 27 hearing, Julian Assange refused to use the headphones attached to a box that he was asked to use to supposedly hear what was said during the hearing? It is legitimate to ask many questions about this box and its earphones which seemed to emerge from another age especially as on the judge's desk we could see many HF performants earphones. Why was Julian Assange trying to push with one of his fingers the box connected to the earphones that his lawyers wanted him to use, was it to make it fall and break it? 

Through medical torture, when the subject is confined, the executioner makes repeated accusations against him, devalues him, humiliates him, destroys all his time and space related landmarks (light constantly on or complete darkness), shrinks his world and forces him to refocus inwards by taking away all personal effects, forbids him any activity (as in the case of Nosenko or William Buckley), destructs his self-esteem, reduces him to the state of an object. The executioner increases stress by multiplying unpredictable behaviour.

The victim is infantilized and loses control of his life. He lives in a state of constant stress. He has difficulty breathing. His heart is dysfunctional. He adopts self-centred and self-destructive gestures. All the doctors said Julian Assange's heart was in pain. The WJJA human Rights Association's doctor found that he was on the verge of heart failure at the February 26, 2020 hearing. All the witnesses spoke of self-centered gestures about Julian Assange. A lot of this gestures that he inflicted on himself during the hearings, triggered significant pains. At the hearing on February 13, he pinched his cheeks violently.

Julian Assange has all the symptoms of a medically tortured individual. The human rights association WJJA calls on the English authorities to investigate who is medically torturing Julian Assange on English soil.

Imperial College, Tavistok Institute, Family Cult, Medical Torture

"One of the main techniques for breaking the morale of the troops with a 'strategy of terror' is precisely to keep people in a constant state of flux between where they are and where they would like to go. Add to this a frequent alternation of harsh disciplinary measures and promises of good treatment, while spreading contradictory news, and the "cognitive structure" is so disrupted that the individual becomes unable to know whether a particular plan might lead him towards or away from his goal. Under these conditions, even individuals with definite goals and a willingness to take risks will be paralyzed by severe inner conflicts about what to do. " Kurt Levin 

Kurt Levin is, together with Dr Ronald David Laing, one of the thinkers behind the Tavistok institute which initiated the anti-psychiatry movement (Read Kurt Levin at the Tavistock Institute by Jean E. Newman).

The Tavistok Institute and the Imperial College, active in the Covid 19 crisis, are linked in particular with the Macy Foundation, which finances them. The Macy Foundation has taken over the work of one of the founding psychiatrists of the MKultra, Dr. William Sargant of the Saint Thomas Hospital of London. In the book below, it is specified that the Macy Foundation is linked with MIT, and with MKultra.

See Tavistok Institute : Social Engineering the masse (Daniel Estulin) :

The Macy foundation is developing a science around the workings of the mind. The Tavistok Institute and the Imperial College have worked on social engineering and the manipulation of the masses.

"Rees, Trist, and their associates at Tavistock, used various coercive techniques, all applying the same pattern: to induce very strong psychological and physical stress in an individual, and then to relieve that stress. Through repeated alternating stress and relief, the "patient" eventually becomes malleable. The Tavistockians attempted to perfect these coercive techniques by using electroshock therapy, hypnosis, and mind-altering drugs to "reprogram" their victims, or, more vulgarly, brainwash them."

Let us note that Rees from the Tavistok Institute had, as a student, a refugee from Germany who was to have a brilliant career in the United States: Henry Alfred Kissinger.

"Nowadays, the Tavistock is a kind of sophisticated laboratory for the social control of the R.I.I.A., a kind of middle way between a centre for psychiatric studies and a military research centre, which publishes a monthly magazine called "Human Relations" (Ed. Plenum Press). Tavistock's primary objective, in the final analysis, is the search for modalities to bring about "cultural paradigm shifts" in human societies, through the establishment of "disturbed social climates" or the manipulation of "occult group dynamics".

As a study, a series of conferences was held at the Tavistock Institute in 1989 on the theme: "The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in weakening National States(9)", the proceedings of which were published in 1991 in the journal "Human Relations".

The Tavistock Institute has relied on spokespersons such as the Ditchley Foundation since its foundation and on societies of thought such as the Club of Rome and the Bilderberg Circles with which it collaborates closely.

In addition, Tavistock has a US network that includes the Stanford Research Institute, founded in 1946, which consults to multinationals of the calibre of Wells Fargo des Rothschild, Bank of America and Betchel Corporation. He also exerts a decisive influence on the National Association for Education in the United States. The Esalen Institute, a centre for the New Age movement outreach, the Centre for Strategic Studies at Georgetown University in Washington (the C.S.I.S., to which the emblematic figures of Kissinger and Brzezinski belong), the Hudson Institute, which specialises in defence policy and the like, are all part of the same network."

