Why so serious? Let‘s bring more Fun into Leadership

Why so serious? Let‘s bring more Fun into Leadership

What is going on with the world?

When have we decided to have leaders with straight faces, never laughing into their belly’s, role-modeling life super serious, exhausting and either boring or scary as hell? 

When have we decided to judge their humanness, expecting them to be somehow unhumanly perfect, having them being ridiculed when they express something totally human?  

This has to change!

How are we supposed to have satisfied and joyful people (as the majority of the planet are Human Design Generators & Manifesting Generators whose signature is Satisfaction) when most people in leading positions all have a stick in their butt being frustrated themselves, not letting themselves truly *feel*, actually having no idea how to EMBODY authentic leadership with love, compassion & fun? Like real realness, human, emotionality and fun?

Right, we don’t. We have a world full of so many frustrated Sacrals who have no idea how to have fun in their every day doing because they don’t even know what it is that brings them *true heartfelt* joy to create more positive life force energy, depleting not only themselves but also the non-sacral world because the world has no time to let people umwind and sit with themselves so they could actually get rid of all their BS conditioning to truly find themselves. AND people are also not taking the time… are not buying themselves the time back (sad enough that one has to *buy* time), prioritising themselves.

This week the Sun is transiting Gate 56 and activating Gene Key 56 which in its highest expression is making you totally intoxicated - divinely drunk on life & love. 

And we all need wayyy more of this divine drunkenness! Laughing deeeep into our bellys, crying of laughter, smiling so hard that we finally get these beautiful smile wrinkles around our eyes and have them sparkle like crazy, LOVING life, seeing that love in each others eyes, hearing it in each others laughs…

And if anybody comes to me with… but how can you laugh and have fun if there is so much suffering in the world… I tell you why - because it doesn’t serve anybody, if you engage in the suffering. There is a difference between having compassion and doing what you can and engaging in suffering because you don’t want others to feel bad because you feel good - can you see the error in that?! How should anybody feel better and get out of suffering, if nobody starts? You are allowed to start!

If you are in any way aware, it is actually your responsibility to lift up the consciousness of the planet and have as much fun and joy as you possibly can.

Imagine a world with leaders expressing *this*… if that‘s the role model people would let themselves be inspired by - what might happen to the collective?

Just imagine.

Just dream.

Because I am dreaming AND I am role-modeling just this. And through this I can see my surroundings changing because I‘m not complying to the seriousness. I‘m not tending to the idea that leaders - or anybody else - need to put on a face and pretend to be anything but themselves, numb feelings and have to control life.

The leaders I let myself be inspired by (not look up to - as I believe we all need to become our own leaders finally, tend back to our own inner authority!) are nothing else but themselves. They love life, they enjoy themselves, they FEEL deeply, they are kind, open minded & accepting, they are courageous to lead from the heart und yes, have SO. MUCH. FUN!

What are we doing here, if we are not having fun? If we are not making art, talk about love and sex, making taboo-topics non-taboo as secrets are the greatest drama providers in the world… hiding stuff out of shame to create more shame and tend to the shadow consciousness?! Ya, awesome. Not.

Like seriously stop for one second and think about it… why are we doing this thing called life? What‘s the reason? And yes, we might have a special purpose each ourselves and there might be many reasons why we are doing what we are doing here but having as much fun as possible along the way is definitely one of them…

AND by having much fun I don’t mean numbing emotions… I mean feeling as deeply as possible, ALL of it… allowing it all… and then coming back to love and fun.

In your time… yet each time letting yourself *feel* way faster, to come back way faster.



To work with me connect via Whatsapp & check out my catalogue: https://wa.me/c/5219541529033 // +529541529033

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