She's going to grow up in a world where people are literally competing to teach her s***.
How cool is that?
Never before in human history has there been such a strong push for people to provide VALUE with their content.
In Social Media 1.0 - it was all about me me me me.
🎩 What am I doing?
🏝Where am I jet-skiing?
🍾What fancy dinner did I eat with what champagne?
🛩 What private jet did I pretend to own for a photoshoot?
But now, we're seeing an exciting new trend - the real money is made in providing people with more VALUE in each post than ever before.
Gone are the days of posts referencing other posts, such as "check out my YouTube video!" or "find out more on my blog!"
In fact, let's eliminate "check out" from our collective social post vocabulary!
Instead, we've entered into an era where the posts THEMSELVES must be inherently valuable to build our audience. Every piece of content needs to satisfy the "but what's in it for me?" of our followers.
This means that if you aren't already rethinking your social strategy, it's time to focus less on "me" and more on "them!"
And this girl is going to have more information than she can handle right at her fingertips, thanks to what you'll share.
Crazy stuff.