Imperial College and Tavistok are linked to MIT. And Imperial College, (independent since 2007 only) has developed a very close partnership with MIT since 1944.

In the Covid 19 crisis, the application of containment to populations was akin to MKultra-type torture. The 23-hour-a-day confinement imposed on Julian Assange is MKultra-style torture. The resulting psychopatologies are similar.

In addition, there is a link between Julian Assange and Imperial College. This link is John Shipton, the presumed husband of Catherine Ann Barber Shipton who worked with the biochemist James Barber in theImperial College. John Shipton and Catherine Ann Barber have a son : Gabriel Barber Shipton.


John Shipton would have had Julian Assange with Mrs. Christine Hawkins, herself married to Lev Menel Hamilton, son of the guru of the family Cult, Ann Hamilton Byrn. The Family cult is said to have been part of the MKultra program. The kids had multiple identities. They were sexually abused, hungry, addicted to LSD. Julian Assange spent several years in this cult.

Legitimate questions arise. Was Julian Assange tortured in the MKultra manner within the Family Cult? Dr. Sargant of the Saint Thomas Hospital was involved in MK-Ultra methods settings.

The cult guru Ann Hamilton Byrn had properties in England. Around Julian Assange gravitated at least two Hamilton's, his lawyer, John Hamilton Fitzerald and the director Amish Hamilton in connection with the eponymous editions. Is there a connection between these Hamilton and Hamilton Byrne, the guru of the australian family Cult?

On 30 March 2020, through its Executive Director Michael Ryan, WHO considered, under the pretext of COVID-19, isolating certain members of family units. The Queen Elisabeth II also advocated the removal of children from their families in the context of Covid-19. What happens to these children?

Related Queen Elisabeth speech:

From a WHO statement on Coronavirus, and a speech by the Queen to the British people, an overview of the abominable story of children abducted for their own good.

Other times, same morals.

Julian Assange's extradition hearings are like theatre where none of the rules of justice are respected. Teenagers are present and chatting on their mobile phones. Lawyers who are not members of the bar are present. No witnesses are heard. No documents are put on file. The accusation of Americans reported by the Home Office: "He is accused in the United States of America of computer related offences" is fanciful and does not justify extradition. Only criminal offences are extraditable. Julian Assange's hearings resemble the mock world of MKultra.

In light of all these points, we ask the English courts :

  • to kindly open an investigation to ensure that Julian Assange's legal proceedings are in accordance with the law and take place in a place of Justice.
  • We ask the English authorities to ensure that people inside the Court room are entitled to be there.
  • We call on the English justice system to ensure that the identities and connections of the alleged members of the Assange family (no one is called Assange) to Julian Assange are confirmed. This is all the more important as Mr John Shipton is the owner of the domain names "Collateral muder" and "\/url-687474703a2f2f57696b696c65616b732e6f7267" and has been the subject of criminal proceedings in California for disclosure of data. Wikileaks entity of unknown form. Project 04 of the Wau Holland stiftung. The leaders of Project 04 Wikileaks are Andy Muller Maghun and Bernd Fix of the Chaos Computer Club. Should not Andy Muller Maghun, Bernd Fix and John Shipton be in the dock
  • (éronique/)
  • We are asking the English justice system to open an investigation to ensure that the Family Cult has not created ramifications in England and is not involved in child trafficking.
  • We ask the English justice system to ensure the identity of the two children presented by Mrs. Stella Morris as her children and those of Mr. Julian Assange. Mrs Morris has had several identities in the course of her life. It is one of the characteristics of the Family Cult. Mr. Julian Assange must validate himself this paternity. If these children were born in England, they must be registered in the state registers under an identity. Are they registered under the Assange name?
  • We ask the justice system to provide proof of Julian Assange's living condition as soon as possible. He should, according to the rules of fair trial, be physically present to defend himself in person at all hearings. Since April 27, 2020, no one has seen him alive.

Accomplices to the crime

Every man has the right to life under Article 1 of the Human Rigth of 1998 : 1. Everyone’s right to life shall be protected by law. No one shall be deprived of his life intentionally save in the execution of a sentence of a court following his conviction of a crime for which this penalty is provided by law."

No one should be subjected to torture. Torture is a crime : "No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment." (Article 3 of the Human Rigth of 1998)

United Kingdom is aware, every state, every citizen, must do everything possible to protect an individual from an illegal imprisonment and torture.

