Self Appreciation - How Do You Feel About You?
How do you feel about yourself?
So many of my clients have a really hard time in giving themselves the appreciation they give others. So often they have been conditioned to look for all their faults instead of ratchet her than as well as their positive attributes. They worry that if they start to think of themselves positively they will be seen as narcissistic or arrogant.
I think it's a real shame that we lose the incredible sense of self that we have as very small children. I have yet to find a baby that worries if their bottom looks big in any outfit or who worries about looking silly or failing when they are trying out something new.
Easy way to tell whether you really appreciate the amazing, unique person you are or not. Take a piece of paper and fold it down the centre top to bottom. On one side write all the things you love and appreciate about yourself. And on the other all the thing you don't like or would change if you could.
Learning to love yourself is so important as every relationship we have with others is a reflection of the relationship we have with others. Searching for approval for others whilst withholding it from yourself simply doesn't work. The momentary relief it offers is unsustained. The one common denominator in your life is you so when you withhold approval and appreciation from yourself it becomes a never ending theme.
Wanting to improve yourself is great so long as it is set within the context of appreciating that you are ENOUGH just as you are.
Giving yourself permission is an important first step. I have watched many people self sabotage as they fail to allow themselves to countenance the idea that they deserve more. Think about your inner voice when you consider if you give yourself permission to appreciate the amazing person you are. Is it your voice? Or is it the voice of a critical parent or teacher saying how stupid you are or how you will never amount to anything? If it is someone else's voice then it's time to recognise their negative opinion was based on their own baggage or a misguided approach to motivating you to be the best you can be.
If the voice which denigrates you is truly yours then it's time to think again. Time to forgive yourself and to fully appreciate the amazing, creative, talented, unique person you are when you are being your genuine and authentic self. It may feel strange at first rather like wearing a pair of brand new shoes but just as new shoes become more comfortable with wear so will your sense of self appreciation feel more comfortable with practice. It may feel alien but the old adage "fake it till you make it" works really well here.
Start by using the list of positive attributes and skills you created at the start of this. Every day add as many things as you can but at least five.
Create a power sentence for yourself
" I am caring creative and powerful woman, I believe in myself and love and appreciate who I am."
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It is worth spending a bit of time on this. Experiment until you find one which works for you but until then adapt mine.
Say the sentence to yourself out loud with real wellie. Repeat the sentence each time placing the emphasis on a different word:
I am a caring, creative and powerful woman. I believe in myself and love and appreciate who I am.
I AM a caring and creative.......
I am A caring and creative .....
I am a CARING and creative......
I am a caring and CREATIVE .......
As you change the emphasis so the meaning and feel will change.
Repeat the process at least three times a day for the next 4 weeks. As you do it will begin to recalibrate the pattern of thinking. It works even better if you do this as you walk or run. Saying the words within the rhythm of the move has an even greater impact. It becomes part of your muscle memory.
Appreciating yourself is the greatest gift you can give yourself. It doesn't mean you are blind to the imperfections and foibles we all have. It offers you the opportunity to enjoy each moment fully. In fact loving unconditionally frees you to choose to be the best version of you that you can be.