Telling, nurturing, and building an incredible network!
Telling not Selling!
I have committed myself this month to 'tell not sell'. and to be honest, I may do it for July too!
Apart from the prize draw for Friendly Fridays, I will just relax.
As a small business owner I am not alone in getting 'selling fatigue' from time to time and in May I hit a wall.
When I speak to my clients I tell them that sometimes it is like 'pushing sh*t up a mountain at times' and it is so true. It can seem like hard work.
Then the doubt can set in. Will it work? What am I doing wrong?
Even as a coach. I have to remind myself of the truth or facts rather than believing the BS that creeps in when things seem specifically slow.
I know I am lucky to have lasted 7 years in such a flooded industry and I also know how brilliant I am as a coach. Only yesterday I spoke to other coaches about how it would be wonderful if we could bottle up the transformation that happens with our clients! Then it wouldn't be so hard!
I am at the very top of my game and I am continually pursuing excellence in my field so that I can give the best to my clients. I get results quickly which is incredible HOWEVER it does mean that it is necessary to sell to obtain new clients repeatedly. That in itself often can feel relentless.
That said, it brings me to say Thank you to YOU for being on my list!
So I am excited to have conversations and tell people about what I am doing either face to face through networking over the next couple of months but MORE IMPORTANTLY, I want to find out what YOU are doing and focus on the relationships I am building.
So I would love people to book a connection call with me just to reconnect and get back to being human. You can book a call with me here.
I want to nurture the relationships that are in my world. This includes all the people working with me 121 or in my groups as well as the people connected to me on socials and this list. I have met some incredible people and I want to offer VALUE rather than continually selling. Although it is necessary for me to continue the amazing work I have started!
You are on my list for a reason and I would love to know what I can do to support you in your business. You can always comment below if you want me to share specific tips about where you are currently!
Building my network
Being part of a community is wonderful for me. Building my own community has been even better. Unless we grow our network, we will stay stagnant and never enhance the self-employed experience.
Last year I spent some time looking at what gaps were missing in my business. That meant I could strategically join groups/networks that would support me in my business at the stage I was at.
I have invested in a sales membership with Anna Payne who is currently running a SALES Sprint which is fantastic. You can still join here.
I have also joined Janine Friston's Female Business Network and we are like kindred spirits who are passionate about small business owners and it is such a fabulous community to be part of. You can find out more here.
I have also had personal sessions with several coaches working on myself and my energy. I have been blessed to have had incredible guidance and support from very different modalities that have made a huge difference to me!
I will tell you more soon about the impact of these. Finally ....
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Incredible decision
Thanks to this amazing work (Every coach needs coaches) I have decided to LEAN IN! Lean into my strengths, my passions, and what I am exceptionally good at. I have found time to create, make decisions, and open myself up to change.
That said. You will see my messaging on socials changing to focus on Kaleidoscope. You can find more about it here.
Why Kaleidoscope?
I have met so many people stung by investing in coaches who promise the earth and NEVER deliver.
I have been heartbroken by stories where people in their first 2 years of business have been drawn in and bought things that they were convinced they needed, even before the foundations were laid.
They have paid out for things on credit cards believing it will make all the difference only to be left feeling humiliated, frustrated with a deep sense of shame.
No one should EVER feel this way. Kaleidoscope is about bringing together trusted coaches, mentors, and consultants so that if anyone comes to coaching, they are put in front of the right person for them.
Kaleidoscope is for experienced, qualified and insured practitioners who work ethically in their business to serve their clients with the greatest respect so that they CAN succeed.
I have PURPOSEFULLY put membership to this hub as low as possible £198pa so that I can build an incredible referral hub so that EVERYONE who comes into my world is put in front of people I trust. Just because we can coach everyone, doesn't mean we should!
What do you get?
So if this sounds like something you would love to be part of follow the link below and let's get you in!
If Kaleidoscope isn't for you, why not take a look at my other packages here.
I appreciate you!
Much Love
My Featured Section is 🔥| Stop losing potential customers with Conversion Quizzes | Co-founder @Nomads | A Quiz Funnel Agency
8mo"I am at the very top of my game and I am continually pursuing excellence in my field so that I can give the best to my clients." ^ This ^ was the highlight for me Becky Field
Working with established service businesses to achieve amazing client experiences!
8moLove this Becky Field - gorgeous pic of you! Glad to see you are doing well and some of the connections here are familiar and fantastic people to link with. Hope to get to see you at some point soon! Lots of love xxx