What is the concept of been happy?
I had lots of conversation about happiness with my wife the past seven years. I never really understood the matter, and I never took the time to think about it.
If you google "been happy" you will find lots of text about the subject, and everyone has their opinion about it. Some talk about the chemical and others about a long journey or the achievement.
It has never resonated with me because I don't believe in the concept of the pursuit of happiness.
Now that I'm trying to put my life in perceptive of what it is important, I don't have a choice to think about it because when I asked: What brings value to your life? And the answers pointed in the direction of feeling emotions. I have to find a way to get the most pleasant emotion as possible. I already know that it will be a mix of interaction with objects, activities and human relationship. But how we get there?
Bear with me a moment.
Everything we feel in our life has to be processed by our brain, and we get an output dictated by our past life. Don't forget that the brain is constituted of an electrical mesh. The good news is that the process is modifiable and the output change also. It as changes my perception when my psychologist has explained to me that the output we get as an emotion works like a reflex and you can rewrite it.
The example he gave me was the fact that when you start driving, you look everywhere, have to think about everything you see: signs, people, time it will take to stop the car, etc. Then, time pass by and you don't think about it anymore. It has been processing in the subconscious from now. So to change it you have to rewrite the process. It is not easy but very accessible if you want too. Juste learns again. Be aware of what you want to change and train again.
When you understand this, you can change who you are and become however you want to be. Who you are it is not dictated by some obscure position of the star and the month, day and time you are born.
Now that you know we can change, how we get that happiness?
I think that the secret is from looking how kids are acting. They don't know anything, so every day it is an adventure where they want to explore the surrounding. They are interested every time there is something new. They want to touch it, feel it. I think this is why when you say NO to a kid, the first thing they will do when you turn your back it is to do it. They have to experiment it. They are proud of their discovery too. They want to share it with you because they have discovered a treasure or have made one.
I think that the recipe for happiness is very simple in its way:
- Explore
- Amaze
- Experiment
- Share
- Repeat
I know that I could elaborate more, but I don't do it because I believe that to have an effect on you, you have to do some work, research and appropriate your discovery to yourself to start something.
My conclusion is that:
Every day, explore new thing. Be amazed by your findings. Do experiments with your discoveries. Share with others. If it is bringing greats values for yourself or others repeat it and share it. Repeat the process, again and again, every day.
It will rewrite your brain, and you will be happy all the time because it will be your new reflex. We all have to do stuff that it is no fun. Try to find a good thing in it and concentrate on it so that the output will be a good feeling.
I will tell how it going in a few weeks. (You can share in the comment if you feel like it.)
Article I wrote in this process: