Plastic pellets can turn yellow due to various reasons, including:
- Oxidation: When plastic pellets come into contact with air and high temperatures, they can undergo oxidation, leading to the formation of oxidative reactions and by-products with a yellow hue.
- High Temperatures: Exposure to high temperatures can accelerate chemical reactions, causing the decomposition or molecular structure changes of the plastic, and altering the color of the plastic pellets.
- UV Light: Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light can induce degradation reactions and cause discoloration of plastic pellets, resulting in a yellow or brown tint.
- Quality of Raw Materials: The cleanliness and quality of the original plastic raw materials can also affect the color of the plastic pellets. Poor-quality materials or materials containing impurities can lead to inconsistent colors or yellowing.
- Manufacturing Process: Factors in the manufacturing process such as temperature, pressure, time, and catalysts can influence the color of the plastic pellets.
- The material stayed in the warehouse for too long time and the additive of antioxidants went out and the Polymer started to become Yellow.
To prevent plastic pellets from turning yellow, appropriate preservation and treatment measures need to be implemented, including storage under suitable temperature and light conditions, the use of antioxidants and UV stabilizers, quality control of raw materials and production processes, and maintenance of manufacturing equipment. That is why the polymer producers in ME always add additives of antioxidants in their polymer raw material because there weather hot and a lot of sunny times.