Stop resisting; Start accepting yourself
Think of a few things in your life and answer truthfully.
How do you feel about your physical self when you look at yourself naked in the mirror?While some of us would be happy and not want to alter a thing, a vast majority will want to change something in their physical appearance. The change can be wanting to be thin, having a toned body, getting rid of that tummy fat or that annoying hair which curls to wanting to get rid of wrinkles that have appeared due to aging.
Personality wise, some are loud mouths, some shy, some friendly, some egoistic etc. Some of us again wish that we were the opposite, for example introverts will say, “I wish I could easily make small talk”. Sometimes people may not agree with others’ feelings of who they are. “I am not egoistic, I am not snobbish.” There is a subtle dissatisfaction running through all these messages.
The dissatisfaction people express about the status of their finances and relationship are even higher. We want to be richer, we want partners who are more supportive, bosses who don’t act like bosses, if we live in country X we always think of country Y and so on.
Why are all the above relevant? Because they all deal with the fundamental truth of accepting things as they are. Acceptance brings in a sense of belonging, lack of strife and ability to just be. Once we accept, we recognize our patterns, our roles and ability to heal. Accepting yourself as you are, in your current avatar, is the first step towards change. Accepting your emotions and their effect on any relationship in your life is perhaps second. Accepting your role in creating the circumstances of your life, be it financial or health is the third.
The question of acceptance starts with us and moving to the orbit of our relationship with others. Stressors and triggers abound in our modern world. We struggle with endless demands of life itself from making ends meet to work to parenting . Children, parents, jobs, hobbies, money, health all contribute to our wellbeing and to our stress. In case of anything going wrong, be it a car accident, an angry altercation with the neighbour, or a robbery, most of us react with emotions. The severity and kind will of course vary. The real beginning of healing is when we accept what has happened. Acceptance also comes with a realization that you may have contributed to what happened. This is the hardest step because most of us love playing the blame game.
There are many ways in which we can move into the journey of acceptance
1. Practice just being in the moment
We all tend to reach for the TV remote, the endless social media scrolling as a way of running from ourselves. Just spend time doing nothing with yourself. Notice the emotions that come up don’t engage, let them come and let them go . Sit with them
In the words of Rumi
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
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meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.
2. Develop self-compassion
We are harder on ourselves than other people. One of the things I found useful is doing this Metta prayer each day by Thich Nhat Hanh.
May I be peaceful, happy, and light in body and spirit.
May I be free from injury. May I live in safety.
May I be free from disturbance, fear, and anxiety.
May I learn to look at myself with the eyes of understanding and of love.
May I be able to recognize and touch the seeds of joy and happiness in myself.
May I learn to identify and see the sources of anger, craving, and delusion in myself.
May I know how to nourish the seeds of joy in myself every day.
May I be able to live fresh, solid and free.
May I be free from attachment and aversion, but not be indifferent.
3. The more in gratitude you are the more life flows around you
We can look at life two ways from the space of Have or have nots. Even if it is difficult to find something to be grateful for today. It can start from the sheer fact that you are alive and living to the food you are eating . Keep a gratitude jar where you decide to put in just one thing each day or a journal where you can write things to be grateful for
4. Forgiveness for yourself first and then others
In our journey in life we forgive others but rarely ourselves. We berate ourselves endlessly. Yes, we are not perfect, we scream, we shout, we get angry, our actions say much but perhaps all that comes from a space of hurt and pain. Forgive yourself for what you did to yourself and others.
5. Stop looking for approval
We look all our lives for approval from others. STOP the more you look outside the less you will feel validated
Hope you found the article useful. Do share and comment. Do contact me for an Art therapy session if you are struggling with Anxiety and Stress, Grief and Relationship issues . I can be reached at Email:; Phone: 9650743338