The Value of Family Values in Women vs. Ladies: Observations of a CSO Rep at IMF/WB Spring Mtgs – Part 24

The Value of Family Values in Women vs. Ladies: Observations of a CSO Rep at IMF/WB Spring Mtgs – Part 24

As seen in my last blog UN FAWCO Smokes-screens on VAW/DV, CEDAW & Human Rights– Part 23, I certainly agree that Expat Wives Clubs can have a very strong influence in advancing VAW/DV issues internationally, and at the UN—if nothing more than, because it is in our nature, see my blog Men, Women, and Sex Ed for the Feminist – Part 13. However, I find it irresponsible of FAWCO members to attend UN meetings as simple spectators, regurgitating politically correct rhetoric, all the while knowing, or should know, their information and facts are totally false. It is reprehensible that there are almost 20 million children globally that have been condemned to a childhood filled with horrific physical and sexual abuse, with their mother’s put in the position of Sophie’s Choice by misogynistic courts; and with courts fleecing and misappropriating all and any assets and property of any mother who protests. (I am not exaggerating the gravity of the situation, please see the case of Erin Eddy in Arlington, VA, my case in Spain, the case of Jannah Sims in Switzerland, the case of Beth Schlesinger in Austria; and the horrific case of Jimmy Ryan in Japan, a child who literally lay at deaths door, with the American Consulate and Ambassador Caroline Kennedy criminally negligent in their failure to act, and their failure to protect—with the American press turning a blind-eye to the plight of this child.)

I implore journalist from Al Jazeera or RT, or other such media outlets to cover these stories. This is the 21st century Holocaust—with numbers in the tens of millions and rising. And, the American press is covering it all up. See my blog Ostriches May Hide their Heads, But Toads Profit from It All.    

Expat Wives Clubs are a perfect vehicle through which global challenges, particularly concerning women and children, can be raised and advanced in the UN. However, in order to do that participants, particularly if they enjoy “Special Consultative” status, must first inform themselves as to women’s issues around the world. The majority of the information and blogs on FAWCO UN’s website is a synopsis of the politically correct rhetoric on all the other NGOs websites around the world—with everyone posting the same statistics and facts. I fail to see what positive, or additional input FAWCO is bringing to the process in regurgitating misinformation, while covering-up the real and underlying issues of women globally, particularly in relation to violence against women and children. The antiquated attitude of FAWCO board members, that domestic violence is only a “poor” person/country problem is disastrous for American victims abroad—putting many lives in danger, and bad enough. However, to represent FAWCO at the UN with Special Consultative status with ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council of the United Nations), while occulting facts and information about the facts “on the ground,” and the reality of not only American women and children living abroad, but the plight of American women and children in the USA, is another matter entirely. The picture, perfect construct and fairytale fantasies that are posted on FAWCO’s website and blogs is highly irresponsible and highly unprofessional—reminding people that the lives of hundreds and millions of women and children are at stake, while people in the UN (and IMF and WB) are partying, and collecting paychecks-n-pensions on that suffering.

Much of the failure of economist, policy-makers, and experts in the UN (IMF, WB, etc.) to completely understand all of the issues, is due to their alpha-linear thinking, which is failing to grasp how and why, things and people, are related. And, while it is the responsibility of the NGOs to “debunk” the false reality of these alpha-linear thinkers, the NGOs are either guilty of the same alpha-linear thinking, or are playing ostrich in order to keep their six-figure salaries.

As I said, I agree that Expat Wives Clubs can, and should, have a very influential role in shaping policy at the UN (as well as the IMF, World Bank, IADB, IFC, etc.). I myself have filed two complaints with the UN. Please see my two complaints, UN Com Status Women 2012, Submission to UN Women, as well as my report FfD: A Midsummer Night’s Dream. These are the types of reports that FAWCO and AODVCC need to be submitting to the UN, rather than being used as a propaganda machine of the American government, and their corporate interests, in propagating mis-information and even lies.

FAWCO reps such as My-Linh Kunst, Stacy Dry Lara, Pam Perraud, Erica Higbie, Jane McCall Politi, Vali Mitsakis, Paula Daeppen, Anne Riz, Laurie Richardson, Grace Christovasilis (FAWCO UN Team), who are utilizing FAWCO, and FAWCO resources to promote the false warmongering propaganda of the American government with its fairytale construct of women in the West, and villainization of Muslims as oppressive to their women—is NOT, and I repeat NOT combating VAW/DV. Instead that dialogue and rhetoric is one of the INSTRUMENTS in promoting VAW/DV around the world, and has been for decades, because of the Nancy Reagan socialite wannabees of the world—see FfD: A Midsummer Night’s Dream). While I am extremely impressed with the initiative, programs, and conferences, etc. of FAWCO, I am terribly concerned, because not only does FAWCO represent less than 1% of Americans abroad (for whom they falsely contend they are providing a “Voice” (a Voice to whom, is my question), they are also propagating mis-information and false rhetoric in their blogs and reports. Family courts around the world are grossly violating the rights of women and children, are totally illegal, and FAWCO is extremely remise in its duty to denounce the situation—reminding them that almost 70% of women involved in international child abduction (and subsequently incarcerated) are fleeing domestic violence and the failure of the host country to protect—referring you to my letter to the Americans Abroad Caucus and Caroline Maloney, who is turning a blind-eye to the situation as well as explored in my blog Carolyn Maloney, Americans Abroad Caucus, More Smoke-screens for Expansionism & Corporate Greed)

The inertia of these women is the reason behind the Stalled Revolution! As Laura Nadar points out in the video below, when the rule of law is illegal, it is illegal! And, the international community MUST take action! Anyone who does not are no different from Nazi sympathizers during WWII—emphasizing again that at present an estimated 20 million children are being sexually and physically abuse, with family courts sanctioning these atrocities and human rights violations.   

Unfortunately, the American Expats Wives Clubs, FAWCO and FAUSA, are not alone in “dropping the ball” and remise in their duty to speak out. All the Expat Wives Clubs that have popped-up since the ‘80s have a duty to speak-out, and denounce the actions of their Consulates and governments. Governments have a clear legal obligation, citing Gonzales (Lenahan) vs. USA, 2011 and Gonzalez Carreno vs. Spain, 2014 to protect their women and children (regardless of where they reside). Their failure to do so is rendering them guilty of human rights violations and crimes against humanity. And, anyone covering-up those violations are complicit and criminally liable for damages done to victims by their inaction. Please see my Family Courts in Crisis report “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” and “Domestic Violence & the Hague Convention on Intl. Child Abductions” as well as my correspondence to Under Secretary at the State Department, Patrick Kennedy, Secretary of State, John Kerry, the White House, and Congress, regarding the issues, as well as specific instructions as to action needed. But, no one reads their correspondence—they are too busy attending “important” meetings and conferences, and collecting paychecks-n-pensions to notice or care. 

For almost 30 years I have been involved in a wide variety of Expat Wives Clubs, and while many offer necessary products and services, they have a notorious reputation of being nothing more than a bunch of “snotty social-climbing back-stabbers, to be avoided at all cost.” Unfortunately, that is all too often the case; and why they attract less than 1% of expat populations, noting that FAWCO, with probably the highest membership rate of the nationally-based organizations attracts only 0.14% of American expats. Much of this is due to the antiquated, management-styles of the boards, as well as failure to produce products and services which effectively fill the needs of in their 21st century constituencies.

So in light of what is the beginning of a trend within the Expat Wives Clubs to be used to support oppressive regimes and governments, both oppressive of women and children, as well as populations in general, today’s Ostrich-n-Toad-n-Bellowing-Cow Award goes to Anne-Beatrix Keller Semadeni as former Chair of the IMF Family Association (IMFFA) and present Director of Development of Knowledge Ecology International (KEI).  

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