"1. Each State Party shall take effective legislative, administrative, judicial or other measures to prevent acts of torture in any territory under its jurisdiction. 

2. No exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat of war, internal political instability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a justification of torture. 

3. An order from a superior officer or a public authority may not be invoked as a justification of torture. 

(Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Art.2)

Convention against Torture UN :

"1. Each State Party shall ensure that all acts of torture are offences under its criminal law. The same shall apply to an attempt to commit torture and to an act by any person which constitutes complicity or participation in torture.

2. Each State Party shall make these offences punishable by appropriate penalties which take into account their grave nature."

(Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Art. 4)

"Each State Party shall keep under systematic review interrogation rules, instructions, methods and practices as well as arrangements for the custody and treatment of persons subjected to any form of arrest, detention or imprisonment in any territory under its jurisdiction, with a view to preventing any cases of torture."

(Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Art. 11)

Convention against Torture UN :

If Mr Julian Paul Assange dies in prison, the United Kingdom Government will bear full responsibility for this death in accordance with the laws set out above. Mr Julian Paul Assange's lawyers (Mrs Gareth Peirce, Mr Mark Summers, Mrs Jennifer Robinson, Mr Geoffrey Robertson, Mr Mark Stephens, Mr Liam Walker, Mr Edward Fitzgerald, etc.) would all be complicit in this death since they have not lodged any complaints against these proven acts of torture and requested that an investigation be conducted.

Article 12 

Each State Party shall ensure that its competent authorities proceed to a prompt and impartial investigation, wherever there is reasonable ground to believe that an act of torture has been committed in any territory under its jurisdiction. 

Article 13 

Each State Party shall ensure that any individual who alleges he has been subjected to torture in any territory under its jurisdiction has the right to complain to, and to have his case promptly and impartially examined by, its competent authorities. Steps shall be taken to ensure that the complainant and witnesses are protected against all ill-treatment or intimidation as a consequence of his complaint or any evidence given. 

Article 14 

1. Each State Party shall ensure in its legal system that the victim of an act of torture obtains redress and has an enforceable right to fair and adequate compensation, including the means for as full rehabilitation as possible. In the event of the death of the victim as a result of an act of torture, his dependants shall be entitled to compensation. 

(Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Art. 12, 13 et 14)

Convention against Torture UN :

Torture is a crime for which there is no excuse. Mr. Julian Assange must be released immediately and taken to a place of safety. If Mr Julian Assange were to die in prison, the WJJA would demand that an autopsy be carried out and an investigation opened so that those responsible for his death by torture can be clearly identified.

In view of Mr Assange's particularly alarming state of health, we call on the English courts to put an end to the extradition procedure under Article 25 of the Extradition Act 2003.

This section applies if at any time in the extradition hearing it appears to the judge that the condition in subsection (2) is satisfied.

(2) The condition is that the physical or mental condition of the person in respect of whom the Part 1 warrant is issued is such that it would be unjust or oppressive to extradite him.

(3) The judge must—

(a) order the person’s discharge, or

(b) adjourn the extradition hearing until it appears to him that the condition in subsection (2) is no longer satisfied.

Mr. Assange has an address in France :

Julian Paul Assange


and an address in England :

Julian Assange

Cambridge UK

WJJA human rights association teams will be able to take care of him immediately and set up a health protocol.

A team of doctors is waiting for Mr. Julian Assange in France. Mr. Dupont Morretti has started the process of applying for political asylum. Mr. Julian Assange will be welcomed in a benevolent environment by his French friends to whom he sent an SOS. A WJJA team can also take care of it in England.

An innocent man shouldn't stay in jail. There are no political prisoners in a democracy. No political prisoner can be extradited. Nothing stands in the way of Julian Paul Assange's release.

The United Kingdom can release him and annul the extradition procedure by invoking Article 25 of the Extradition Act 2003. 

Article 25 of the Extradition Act 2003. 

Physical or mental condition

(1)This section applies if at any time in the extradition hearing it appears to the judge that the condition in subsection (2) is satisfied.

(2)The condition is that the physical or mental condition of the person in respect of whom the Part 1 warrant is issued is such that it would be unjust or oppressive to extradite him.

(3)The judge must—

(a)order the person’s discharge, or

(b)adjourn the extradition hearing until it appears to him that the condition in subsection (2) is no longer satisfied.

Nothing stands in the way of Julian Assange's release.

There is no crime of freedom of expression in a democracy. There are no political prisoners in a democracy.

On behalf of WikiJustice Julian Assange

Véronique Pidancet Barrière


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