Ultimately its people that make ESG strategies successful.
People play a crucial role in driving ESG change. Consumers, employees, and investors can use their purchasing power, labour, and investments to demand that companies prioritise environmental and social responsibility, and good governance practices.
Although organisations respond to these demands by incorporating ESG principles into their operations, which can lead to positive change, it is not without employee engagement, interaction and “project” heroes and sponsors and successes are realised.
... it is not without employee engagement, interaction and “project” heroes and sponsors and successes are realised.
Additionally, governments and regulators can also play a role by setting standards and regulations that encourage companies to prioritize ESG issues.
Ultimately, the success of ESG change depends on the collective actions of individuals, companies, governments, and other stakeholders working together to create a sustainable and ethical future.
Its about “selling” the value of doing or conversely highlighting the potential losses of not doing it for an organisation to endorse change so as to enable or support those employees to help drive those ESG initiatives.
From there it is incremental change management in order to grow momentum, embed ESG into culture and importantly enable evolution of the plan, targets and outcomes.
As always I welcome any feedback. Let's start (or continue) the conversation. I can also point you towards a few ESG based webinar recordings I have organised over the last 2+years ...
... and finally if you would like to join one of my roundtables or webinars... or just have a topic / angle you would like explored more! Then please let me know.
You might even be interested in one of my ESG PLANATHONS??? .... https://bit.ly/2023_esg-planathonANZ