The sectors and activities linked to events are among the sectors most affected by the new situation in which we find ourselve.
Tourism, event-related sectors and activities, catering, air and sea transport and leisure are among the sectors most affected by the new situation in which we find ourselves. We have at least two years to live with the epidemic. Although with an incipient economic crisis, we will also see some social, cultural and economic trends, prior to COVID-19, that will accelerate.
Derived from the new current situation, we see nine factors that will surely be key to any business and social or cultural activity, although with variations depending on each sector, the particularities of each organization or brand, and the particularities cultural and psychological aspects of each environment and region. In short, these are key factors that need to be examined and seen to be translated on a case-by-case basis.
These key factors would be:
> Physical or social distance between people as a basic measure of prevention.
> The need and sense of security, in this case, hygienic.
> A renewed need to connect with other people, through other avenues and patterns of behavior that are compatible with social distance.
> The constant regulations and legislation that are being and will be given in the coming months, both in terms of accommodation, catering and other areas.
> The state of the epidemic by region. Each region, whether it is a province or a country-wide one, has been observing different situations in the evolution of the epidemic for weeks now.
> The purchasing power of households and the capacity for consumption, within the framework of the current global economic system, will be greatly aggravated.