Volkswagen will become climate neutral

Volkswagen will become climate neutral

As the head of the Volkswagen Group, a company that operates in more than 150 countries, I realize one thing in particular:

Our global business entails global responsibility.

Therefore, we at Volkswagen support the politically endorsed Paris climate protection targets – and act accordingly.

We are making our contribution by conducting a large-scale electro-offensive. By 2028, our Group portfolio will feature nearly 70 new e-models. By 2023, we will have invested more than €30 billion to expand electromobility. We will reach a turning point with the introduction of the ID. – our first electric car from a new generation that will offer ranges suitable for everyday use at prices comparable to that of diesel cars. The ID., which will be produced in Zwickau starting at the end of 2019, will be delivered to our customers as a CO2-neutral vehicle.

We are making our contribution by decisively adopting new approaches throughout the entire company. Our goal:

ensuring the Volkswagen Group is a climate-neutral company by 2050 at the very latest!

To achieve this, we have set milestones throughout all the departments. In production, for instance, we intend to cut CO2 emissions in half by 2025 compared with levels in 2010. We are also preparing the introduction of an internal CO2 tax, also referred to as carbon pricing. It will be charged for example for using power, generating heat or traveling by plane and is intended to create significant incentives to avoid CO2 production in all of the Group's departments.

We are making our contribution by becoming an electricity provider. For many people, the lack of charging stations is one of the great hurdles preventing them from switching to e-cars. That is why we are making sure our customers are able to “fill up the tank” regardless of their location – at home, while shopping or perhaps even during a visit to a Volkswagen dealer. In addition, we recently established a subsidiary called “Elli” that sells green power.

We are about to make a paradigm shift in our system, which will entail focusing all forces on one goal. This is the only way that we will succeed in setting up the necessary infrastructure, for example. To achieve this, we need reliability – also from politicians. Volkswagen is investing billions in its efforts to point the entire company in the direction of climate-friendly mobility. Pursuing this path is not without risk and can only succeed if the defined climate goals remain in place. Volkswagen is working with all its might on ensuring the transition to e-mobility is a success. We owe it to future generations.

Sebastian Resch

Industrial Strategy Director


Internal co2 tax is exactly what is needed to transform a Top-down driven roadmap to implementation on working level.

Ken Boulange

Medical Image Processing


Don't let Herb's "feel good" PR fool you. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS! Not only does VW lie about their emissions and mileage they cyber attacked my website. VW dumped one of their defective cars on my wife and I (Fixing them is too costly -- Drowning out the voices of their ripped off customers with prolific slick marketing campaigns like “We Care” or the “People First Warranty” is much cheaper then actually fixing them). They don't care, people are last. I put up pictures of their defective car and VW cyber attacked them trying to keep you from seeing them! Below is the IP log of VW's attack. Bottom - Whois information. Can you risk buying a car from VW? If VW fixes all their defective cars they'll be no bonus for Herb an his fellow executives. FYI: I turned this information over the Homeland Security. They did nothing! The German government has to much pull. Think North Korea and Sony Films --two peas in a pod. Had you attacked their website, I guarantee you, Herb would have had you arrested. P.S. Don't believe the data above? Ask VW IT directly if these records are real.

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Miguel Angel Perez Hernandez

Gerente en Toropasion Espectaculos


Herbert Diess Gunnar Kilian Laura Ros Verhoeven José Miguel Aparicio Dear gentlemen of the Volkswagen group, it seems incredible to me how a multinational brand like yours is capable of dealing with such a serious incident  as the one suffered by my family in an Audi Q7. Have you stopped for a second and  think if it would have  been your own family? How is it possible that almost 5 months after sending your experts, i hadn´t been  given  an official response ,only emails where you imply that there was no fail in the car? Can you really believe that  a high-end Q7 burns  in just 4 minutes, without having a failure? Can you really make us believe that? Haven´t you seen the video yet ? How is it possible that the experts I hired who are experts in fires, habitual collaborators of the Spanish Traffic Police and professionally recognized, only took 6 days to deliver a report detailing undoubtedly how and where the fire started,which piece failed and that this piece has no replacement protocol or revision by Audi or the original manufacturer?Why isn´t this piece  classified as fire risky? When is  Volkswagen group going to  recognize their responsibilities in a fire that almost cost my family´s life, including 3 children? ... Gentlemen of the Volkswagen group ... I really ask you to be in my shoes and think  what if it had been your family? How would you feel? ...I guess the same way I am feeling right now. Here I am leaving the video in case you haven´t seen it .

Miguel Angel Perez Hernandez

Gerente en Toropasion Espectaculos


Dear gentlemen of the Volkswagen group, it seems incredible to me how a multinational brand like yours is capable of dealing with such a serious incident  as the one suffered by my family in an Audi Q7. Have you stopped for a second and  think if it would have  been your own family? How is it possible that almost 5 months after sending your experts, i hadn´t been  given  an official response ,only emails where you imply that there was no fail in the car? Can you really believe that  a high-end Q7 burns  in just 4 minutes, without having a failure? Can you really make us believe that? Haven´t you seen the video yet ? How is it possible that the experts I hired who are experts in fires, habitual collaborators of the Spanish Traffic Police and professionally recognized, only took 6 days to deliver a report detailing undoubtedly how and where the fire started,which piece failed and that this piece has no replacement protocol or revision by Audi or the original manufacturer?Why isn´t this piece  classified as fire risky? When is  Volkswagen group going to  recognize their responsibilities in a fire that almost cost my family´s life, including 3 children? ... Gentlemen of the Volkswagen group ... I really ask you to be in my shoes and think  what if it had been your family? How would you feel? guess the same way I am feeling right now. Here I am leaving the video in case you haven´t seen it .


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