The True Language of Love

I am so thrilled to announce that my dear friend has finally finished a portion of his lifetime work, A BOOK I have heard so much about ever since I came to know this remarkable and very kind individual, Sean Azimov. The book is both HIGHLY SPIRITUAL, SCIENTIFIC, AND VERY PRACTICAL IN NATURE.

I present you now one of the most important books you would ever read in your life. Perhaps, to some of you, the MOST important book of your life...

I remember talking on the phone one day with Sean Azimov, when his voice escalated and he firmly said to me: " Enough with this ( BS), enough of this theory, let's get practical!" See, without a practical application how can your knowledge serve you best? How can you apply your highly sophisticated spiritual knowledge into practice?

I remember asking him :" How do I know what is true and what is twisted? How can I trust my sources and know that they are not lying to me?" Naturally, I was not interested in being fooled.

And he told me: "Take a step forward, Lola. There is no way of knowing until you give it a try and then, you will decide for yourself whether or not this knowledge serves your best interests".

With that said, I leave you now to take a leap of faith, make a first step forward and decide for yourself if this knowledge SHARED IN THIS BOOK could serve your best interest.

P.S. I just bought a copy even though I could easily beg for a free copy of the book from the author himself. I know that he would never say no to me, but I wish to show him my deep appreciation for his mighty mind and tell him that I am dead serious about his work....

Happy reading!

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Hi there! I am Sean Azimov, and by now you are probably wondering what this book has to offer compared to the other books out there on any subject imaginable.
You may also wonder as to what subject is being presented in this work and most importantly…why?
Every day I notice people going about their lives, engaging in every activity possible: walking, driving, shopping, chatting, eating, staring at their phones, working jobs, going to schools to get degrees, looking for that perfect relationship, seeking to increase their incomes, and everything in between—everything that is seen and unseen.
Yet isn’t it interesting to note that all the people you have ever seen, heard, and encountered were people who had their own dreams and desires, perhaps the kinds of dreams they may have had since their early childhoods.
All of us have envisioned how our lives should be or how much better our lives would be if we had those perfect circumstances, conditions, people, and resources, whether those resources are internal or external. But how many of us actually do realize and get to live our dreams—to live a fulfilling life by our own standards and definitions?
I think we both know the answer to that question, don’t we?
What would you do if I told you that you, as a person, have everything you need to make all your desires, wishes, dreams, and goals become a reality? Now, give yourself permission to think about it as you continue reading these pages, because the best part of it all is that it doesn’t really matter whether you believe it or not!
As a matter of fact, I do not want you to believe a word I say, since I want you to really find out for yourself, because the process of self-discovery is the most fulfilling experience a person can have. Whatever that may be, you have come to the right place!
Now…this is the very reason for this book to exist: to change people’s lives forever. And in this process, it will change your life as well, perhaps in ways you cannot even begin to imagine. Fortunately, only you can decide how fast and in which direction your life is going to change.
This isn’t just another book! Since it will take you, and every person to whom this book has come in the form of an experience, on a journey that you and I will take. I am very excited to share this experience with you because it is going to be compelling and interesting to say the least!
And we know that each and every person has a unique life story, with circumstances and events that are so different from one another. And there is a reason that these complex combinations of vast and perhaps rich experiences and feelings have brought you to this very moment of now, and you are here. And you already know that all of us come from different places and life events; some points in time for some of us may have been filled with failure, emotional pain, suffering, confusion, misunderstandings, betrayal, rejection, abandonment, and maybe even violent abuse, physical or emotional.
Even though we may have started out from different places, we can now clearly understand that what’s important is that the destination of this journey is ultimately the same and true for most of us! Would it be true to say that most of us desire to come to a place of happiness, success, true fulfillment, completeness, joy, understanding, and the meaningful life we have always dreamed of?
We know that all of life is about relationships in one form or another—how we relate to circumstances, events, and people. And we have the ability to positively influence everything and everyone around us in the process, including our own selves.
This is because everything that takes place in our lives is ultimately a form of influence, isn’t it? Every thought, intent, feeling, and state of mind generates behaviors and impulses that we act or don’t act upon, co-creating experiences—experiences that further influence us and those around us.
As a matter of fact, we influence ourselves all the time, and we are amazingly good at it. Yet there are positive and negative forms of influence, aren’t there?
And we can begin to better understand more and more of the fact that there is always a “structure” and a “process” to everything that takes place—which is why, before we can truly understand success and happiness, we must understand its opposite, because the process by which both success and happiness are created is always the same.
Yet for as long as these processes and structures are outside of our understanding and awareness, they will always be outside of our control and reach.
This is exactly why I am here, and you will get to find out more and more about it on our journey. And this isn’t the kind of journey that the young hobbit Bilbo was invited to embark upon by Gandalf, since I am into more intense experiences—in addition to slaying dragons. There will be more than a few of them up ahead, and this time, I will be there assisting you along the way.
And while you are opening up to embrace infinite possibilities, I thought I would mention how much of it is going to be fun for us—well, for the most part at least.
Besides, wouldn’t it be great not to waste all those precious resources and valuable time on lesser things that bring us only temporary joy? No more settling for less than what you truly desire or perhaps reliving events that keep you stuck in the same old repetitious experiences.
So often we hope that tomorrow will be different only to find that tomorrow is the repetition of today.
Say yes today so that tomorrow will be a new beginning. Today, we will get to the cause of everything, the very reasons that possibly prevent you from living that perfect life, a life that is just right for you. Just think about how you will feel by attaining your desired outcomes, those that you will set for yourself from here on. All the while, remember that this time it will be different.
And you may wonder why.
Because, by the end of this journey, you will be crowned with the utmost powerful and applicable knowledge, knowledge that so far has been available only to a select few and has been cloaked in highest secrecy. That knowledge now is being made available to you in this work.
This is my way of sharing my passions with you—so you can nourish yours. And to do just that…we will take a leap of faith into the darkest secrets of the human mind and consciousness. We will break down the very foundations, governing processes, and structures of all human behavior—by which every level of success and happiness are attained.
I am presenting this work in a very easy-to-read-and-understand fashion, choosing simplified language where it matters the most, because I am interested in achieving only a set outcome so that you can start applying and using this knowledge naturally, easily, and successfully.
After all, there is something in your life that you want to get rid of and put behind you while you get more of the things that you really want instead. Isn’t there?
And isn’t that the reason why we do what we do? To get more of the things we want in life? If that doesn’t apply to you, then do not read the remainder of this book. If, however, you said yes to the possibilities that await you, then take a moment and really think about them.
And while you are thinking about them, I will gently guide you through this important process. Remember, I am doing this because it is your birthright to live a fulfilling life exactly the way you always envisioned it—because you owe it to yourself, and because you have waited long enough.
It’s time.

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