TT#031 - This is the most important system for growth in your business…
If you've read much of anything I write, you know I'm a systems junkie. I spend more time than is normal thinking about how to systematize:
And more.
Hell, my first ebook was Systematic Growth, but...
This week I share the most important system you can build in your business for sustainable growth and an example of how I built one.
Just click below to to read it in less than 5 min 👇🏼.
2yGreat tips Ray J. Green! I love that you put so much emphasis on health - mental and physical. Without it, nothing is possible long term. I have been hammering that message to my clients for years.
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2yI like the way you use your systems. I am nowhere close to that, provides me with a notion of what is lying ahead of me 🎯
We train Sales Teams + AEs crush quotas with repeatable sales systems | 4X Salesforce Top Influencer | Learn the exact system that help me close $140M+ ARR, get promoted and become #1 in 12 different roles [👇🏼FEATURED]
2yRay J. Green I love this because what gets measured gets improved! This is a powerful way to reflect daily on what truly matters!
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2yThe tips that you share in the newsletter are great Ray! They’re also similar tips I share with people that aren’t entrepreneurs but are looking for their next dream job. The things you list are often the most overlooked but lead to long term consistency and outsized results.
Especially important for solopreneurs: You can't take care of clients, your team, and everyone else if you don't take care of yourself.